Andrew W.K is attempting to drum for 24 hours straight in NYC ::: 15 MINUTES TO GO

24 hours straight is possible if he only drums with one hand out someone feeds him and he pees into a tube or something. Hopefully he won't have to do number 2.

The 5 minute breaks take away from the magic.
but then thats not 24hrs straight with the 5 min breaks every hour thats only 22hrs when its all said and done
I'm agreeing with you, but that's just how it's done for safety measures. 

I'm still under the impression that it's impossible to do ANYTHING for 24 hours straight. I would love to proven wrong though. Staying awake doesn't count. 
24 hours straight is possible if he only drums with one hand out someone feeds him and he pees into a tube or something. Hopefully he won't have to do number 2.

The 5 minute breaks take away from the magic.
He actually wanted to do this. He was going to piss/defecate, eat, vomit, etc. all from the drumset. Obviously, they didn't let him.
24 hours straight is possible if he only drums with one hand out someone feeds him and he pees into a tube or something. Hopefully he won't have to do number 2.

The 5 minute breaks take away from the magic.
i mean just drum on top of a portable toilet and have people feed u. i think thats acceptable
24 hours straight is possible if he only drums with one hand out someone feeds him and he pees into a tube or something. Hopefully he won't have to do number 2.

The 5 minute breaks take away from the magic.

He actually wanted to do this. He was going to piss/defecate, eat, vomit, etc. all from the drumset. Obviously, they didn't let him.
maaaaaan they wack for that. im happy that Guinness world record show got cancelled years ago
seeing andrew wk live was one of the best things i've ever witnessed, dude is just fun loving all the time 
24 hours straight is possible if he only drums with one hand out someone feeds him and he pees into a tube or something. Hopefully he won't have to do number 2.

The 5 minute breaks take away from the magic.
i mean just drum on top of a portable toilet and have people feed u. i think thats acceptable
Just letting the poop harden and get crusty in between your cheeks

Eating where you pee/poop
24 hours straight is possible if he only drums with one hand out someone feeds him and he pees into a tube or something. Hopefully he won't have to do number 2.

The 5 minute breaks take away from the magic.
i mean just drum on top of a portable toilet and have people feed u. i think thats acceptable

:x 0] Just letting the poop harden and get crusty in between your cheeks​

:x Eating where you pee/poop​
or had a boday or however u spell it the toilets that wet ur butt after a #2
:lol: Dude was cheesin hard as hell when he finished.. I lol'ed at questlove
This the same guy who used to smash his on face with a brick during concerts?
so whats the point of this marathon if hes going to stop for 5minutes.

Well, those are the Guinness Records Rules. They would get sued out of existence by the amount of people getting hurt trying to do something for 24 hours straight. It can't be done. You need eat, drink, and use the bathroom. You can cause some serious damage to yourself.

I agree it isn't as impressive as 24 hours STRAIGHT but you have to be realistic. 


:lol: at the people who taught it was 24 hours straight straight.
but then thats not 24hrs straight with the 5 min breaks every hour thats only 22hrs when its all said and done

why dont they just let it keep going til its 24hrs then with all those breaks
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