Anyone not smile at all? been told to do it more often? or the opposite - smile less?

Nov 22, 2002
when you go through the day do you just not smile at all? is that the way you've been your whole life? do people tell you that you should smile more?
or maybe the opposite - maybe because you smile too much - permagrin - or because you really need to pay a visit to the orthodontist?

people have told me that I should more often, usually people/females that you don't know too well...but also my mom, but I have my reasons not to. Ingeneral I was not a overly-happy child, add to that some dude flipped me on my face in touch football in a school hallway in jr high and i got my frontpermanent tooth knocked out. I have a fake front tooth that now needs to be replaced. Maybe when I get it fixed, I will smile more often.
my mom tells me to smile more too.
iduno its just the way i am. sometimes i smile/smirk/laugh too much, other times im just normal the whole day. i had to get root canals on both my front teeth(they experienced some severe trauma playing ultimate. yea i know, its a lame way lol) but after surgery, it did make my teeth look better. almost too goodaccording to my g/f.
my g/f says a lot of ppl think im an -hole, cause i dont smile/im a quiet guy, but once you get to know me, im actually pretty nice imo.
i only smile while laughing for the most part
i get the " You never smile"/ "Why do you always look like you're mad?" ALOT
i reply "if i smiled all the time then you'd think something was wrong with me"
My girl and and all my female friends tell me to smile more cause i always got on a stoneface
Growing up I was told (or at least it was implied that) I had a bad smile and then when I became a teen people kept telling me to smile more. I'm soconfused
I've always had a good smile but I rarely smile now only when laughing. Girls tell me I should smile more because when I do I have a nice one. A lot ofpeople have thought that I am cold because I didn't smile much.
lol some girl actually used that as a descriptions of me to her friend today, because i knew her friend lol and she couldn't remember who i was lol
not to be conceited, but people say i smile a lot and that they like it. i'm just the kind of person who will always have a smile on my face

one time i got in trouble and my teacher said "you cant use your smile to get out of it this time"


seriously people you should smile more. it'll make you and the people around you feel better
people always tell me i look mad, and people always ask if i am crabby. i think i must come off as an @+$@@!+ to people. but only the ones who dont know me.
Yeah i've had a couple females from work tell me "why don't you smile more". I don't really like to smile, it's not that i'm madbut why should i smile if theres nothing to smile about.
I've been told to smile more by family/females. I'm not mad, but i guess
the look on my face says otherwise.
I work in retail, so like every fifth customer feels the need to tell me to smile. I've had people I walk by on the street say "smile girl, life aintso bad".
I keep a straight face cause I don't like when people try to read me. And it pisses me off when people push me by saying "oh, are you in a bad mood?Smile" its like, I was fine till you started bugging me.
i ALWAYS smile i dont know why....ive smiled in the deans office and she was like "your not taking this serious are you"

then my mom had my back and said i always smile
I always get the "why you mad" and "cheer up" type comments because I don't show emotion for the most part.
I'm not really a walking stoneface, but if something's on my mind you probably wouldn't know what it was.

Girls always tell me I should smile more though because I apparently have a very nice smile
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