AGAIN? - Baltimore Man Dies From Injuries During Arrest

This dude Obama just condemned 'thugs and criminals' for turning up in Baltimore but didn't have any of that vitriol for these murderous police officers.  Let's face it, he has been a massive letdown for us.   He always has the most stern finger-wagging **** to scold blacks with but he stumbles and fumbles over his words when talking about all these killer cops and the corrupt PDs who enable them. 

**** has gotten worse for us since he came in office and all he can do is sing the 'let the system play itself out' song and dance.  Absolutely spineless, this guy really pulled the wool over our eyes back in 08.   Hint: Whenever they start talking about 'the DOJ is investigating' that means absolutely nothing at all is going to happen.

Brah please stop.

Obama has always about been about non violence, before he was even president, before he was even a politician

Second black folk didn't elect Obama to be are spokesman. Nor did he run to be one.

And dude is even saying that mistreatment of black is wrong and been going on for a while.

You don't like dude's rhetoric, find. But lets act like the just ignores the problem.

Attacking other black person that are on your side because they are not as aggressive as you like, it extremely counter productive

-Obama pretty much repeated every point we be making in other threads about these injustices.
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Because if the cops were beating him up she WOULDNT be slapping the cops like that.. she would be sitting on the sideline... 

Poor comparison IMO...with that scenario the cops moms should be whoopin on their child for acting wrong. I don't know about yall but my mom would get on me for anything out of line however minor or major.

Lot of assumptions and oppression Olympics going on today
Poor comparison IMO...with that scenario the cops moms should be whoopin on their child for acting wrong. I don't know about yall but my mom would get on me for anything out of line however minor or major.

Lot of assumptions and oppression Olympics going on today
she still wouldnt be there to defend him but only now shes famous for  being "queen of the year"
Listen, I believe in nonviolence... but at least I practice it.  Coming from these people, it's pure hypocrisy.  You don't stab someone in the back and then shout "nonviolence!" when they turn around.

If public officials value nonviolence so much, let them apply its principles to law enforcement.  




I disagree with you man. You must have some type of idea on how measured and balanced Obama has been. He has been demonstrating it throughout his entire presidency. Dont pick and choose things to harp on. He acknowledges the things impacting our community each time. You are being dishonest if you cant see that
Look man...what I'm saying is, Obama loves scolding black folks but doesn't have anything to say to the killer cops other than 'do some soul-searching' and other feather-fisted comments.  You can't point to one single incident where he condemned paid public officials (cops) for abusing or murdering black people. 

It's like AEA said, for a lot of people this only became worthy of speaking on once property crimes happened.  When it was just a black person getting murdered by a cop, people in this thread AND Obama didn't have **** to say.  Once buildings started burning, it became finger wagging time.

  You should watch the video in that link to understand where I'm coming from.

I saw the vid man... but you tell me this. How at this moment right now...when those cops haven't even had the balls to tell the family nor the public what happened to Freddie Gray, can the President make those kind of statements about the Police?

We all know something happen that shouldn't have, we all know that the PD messed up, but a person in his position cant make those kind of claims without having all the details after a REAL investigation, thats out of the police hands.

Now could Obama have said something when Freddie first died, sure. But then he would need to say something every cot damn time somebody dies at the hands of "alleged" brutality everywhere. You are asking him to make statements every time police do something foul without having all the facts.

I dont agree with that. He shouldnt have to do that to qualify as being down with blacks and our plight... even if he is.
she still wouldnt be there to defend him but only now shes famous for  being "queen of the year"

It's because she's taking action on her own son, being a parent. That's why I compared it to the moms of the cops in your scenario, the parent of the ones commiting the crime taking action on their own child.
Say you want about Obama but you would think that he would have chose his words more carefully.

The media has pretty much green-lit "thug" as the new alternative for ******. Would NOT have expected him to toss out the "thug" card.

But he is who many thought he was from the I can't be mad.
If president Obama said something negative about the polic, Reps would have a cow...

You know he can't do that.
or a Suspected Baby Maker..(saying susepected because we dont know)
you're trying too hard yo 

a mom is taking action against her son's wrong doing and you're upset about that? give me a break.

Baltimore, a city where parents are practically non-existent, but one comes to discipline her son and you're having an issue with that. 
If president Obama said something negative about the polic, Reps would have a cow...

You know he can't do that.

Forget the GOP

His own party would get on him

Dude is been nothing but chill and willing to compromise, but is painted as a radical.

If Obama really turned up, even the white supremacist white liberals would go at dude.

--But like I said, I didn't vote for dude to be my spokesman. And his rhetoric is pretty much in line with what i expect from dude. The thug card doe :smh:
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This is a tiny bit off topic, but I read a post in here earlier about someone saying that regardless of Freddie Grey's past record or anything, he as a US citizen still has a right to a trial and what not, which this is 100% correct and may cause me to veer a little off topic here....

I recently watched the HBO mini-series "The Jinx" on the Robert Durst story...

Not only did that man murder his neighbor and admit that he dismembered the body, but the court found him not guilty of murder and he got off the hook. He ADMITTED to dismembering the body. A rich white man who clearly has murdered multiple people not only gets a fair trial, but is found not guilty....

Why does a rich white pyschopath have a right to a fair trial, but these police just murder any black man they can becasue they "fear for their lives" :smh: :smh:

:x :x :x

Also, why should Obama give a damn what anyone says? Not like he can run for office again anyway.
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This is a tiny bit off topic, but I read a post in here earlier about someone saying that regardless of Freddie Grey's past record or anything, he as a US citizen still has a right to a trial and what not, which this is 100% correct and may cause me to veer a little off topic here....

I recently watched the HBO mini-series "The Jinx" on the Robert Durst story...

Not only did that man murder his neighbor and admit that he dismembered the body, but the court found him not guilty of murder and he got off the hook. He ADMITTED to dismembering the body. A rich white man who clearly has murdered multiple people not only gets a fair trial, but is found not guilty....

:x :x :x

Complexion for the protection :smh:
My guy IlluminatiNYC, what's going on fam, how's everything?

Question, the quote you posted, do you know the exact date or year MLK made that statement?
Not much..just been busy with moving, and changing jobs. You?

As for the MLK quote, it was from his book from 1968 but also part of his Nobel Peace prize speech in 1964 I believe. Here's the rest of it:

“If [African-Americans] and other victims of oppression succumb to the temptation of using violence in the struggle for freedom, future generations will be the recipients of a desolate night of bitterness, and our chief legacy to them will be an endless reign of meaningless chaos. Violence is not the way.”

“Are we seeking power for power’s sake? Or are we seeking to make the world and our nation better places to live. If we seek the latter, violence can never provide the answer. The ultimate weakness of violence is that it is a descending spiral, begetting the very thing it seeks to destroy. Instead of diminishing evil, it multiplies it. Through violence, you may murder the liar, but you cannot murder the lie, nor establish the truth. Through violence you may murder the hater, but you do not murder hate. In fact, violence merely increases hate. So it goes. Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

“The beauty of nonviolence is that in its own way and in its own time it seeks to break the chain reaction of evil. With a majestic sense of spiritual power, it seeks to elevate truth, beauty and goodness to the throne. Therefore I will continue to follow this method because I think it is the most practically sound and morally excellent way for [African-Americans] to achieve freedom."

I'm good bro, work, work, and did I mention work? :lol:

As far as the quote goes, MLK seemed to be changing his tune a bit when it came to violence/rioting towards the end of his life as you can see in the quote above from 3/14/68. He started to see why people were rioting "these conditions are things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention." That's what we're seeing in Baltimore now, they aren't out here rioting to destroy their communities for the hell of it, they're tired of being unheard, they're tired of being spoon fed the consistent BS, and they're tired of drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid that the government/city officials/police continue to ask them to sip on.

IMO, things would be completely different if they would start ruling in our favor. How many times do we have to watch another officer or official walk with a not guilty verdict? How many more times do we as a whole have to watch our own people get treated like "animals" and "savages" .. Not saying automatically rule guilty but the same amount of time spent covering these "riots/looting" should be spent on those rulings that do go in our favor, broadcast over every network/radio station like they're doing now, show minorities there's hope and that government actually has your back. Why do I have too dig through GOOGLE to find positive rulings in our favor? Why isn't that widely available? If all you're showing is the negative, consistently, how the hell do they expect minorities to be civil when it comes to these type of situations? They aren't giving us anything positive to go off.

Then I got people at work saying "well they did arrest the cop in SC a few months ago" :smh: .. How big of a deal was that to the national media? How much air play did that get? Was it all over social media like these riots are? You expect this information to be widely available to minorities living in 3rd world "communities" and those going to schools that look like abandoned prison asylums? :x

I'm not really expecting you to answer the questions bro, just some thoughts I'm wondering, typing and venting out-loud I guess.
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Originally Posted by Edshoecator  

I'm Mexican, Latino...don't call me Hispanic, cause I didn't come from Spain.
Hey man, you ever notice Mexicans in particular like being called Latino, Mexicano or Chicano, then you got Puerto Ricans and East Coast latins that call themselves Spanish? What's that about? They ain't from Spain.
animals, just animals, destroying the very land they walk and live on, not all of them, but a handful of people who sway the majority into chaos
This is a tiny bit off topic, but I read a post in here earlier about someone saying that regardless of Freddie Grey's past record or anything, he as a US citizen still has a right to a trial and what not, which this is 100% correct and may cause me to veer a little off topic here....

:x :x :x

-Truth, but Durst money longggggggggggg, white rural Texans are kinda loony, but yeah Oprah herself couldn't have beaten that charge. :smh: :lol:


When people head when they try to assassinate someone's character.

I always ask them if they support the death penalty for selling drugs, or selling loose cigarettes, or fitting the profile of a robbery suspect, running from police

They will always freeze up. And answer no

And then point out that punishment these black men got for their "crimes". No trial, no judgement, straight to sentencing. And the police decided it was death

Stops them dead in their tracks and I get the :rolleyes face
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animals, just animals, destroying the very land they walk and live on, not all of them, but a handful of people who sway the majority into chaos

I know right and then you have the people who are rioting and looting as well. Sad situation all around. If only they had a badge and uniform to act like idiots as well.
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I know right and then you have the people who are rioting and looting as well. Sad situation all around. If only they had a badge and uniform to act like idiots as well.
Feel bad for all the small business owners whose lives have been destroyed. 
I'm good bro, work, work, and did I mention work?

As far as the quote goes, MLK seemed to be changing his tune a bit when it came to violence/rioting towards the end of his life as you can see in the quote above from 3/14/68. He started to see why people were rioting "these conditions are things that cause individuals to feel that they have no other alternative than to engage in violent rebellions to get attention." That's what we're seeing in Baltimore now, they aren't out here rioting to destroy their communities for the hell of it, they're tired of being unheard, they're tired of being spoon fed the consistent BS, and they're tired of drinking the Jim Jones Kool-Aid that the government/city officials/police continue to ask them to sip on.

IMO, things would be completely different if they would start ruling in our favor. How many times do we have to watch another officer or official walk with a not guilty verdict? How many more times do we as a whole have to watch our own people get treated like "animals" and "savages" .. Not saying automatically rule guilty but the same amount of time spent covering these "riots/looting" should be spent on those rulings that do go in our favor, broadcast over every network/radio station like they're doing now, show minorities there's hope and that government actually has your back. Why do I have too dig through GOOGLE to find positive rulings in our favor? Why isn't that widely available? If all you're showing is the negative, consistently, how the hell do they expect minorities to be civil when it comes to these type of situations? They aren't giving us anything positive to go off.

Then I got people at work saying "well they did arrest the cop in SC a few months ago"
.. How big of a deal was that to the national media? How much air play did that get? Was it all over social media like these riots are? You expect this information to be widely available to minorities living in 3rd world "communities" and those going to schools that look like abandoned prison asylums?

I'm not really expecting you to answer the questions bro, just some thoughts I'm wondering, typing and venting out-loud I guess.
I think MLK began to understand why people were resorting to violence/rioting but still believe he was an advocate for peaceful protesting.  Likewise, while I understand what you're saying about people reaching their breaking point about not being heard and being treated as less than equal citizens, I think their anger is misdirected.  I just don't understand what destroying one's own community where your neighbors have homes and businesses accomplishes. I saw the following and thought it was a pretty powerful image:

This is a tiny bit off topic, but I read a post in here earlier about someone saying that regardless of Freddie Grey's past record or anything, he as a US citizen still has a right to a trial and what not, which this is 100% correct and may cause me to veer a little off topic here....

I recently watched the HBO mini-series "The Jinx" on the Robert Durst story...

Not only did that man murder his neighbor and admit that he dismembered the body, but the court found him not guilty of murder and he got off the hook. He ADMITTED to dismembering the body. A rich white man who clearly has murdered multiple people not only gets a fair trial, but is found not guilty....

Why does a rich white pyschopath have a right to a fair trial, but these police just murder any black man they can becasue they "fear for their lives"


Also, why should Obama give a damn what anyone says? Not like he can run for office again anyway.
Complexion for the protection..but yeah its possible with those guys..
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