Air Jordan Fusion VIII - Aqua

R.I.P Jordan Brand

It's been a fun run you will be missed.

These are the worst real shoes I've ever seen in my life
These are the worst thing ever made
hmm, I can't decide. this one, the ajf 13 or the ajf14??
what the hell?? all 3 of them are going to my #$%@ list.
Originally Posted by travman24

they cool. fusions get a bad wrap but everyone says copped x3 when it comes to half cents which are basiclly a penny hardaway fusion
those were executed flawlessly...these? not so much.
I can't wait until these come out....................................

because when they do, anyone I see wearing them will get their shoes scuffed the ##%+ up when I stomp on them. I don't care who it is, its going to happen.

I don't care if they make fusions, some of the first ones like the AJF 12 and AJF 5 were at least decent. Now the AJF 13 and the AJF 8 have to be some ofthe worst Jordans ever made, even worse then some Team Jordan.

They are just doing it for the money and I can't blame, but this is a lazy job and terrible way to destroy a great shoe.
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