America no longer world's largest economy

China is also making major moves in Africa. Many are marrying and having children with African women. Solidifying their roots and rights to land. But they too will fall and another one will take over.
when did this start?



Blame Obama


My people are from the Caribbean, and it is happening on our island too. They want to avoid/get around the "our island is for us" roadblocks. They be wifing up the island chicks and having tons of Blasian babies

Some left the island when the government flipped and Taiwan came in. But I'm telling bruh, these fools would touchdown on a Sunday and my Wednesday got a jerk chicken and roti stand popping. Srs

Chinese men can assimilate to a culture at record pace :lol:

Some Chinese officials are soooooooo grimey though. Dem fools tried to pull so much disgusting **** on the island :smh:
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As a liberal, I am critical of my own Country's policies, both foreign and domestic. I am particularly critical of the US when we are contrasted with European countries.

I am thankful for China because it allows me to take a break from criticizing my own country. China is a terrible country, or rather its political elite and its political institutions are terrible. They make the US look progressive in a myriad of ways. China is more unequal, its police are more inhumane, its environmental protection are almost non existent, civil liberties non existent, most workers are treated horrendously, wealth and income are radically unequal. When contrasted with China, the US gets to look like a first world country, for a change.

Within this context, I am all in favor of keeping military spending high. I am unhappy with needless, endless and elective wars. I am tired of our civil liberties being eroded in the name of security. I am weary of the state refusing to be transparent because of imagined or exaggerated threats. However, I like a large military and military power for two liberal reasons.

The military is a jobs program, for soldiers, communities around military bases, for contractors and for those who research and develop arms and armaments. The military has acted as form of fiscal stimulus during economic downturns. The military stands as testament to the efficacy of government and to the ability of Keynesian public spending to mitigate recessions and depressions. I wish that we would be more forceful and remind conservatives of those two important facts whenever they praise the troops, US military power or national security. Conservatives should also be reminded that spending money on education, nutrition, other income supplements and infrastructure all support the military now and in the future.

The other reason why American liberals should include a powerful US military in their vision of a better America is the fact that an ascendent China could one day present an existential threat to our country. It is easy to yearn for pacifism and isolationism after the last twenty years of neoconservative foreign policy. It is even more difficult to argue that the US military can ever be a force for good in the light of the fact that we have used our power to torment and bully and manipulate the Global South for over a Century. However, great armies and fleets, when used for genuinely liberal ends have protected Americans at home and liberated people abroad. The victories in the Civil War, World War II and the Cold War were all good outcomes for America and for humanity, as a whole.

As bad as we are at home and abroad, China must never be allowed to be the World's preeminent global power. We can always find ways to govern ourselves and to use our military but in the grand scheme of things, the US and its allies need to maintain our current and lopsided and favorable balance of power.
I haven't read something so mature in a while. haha  Great read with a dash of political responsibility infused in this piece.  Most governments feel the same.  Preserving power and status has always been the key, and the US is no different.  Rather, the US is still the cleanest dirty shirt, and the super power of the world.  The Euro collapse along w/ the economic black hole in Japan are not good signs in the world.  

All that's been said about China is true, but the biggest challenge in China is the unification of the people.  China is a large land mass, and being able to govern everything presents a challenge, which is why the governing body has resorted to the military as a governing body.  I am not talking about some terrorist group.  I am talking about a lack of control and check in the system, which has lead to a lot of corruption.  This corruption spreads internally and will eat a country from inside and out.  The 'middle kingdom' can no longer close its border from change.  As people grow, so do their philosophies and ideologies.  Especially in today's social-digital world.

As long as the US dollar remains the reserve currency, and we command the air craft carriers and command the best technology, I would say we are 'fine'!!
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