American Sniper

I'm not even going to watch the trailer.

I;m already sold.

150 confirmed kills...
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Thanks for the AWESOME spoiler for those of us not well informed on all the military men...smh

Movie looks really intense, enjoyed sole survivor a lot and I love war movies, Coop and Eastwood no way it can be mediocre, Eastwood low key underrated

Nothing in this thread is spoiler worthy. What's been said has been known.
 son was genuinely upset 
movie was aight.. expected a bit more...

If you are a fan of Enemy at the Gates, you will like this flick
If this film doesn't directly help Chris's family financially it will not rest well with fellow Seal's or military men such as myself. Hell will be raised.
how do you/your fellow SEALs feel about Ventura winning the 1.8 million dollar settlement against his estate/wife?  I think he should have dropped it once the man passed... how can you continue to put his wife through that
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