Annoying San Antonio fan tries to rustle Charles Barkley

That was lame as hell.

Charles is also known as being one of the nicest guys/down to earth when fans approach him. Trying to troll that dude is a big L. 
Chuck: " No dude Im just joking. Im on TV *Michael Jackson head whip*
Hey James!. I got some people trying to film me and get in trouble.
Could you come get rid of these SOBs for me?"


Chuck tolerated that BS for about 17 seconds.
"If you can't take a joke, then get the f _ _ _k out my face. "

Chuck still owes my boy 7 bucks for a pair of dress socks from when he was an intern at CBS during March Madness few years ago.
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Chuck lololol 

'If they get too close....I'm a beat them like a drum"

Dude is the best TV personality
you know what made me chuckle......randomly watched True Life last night and there was this love triangle of 3 fat folks.....

they were from san antonio 
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