Anyone related to someone famous?


formerly worldgonemad
Jan 21, 2014
Im related to Park Chung Hee.

If you guys don't know he was the president (eventually turned dictator) of S. Korea and many people love him for basically taking S. Korea out of the slump. But there are also a lot of people who despise him for some things he's done.

His daughter is actually the president of S. Korea right now.

The story goes that in Korea, the last names represent "clans" and the Park clan has sub-clans since it's so big.

Park Chung Hee would annually hold a celebration for all his blood relatives in his specific clan and my grandfather would attend.

Chung personally couldn't make it because he was busy but he would send gifts to every one of his family/relatives and the most

famous thing he would give to everyone was a special handkerchief.

My grandfather would come down every time with a handkerchief after the celebration was over. 
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Genghis khan
that doesnt count 
Hes more famous than park chun lee.

Da hell u talkin bout.
well duh but I said that doesnt count cause he had so many decedents that i think like .05% of the world population is related to him or something like that 
Unfortunately I'm not related to someone famous, but i did know Danny Green growing up. We had a few classes together back in middle school.
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Emiliano Zapata's older half brother, Emilio Zapatote.
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