Anyone else just not into material goods/pop culture?

I'm at that point as well. I watch probably max 2 hours of tv a day and that usually consists of the Fresh Prince and some cartoon like American Dad or Bob's Burgers. All that society has told us to be necessary is a lie and it feels good for a change to not subscribe to it. Ironically though, I've been in the mood to spend some money for the sake of spending it but don't know on what since there isn't anything I really need or want.
same here. i use to buy $30-$50 t's, now i won't come near them,i do occasionally buy an expensive shirt but they're button ups & dressy type clothes. jeans, i don't have many, i don't think there's a reason to buy several pairs when they all look alike. i do spoil myself with shoes though but cutting back a bit, i wish i had more watches though. i prefer magazines over digital stuff, only shows on tv i watch is tosh.o, the league, it's always sunny in philadelphia and sports of course. i don't listen to the radio much, i kinda stay on youtube looking for underground artists but once i get money i'm going to invest in a record player/jukebox thing, love the sound and record shopping is fun to me. i prefer being out in the world skating, walking, playing whatever, getting dirty
My girl and my friends look at me funny when I tell them that most of this new stuff dosent interest me,( iphones, facebook, reality tv)
I wish I could be like that but I'm not. I know my life would be so much better. I have to find something that drives me I just don't know where to start. I feel I could be great but things are holding me back.
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