Anxiety/ Stress Thread- How do you deal with it

To what degree would you say the therapy helps though?

I've always been intrigued by the potential of therapy for various reasons. Don't you need to go to a doctor first to get a referral? That's the assumption I've been under, but I don't necessarily trust the idea of having a doctor refer me to one of his cohorts.

My stress pisses me off, which just adds to my stress. Goddammit! laugh.gif

It all really depends on what you would be going there for, and what type of therapist you have. I got lucky and found one that I liked. You do not need to go to a doctor first, no.

The whole process hasn't COMPLETELY changed me but it has helped keep me in check to just talk about myself for an hour a week with no strings attached or people judging. I'm a private guy and I live alone, work alone, and am I go in spurts where I literally do not speak for days on end sometimes and it isn't healthy. Combine that with me just getting older in age, having a lot of anxiety with some things as well as often feeling like I "don't fit in" with anything and that is why I first started going. I just wanted to feel better, plus wanted to also find out why I have the make up that I do -- I am not really like either of my parents.

Therapy can help, even if it's on a smaller scale.

I was on it daily for a few months, but slowly getting off it. There are better ways to deal with anxiety.
Exercise, talking with friends, listening to music, reading, video games, watching TV, laughing, and being in the sun on a nice day.
dealt with anxiety all thru college....took all the pills in the world from cymbalta to soon as i got my first gig and got back on my feet was all good.
people dunno what real.anxiety is. although everyone is different. its a tough subject
I just deal with it. Work, music, exercise and gaming usually helps. Used to take meds, but I didn't want to rely on them.
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Always wanted to try meditation. Seems difficult to do though. 

Any recommended books/articles to point me to?
Don't really need a book.

Make your environment as quiet and dark as possible, sit in a comfortable position (pref. lotus if you can, or at least half-lotus), relax your entire body by tensing up your feet and letting it go and slowly progressing up..

Then slowly breathing in and out, counting each full repetition until you begin to 'fade-out' and lose track.

The key is being actively inactive. You're not suppose to think about anything, but thoughts are inevitable. You don't reject them and try to force them out, but instead, passively let them go as quickly as they came.

I've never used a book/guide so I can't really recommend one. I can hit you with this link though:
dealt with anxiety all thru college....took all the pills in the world from cymbalta to soon as i got my first gig and got back on my feet was all good.
They gave me seroquil (sp) took it once and googled it and tossed it. I think a lot. So all I have to do is break my focus. Any way works. Spark up a convo with someone. Loud *** music. I just feel it coming and do whatever to break my concentration.
Lots of ways for me: fap/rest/meditation/exercise.

Oh and ask for cookies from Carol-sama.
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Work: Basketball, gym, vacation, stopping to get organized, complete easiest tasks first,filling out job applications (can't beat hope!)

School: Basketball, gym, nap, doing easiest assignments first.

Home: Find a new home
Go to the park (preferably with a body of water)

Leave your phone In the car

Sit in silence and appreciate nature

It helped me through the winter , I saw beauty when it was dark and cold outside .
sitting in a quiet place and reading works for me. I love going to coffee shops and chilling there, the anti-bar/club scene :nthat:
I immerse myself in my memories. I have good memory so I can make out all the fine details and recreate the type of feeling my body felt.
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