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Hey man, I got nothing against you. Like I said, you were cool in the 1 thread. But was just saying you were very vocal about asking for early links or bd links or joining a secret society, and you complained about the bot you bought as if bots are 100% guarantee. And I'm trying to tell you (which you seem to have understood by telling the other member), that begging for BD links won't earn you any and that most BD links are useless as they are often changed. Certain BD links aren't even created until the shoe is live. 
Guess not.   There are 2 HOHs, but they don't seem to get a lot of the more hype releases (other than Jordans). 

None get Ultra Boosts, none really get Flyknit Racers besides a few random colors (def no multicolors and they didn't even have the Oreo 2.0's here, but I have seen the Blue lagoons). 

Plus the FB sneaker groups are straight trash as well.  People trying to sell beat up junk for $150+, and get 0 likes and 0 comments on their posts, haha. 
 You could buy from that A Sneakerlife dude on YouTube lol.
Not L's as in what yeezys you got. L's as in how you talk on these forums. It's lacking a lot of common sense. But whatever man, do you. 
i see what u mean, i ask questions. mad questionsl. not everyone follows this thiing day and night. and a lot of times its easier to just ask a questin rather than searching 5 million pages... this thread moves at warp speed. thats why im always asking those questions. and people would rather make snide comments than just answer a quick question..

ex: can someone fill me in on the fact that euro pairs came with a hang tag and asian box tag sizes? answer i got: search the thread etc etc.

couldve just answered it and kept it moving. its stuff like that. i see a question and i asnwer. screw telling them to search it takes 5 seconds to comment.

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Got lucky on the confirmed app (checked hours later under reservations and it popped up) for Melrose store LA. Did not bother with in store raffles since LA stores are so spread out. Good luck to all though.
i dont win raffles unless a store has 500 pairs 
Yeah I know I was telling homeboy how it goes. I asked , but like I said (besides people who know how to do it) who hasn't asked at once. You learn quick if you ask you don't get help lol.

Yeah I said my bot was a PoS but I was mostly letting other members know (because A LOT of people were asking me via PMs about it) so rather than lead them on (like I got lead on when I asked questions about the bot) I decided to tell them the truth about the bot. I just think you read my posts wrong and think i'm speaking sarcastically when I'm not, I just call it like it is. That being said let's drop it, we both have different memories of what happened, and I think you really think I care much more than I actually do. but I have no ill will nor have I ever with anyone here so I hope everyone cooks. 
My bad.  I thought you just mentioned him because he is in Colorado (per his website). 
I did, I figured you would know I was joking by suggesting him in the first place haha.

Yeah that sucks though man, down here in SW Florida it's pretty much the same.
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