anyone here suffer from Social Anxiety/Anxiety ?

Nov 21, 2005
Definition: Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people. Put another way, social anxiety is the fear and anxiety of being judged and evaluated by other people. If a person usually becomes anxious in social situations, but seems fine when they are alone, then "social anxiety" may be the problem.

Emotional Symptoms: The feelings that accompany social anxiety include anxiety, intense fear, nervousness, automatic negative thinking cycles, racing heart, blushing, excessive sweating, dry throat and mouth, trembling, and muscle twitches.

Constant, intense anxiety is the most common feature.

Insight: People with social anxiety know that their anxiety is irrational and does not make logical sense. Nevertheless, thoughts and feelings of anxiety persist and show no signs of going away, without appropriate treatment

I'm curious to see how many of us in normal society are affected by this so I decided to come here and see who experiences these type of problems.
Being that this is NT where appearance means a lot, I'm sure most of us have experienced this in minor forms. but for those that feel like they have strong symptons, how do you feel and
do you know of anybody who has this ? What's your take on Social Anxiety Disorder ?
I do
I used to for a while, it takes time to get over it and the only way to get over it is to face it head on. I used to worry to the point where I would get sickuntil I just started going out.

I hope it gets better for you, you arent the only one.
Yeah, I think I have that sometimes. Sometimes I don't even want to go to the store to get milk becuase I don't want to see people.
I bet a lot of NT'ers do.
People come on here acting like e-thugs because their scared of real people...

I don't have this disorder, but just think about it, fam...

Nobody cares about you that much. Not being mean just saying. People don't expect you to be anything.
I'm scared to talk in public or talk etc etc but not social anxiety, I'm shy but don't have social anxiety...but ido have anxiety and thats a $+$%@
I used to but the older you get the more confident you are, at least that is my case.
yeah I do, or use to. I was fine until about sophmore year in high school, then I would get nervous going out with friends or even to school. The main problemwas tha i couldnt eat, whenever i thought, saw or smelled food i wanted to throw up. A lot of times i didnt eat lunch or breakfast when I'm with friendscause I thought I would puke. But when I'm with my family or at home I'm fine. I think that's why I'm short and skinny now
im THE slowesteater in the world. It has held me back in parts of my life, but now it has gotten better, I'm not as nervous as much, I still cant eat anything in theearly morning, I get a little nervous when going out. And get dry mouth aswell. It usually happens when I start something new like a job or school. But yeah ihave no confidence, but hopefully that changes and im sure it will
I used to worry about EVERY little thing back in like 10th grade. Like a person would make a joke, and i would think about it for weeks. Now its whatever.
wheni was younger yeah, but drugs and alcohol cured these problems years ago....
yea...i was an overthinker....ive changed...but its still with just facing the consequences of being shy...with not having many good people aroundme....which leads to more shyness...and more
Nobody cares about you that much. Not being mean just saying. People don't expect you to be anything.
That is solid & rational advice, the problem is that this issue is neither solid nor rational in nature.
Yeah I think I have it too
, it's just hard to stop caring what other people think. I'm actually a pretty social guy once I get over that...sooutside of family/people I know pretty well, I definitely feel a ton of social anxiety.

and yeah...I agree you have to realize that you don't mean much in the world. And also, you don't have to be perfect and say the right things everytime you talk. Just be yourself and don't blame yourself for doing so when you get down on urself for saying something that didn't sound quite right.And also, you can't please everybody. You're not gonna bat 1.000 in getting people to like your personality. also, it's better if u put yourself ina position where you force yourself to be social with people....if you don't do anything yourself and you're stuck in college with some real boring andlame apartment-mates, it's just going to get worse.
Originally Posted by K8be wan Kenobi

Nobody cares about you that much. Not being mean just saying. People don't expect you to be anything.


I used to have that kind of anxiety when I was younger, like in middle school. But then I realized that nobody is out there analyzing my every move.

One day I sat down and asked myself, "Do I go home and night and give people grades based on how they acted today? Like 'Oh Marquise gets an A for that funny joke, but I'll give Robert a C+ for that one thing he did." Do I really spend time out of my life even thinking about other dudes at all?" and I realized the answer was definitely no. So I figured nobody else did that either. 99% of the things that go through my head are relevant to my life, everything else I'll probably forget after a couple days.

So I just decided to be myself and not worry about what people are thinking. Because chances are they're thinking about whether they want BK or Chick-Fil-A for lunch, not whatever you're doing in your little world.

Just my 2 cents.

Yo this is real talk tho...haha genius man, if only people whohave social anxiety could be convinced of this.
Thanks for this post tho, it is hilarious, and 100% true.
Usually i keep it fly with mines but every now and then ill just start to not want to talk to anyone but at the same time it feels like i need to be aroundthem cause im afraid i wont put on an entertaining display that i usually put on. Its almost like I slip into a depression and my mind just gets super foggywith no reason to be depressed, Im a DJ and I make more then enough to be happy, i can even still get at girls but my potential goes way down hill because illcatch myself saying some dumb %!%%, but its like im not sure if what i said was dumb or not and i start over analyzing it.
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