I don't care what "history books" or documentaries say. Common sense says that Indigenous Egyptians didn't look like Gerard Butler.
True. But they sure as hell didn't look like Wesley Snipes either. I think they looked a lot like the Egyptian soccer player Mohamed Zidan:

He has a unique look and doesn't look entirely white, black or even Semitic/Arab. And I suppose that in today's modern world, if you put this guy in America without knowing where he's from, he would probably be considered a light skinned black man or something like Puerto Rican.
True. But they sure as hell didn't look like Wesley Snipes either. I think they looked a lot like the Egyptian soccer player Mohamed Zidan:

View media item 960370 View media item 960378

He has a unique look and doesn't look entirely white, black or even Semitic/Arab. And I suppose that in today's modern world, if you put this guy in America without knowing where he's from, he would probably be considered a light skinned black man or something like Puerto Rican.

But you're looking at a modern Egyptian........Different cultures and ethnicity have long mixed with the region in Egypt due to it's location and proximity to the surrounding countries that other ethnicities were indigenous to FROM WHAT I BELIEVE. I haven't gotten too in depth with the research on this particular subject, so I definitely am open to new information and stand to be corrected. The original Egyptians looked more like Wesley Snipes than anything else. And I believe that to be the case with EVERYONE indigenous to Africa while subtle variances on features apply.
But you're looking at a modern Egyptian........Different cultures and ethnicity have long mixed with the region in Egypt due to it's location and proximity to the surrounding countries that other ethnicities were indigenous to FROM WHAT I BELIEVE. I haven't gotten too in depth with the research on this particular subject, so I definitely am open to new information and stand to be corrected. The original Egyptians looked more like Wesley Snipes than anything else. And I believe that to be the case with EVERYONE indigenous to Africa while subtle variances on features apply.

Yes the first people that migrated to Egypt were black but not Wesley snipes black. The reason why some became extremely dark doesn't have to do with the sun but more due to our dietary changes.

The reason why the darkest people on earth are indigenous to the west Africa is the same as to why the most pale humans are in scandinavia. Diet.

Agriculture spread into west africa by 6000 b.c. And the wheat they ate gave them a (at the time) greater exposure to vitamin D. which aided in their darker skin to battle against the sun. But of course the sun had a great effect.

Side note: Many anthropologists believe that agriculture started in west Africa and moved eastward.

Other africans that migrated elsewhere are relatively dark but not usually Wesley dark en masse.

We should discuss light skin sub saharan africans. If ya'll want to. Contrary to what you may believe it wasn't due to white people.
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Zidan is that dude :pimp: but the Egyptian football team is usually :pimp: not now [emoji]128532[/emoji]

But he is correct the original inhabitants of Egypt were black but they were different from most west africans. And skin color was the least of differences. :lol:
It matters because it is the truth of who they were.

If it really didn't matter why do some people try to hide this fact? That's the better question. :D

That still doesn't provide an answer to why it is relevant or significant. What does it change if you find out they looked like Lebron James or Larry bird or Manu ginobli?

You think that's what they are hiding? What skin color a civilization of people were? Let's be serious.

They didn't burn all their books because of their skin color. It's the knowledge they possessed that went against and still goes against this entire system we are a part of.

Simple divide and conquer tactics, works every time. Keeps you distracted from what they have truly hidden, but kept it right in front of your face the entire time.
That still doesn't provide an answer to why it is relevant or significant. What does it change if you find out they looked like Lebron James or Larry bird or Manu ginobli?

You think that's what they are hiding? What skin color a civilization of people were? Let's be serious.

They didn't burn all their books because of their skin color. It's the knowledge they possessed that went against and still goes against this entire system we are a part of.

Simple divide and conquer tactics, works every time. Keeps you distracted from what they have truly hidden, but kept it right in front of your face the entire time.

I agree... to say they burned all the scrolls etc just because of skin color is a vast oversimplification. But race does play a factor.

It matters because Africans have been and are still suffering from white supremacy and colonization. How can the powers that be rationalize colonialism and slavery if the masses know the truth of who and where that knowledge came from?

It's about reclaiming our lost and forgotten history. To discount that belittles the accomplishments the African people have made to society. Do you not think the ancient Egyptians were proud to be "African", just like LeBron James is proud to be a black man thriving in America?
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It's about reclaiming our lost and forgotten history. To discount that belittles the accomplishments the African people have made to society. Do you not think the ancient Egyptians were proud to be "African", just like LeBron James is proud to be a black man thriving in America?
im sure the ancient egyptians were proud to be egyptian... I don't think people repped whole continents back then
I agree... to say they burned all the scrolls etc just because of skin color is a vast oversimplification. But race does play a factor.

It matters because Africans have been and are still suffering from white supremacy and colonization. How can the powers that be rationalize colonialism and slavery if the masses know the truth of who and where that knowledge came from?

It's about reclaiming our lost and forgotten history. To discount that belittles the accomplishments the African people have made to society. Do you not think the ancient Egyptians were proud to be "African", just like LeBron James is proud to be a black man thriving in America?

We're acting as if we know who the real "Egyptians" were. Are you referring to the people who found the pyramids and set up shop or the people who built them? Everything I've seen in this thread has been about the people who found them. The people you refer to as ancient Egyptians. They are only half the story.

Let us remember that most of the knowledge they possessed was knowledge that was passed down to them from lost civilizations. The golden era the "Egyptians" referred to. And those teachings were of people proud to be PEOPLE, not black. Not white. Not even Egyptian. Just people. Humans. It's in the texts. It's in the proof. Just got to dig a little deeper in your research.

The thread has been derailed. my posts are replies in regards to the derailment. I'm stating that no matter your race, or culture, this is OUR history.

You just backed up my divide and conquer claims. We're agreeing in that sense. It doesn't matter to me what race they were. It's the teachings that matter. That's all that should matter. If the government came out today and said "hey guys, Egyptians were black and here's what they taught and believed in", what's going to change? Is lebron going to quit playing basketball? You gonna quit your job? No. Why not? Because they got us by the balls. You're too busy worrying about race and thriving in a flawed system to realize that the whips and chains never left, you just can't see them anymore. Little Brad and Stephanie over there are just as oppressed as Jerome and Evelyn. Don't get what I'm saying twisted. I'm from Oakland, ca. I understand there is a difference between growing up in the hood and growing up the suburbs. But my point is, we are all slaves. It's been that way for thousands and thousands of years. Focusing on what race did what is beyond ignorant. The white "race" didn't do ****. A group of white people did, though.
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

Ben you know I rock with you. And I agree for the most part with everything you said.
However, when you said the ancient Egyptians were happy to be people I think it has to be put in the right context. That's cause there was only one people at the time. So as a people of oneness they existed in a state of communion.

That's going back, when you come forward and you ask who broke this state of communion the ancient people say it was the white man. To back up my claims research what the ancients called the "tamahu" which translates to created white man.

I think the importance of truth is that it's the moral compass that guides us when we are lost. So when people say slavery doesn't matter I tend to disagree because it's part of a broken trail that helps me trace who and where I come from. When I look up, and spiritually I'm in a land completely foreign its usually the truth that guides me back.

I say all that to say this, if there is small faction of people who want to keep the truth from us and derail consciousness with lies, then one can reasonably deduct that the erasing of "black" history has a lot more to do with then just skin color.

Something I've always wondered. While we haven't forgotten the horrors of slavery, our society has become objective in accepting the matter of its occurrence.

Albeit it a possible horror for someone's ego, I think whites struggle to objectively accept that they may be a created people and not part of the original plan. I say that with no racist tone, and just based on my opinion from hours or research.

To reach this universal growing desire for atonement, I think it's necessary for the truth to be put out. The combo of black deflation and white inflation is just as critical as the green inflation/deflation everyone else is obsessed with.
We're acting as if we know who the real "Egyptians" were. Are you referring to the people who found the pyramids and set up shop or the people who built them? Everything I've seen in this thread has been about the people who found them. The people you refer to as ancient Egyptians. They are only half the story.

I am talking about the black African people who built the pyramids. No one is speaking in absolutes, but there is a lot of evidence that gives us some understanding of who these people were. There are a number of papyri, scrolls, writings, art work, clothing, etc for us to determine what type of people they were.There is even some evidence showing huge megalithic structures being built by these African people.

Not only do we know where they came from we know what type of food they ate. One thing the Ancient Egyptians did was leave a lot behind for people to study. There are even traces of their cultural heritage that still be found amongst African tribes today.

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Rhind Papyrus: Proof they understood the high level mathematics
View media item 967869Wall painting showing Egyptains using water to lift huge structures: Tomb of Djehutihotep
View media item 967861Rigging Rope used to lift heavy structures
View media item 967864

Let us remember that most of the knowledge they possessed was knowledge that was passed down to them from lost civilizations. The golden era the "Egyptians" referred to. And those teachings were of people proud to be PEOPLE, not black. Not white. Not even Egyptian. Just people. Humans. It's in the texts. It's in the proof. Just got to dig a little deeper in your research.

The knowledge the Ancient Egyptians had were from earlier African civilizations. According to Cheikh Anta Diop, Egyptian culture come out of Nubia and yes they were black people. Egyptians viewed themselves as black people. The very name of their civilization literally meant the land of the black. Their god Osiris literally meant "Lord of the Perfect Black".
View media item 967841Narmer: Pre Dynastic Egypt (clearly African)
View media item 967874Osiris circa 325 BCE
View media item 967871

The thread has been derailed. my posts are replies in regards to the derailment. I'm stating that no matter your race, or culture, this is OUR history.

You just backed up my divide and conquer claims. We're agreeing in that sense. It doesn't matter to me what race they were. It's the teachings that matter. That's all that should matter. If the government came out today and said "hey guys, Egyptians were black and here's what they taught and believed in", what's going to change? Is lebron going to quit playing basketball? You gonna quit your job? No. Why not? Because they got us by the balls. You're too busy worrying about race and thriving in a flawed system to realize that the whips and chains never left, you just can't see them anymore. Little Brad and Stephanie over there are just as oppressed as Jerome and Evelyn. Don't get what I'm saying twisted. I'm from Oakland, ca. I understand there is a difference between growing up in the hood and growing up the suburbs. But my point is, we are all slaves. It's been that way for thousands and thousands of years. Focusing on what race did what is beyond ignorant. The white "race" didn't do ****. A group of white people did, though.

Of course we are all a apart of the human race, but we are all divided by culture and shared experiences. This is nothing new, I am only highlighting the achievements and history of African peoples. I understand most people in the world are oppressed to some degree, but to discredit the struggle people of African decent through is a but disrespectful.Black people in across the diaspora have been robbed and their culture and way of life Little Brad can actually go on to view where he came from. There is a clear difference and we shouldn't have to hide that we are different. We have to work together despite these differences.
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little brad isnt going to be sucking the roman civilization's **** if his fam is from ireland tho...

that's essentially what we are doing with the egypt circlejerk
little brad isnt going to be sucking the roman civilization's **** if his fam is from ireland tho...

that's essentially what we are doing with the egypt circlejerk

No, but he will learn all about Greek and Roman history in school. The society he lives in will give Roman Greek Civilization a circle jerk for him. :tongue:

Anyone got a copy of the movie Alexander or Gladiator... I feel a circle jerk coming on!! :lol:
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little brad isnt going to be sucking the roman civilization's **** if his fam is from ireland tho...

that's essentially what we are doing with the egypt circlejerk

No, but he will learn all about Greek and Roman history in school. The society he lives in will give Roman Greek Civilization a circle jerk for him. :tongue:

Anyone got a copy of the movie Alexander or Gladiator... I feel a circle jerk coming on!! :lol:

so which is more empowering to little brad...

A. Learning about roman society

B. Learning about the irish plight after entering the US and the progress of the irish community thereafter?
so which is more empowering to little brad...

A. Learning about roman society

B. Learning about the irish plight after entering the US and the progress of the irish community thereafter?

First and foremost, why would Little Brad need to be empowered in a society that caters him. But to answer your question he is empowered by the society he lives in. Learning about the greatness of European society empowers Brad just as much as learning about the Irish plight. The only difference is how he identifies with each situation, he is empowered in both situations.

Why don't you ever pop up in the the thread when I posted about South Africa, Ethipoia, Sudan, etc... Enslaved Africans did not come from these regions. How come you don't make these circle jerk comments then?

This thread is about Africa, of course we are going to talk about Egypt.
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spottieottie305 spottieottie305 everything you posted is truth. I recognize that, I've already understood that. We agree on that if you read what I was saying. Why would anyone be surprised that people in Africa were African.

We're still just not referring to the same time period. I'm referring to lost civilizations much older than the Egypt that Thoth, Osiris, Ra, Imohtep etc roamed. I'm speaking of a time much older than the advanced civilizations of Nubia, Great Zimbabwe, Ethiopia. There's a time that's been lost in our history. A time being kept from us. A time where this knowledge was world wide. Where this planet was one global civilization.

That's something that those "colors" (I think that's what they were called) movies don't discuss.

The original intelligence behind it may have started with a black skinned person. And yes, ALL of this information is what schools should be teaching. But not unless it's taught by someone who can relay the message the right way. Because it usually sounds to me, since this info is being relayed to a specific skin color, that you'll just end up getting the same **** we had today, just with reversed roles. And to me, that's still completely missing the point.

And the funny part about this discussion and the slavery discussion is that with or without white folks getting involved in the slave trade, it was happening in all of those cultures already wigh it's own people. As long as you have certain humans thinking they are royalty or divine, you'll always have the ones they deem as less than being the slaves. You think people volunteered to build all that ****? Let's not let us act like because they knew geometry and biology that these fools weren't out of their minds.
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Hey brah you don't what little Brad had to go through

P4L to read through.

A couple weeks ago I suddenly felt an urge to learn more about my roots. Picked up a couple books, light material & the first speaks to a proper education for the African American child. "Know Thy Self" is the title. Gonna read The Mis-Education of the Negro next.
ben roethlisberger ben roethlisberger

What "lost" civilizations and time period are you referring to? Please provide some evidence to the claims you are making.

You can't even compare "slavery" in the ancient world to what European/Arab colonizers did to enslaved/kidnapped African peoples.

And the whole slaves building the pyramids has been debunked numerous times. Builders were revered in the ancient world. That's like calling engineers and scientists of today "slaves." Archeologist have found small cities in and around these sites and the evidence says they lived good lives.

Contrary to popular belief, it is no longer thought that the pyramids of Giza were built by slaves. Archeological evidence shows that the worker’s town comprised of whole families, not just men as would have been the case if they were slaves. Further, the people were extremely well taken care of including the highest quality health care available at the time and they were also extremely well fed. These and other such hints from the past, relatively recently discovered, seem to indicate that the laborers were there of their own volition.

Lastly, you are acting as if black people learning the truth make us feel entitled or "royal." Why does black people having some power automatically equal white oppression?
Queen Njinga Mbande
View media item 974046View media item 974045
A very good military leader who waged war against the savage slave-hunting Europeans. This war lasted for more than thirty years. Nzingha was of Angoloan descent and is known as a symbol of inspiration for people everywhere. Queen Nzingha is also known by some as Jinga by others as Ginga. She was a member of the ethnic Jagas a militant group that formed a human shield against the Portuguese slave traders. As a visionary political leader, competent, and self sacrificing she was completely devoted to the resistance movement. She formed alliances with other foreign powers pitting them against one another to free Angola of European influence. She possessed both masculine hardness and feminine charm and used them both depending on the situation. She even used religion as a political tool when it suited her. Her death on December 17, 1663 helped open the door for the massive Portuguese slave trade. Yet her struggle helped awaken others that followed her and forced them to mount offensives against the invaders. These include Madame Tinubu of Nigeria; Nandi, the mother of the great Zulu warrior Chaka; Kaipkire of the Herero people of South West Africa; and the female army that followed the Dahomian King, Behanzin Bowelle.

Warrior Queen Yaa Asantewa of the Ashanti Empire

View media item 974047View media item 974100
Her fight against British colonialists is a story that is woven throughout the history of Ghana. One evening the chiefs held a secret meeting at Kumasi. Yaa Asantewa, the Queen Mother of Ejisu, was at the meeting. The chiefs were discussing how they should make war on the white men and force them to bring back the Asantehene. Yaa Asantewa noticed that some of the chiefs were afraid. Some said that there should be no war. They should rather go to beg the Governor to bring back the Asantehene King Prempeh. Then suddenly Yaa Asantewa stood up and spoke. This was what she said: "Now I have seen that some of you fear to go forward to fight for our king. If it were in the brave days of, the days of Osei Tutu, Okomfo Anokye, and Opolu Ware, chiefs would not sit down to see thief king taken away without firing a shot. No white man could have dared to speak to chief of the Ashanti in the way the Governor spoke to you chiefs this morning. Is it true that the bravery of the Ashanti is no more? I cannot believe it. It cannot be! I must say this, if you the men of Ashanti will not go forward, then we will. We the women will. I shall call upon my fellow women. We will fight the white men. We will fight till the last of us falls in the battlefields." This speech stirred up the men who took an oath to fight the white men until they released the Asantehene. For months the Ashantis led by Yaa Asantewa fought very bravely and kept the white men in the fort. Yet British reinforcements totaling 1,400 soldiers arrived at Kumasi. Yaa Asantewa and other leaders were captured and sent into exile. Yaa Asantewa's war was the last of the major war in Africa led by a women.

Queen Tiye
View media item 974061View media item 974083
THE NUBIAN QUEEN OF KEMET (Ancient Egypt) (1415-1340 B.C.)
Black, beautiful and georgous, Queen Tiye is regarded as one of the most influential Queens ever to rule Kemet. A princess of Nubian birth, she married the Kemetan King Amenhotep III who ruled during the New Kingdom Dynasties around 1391BC. Queen Tiye held the title of "Great Royal Wife" and acted upon it following the end of her husband's reign. It was Tiye who held sway over Kemet during the reign of her three sons Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton), Smenkhare, and the famous child king Tut-ankh-amen. For nearly half of a century, Tiye governed Kemet, regulated her trade, and protected her borders. During this time, she was believed to be the standard of beauty in the ancient world. and Queens/Tiye.html
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