Anyone still not over their Ex? How long has it been? vol. why co cold hearted???????

Ex of 3 years broke up with me in June, early July? Reason I know is because summer school had just started. We always had a rocky relationship but there was a point where I didn't give a +@#! anymore. Too many fights, different views on almost everything, expected me to conform to her lifestyle, never got it my way, expected me to give up sex. Nah son, I'm good. After she broke up with me though, I had breezys flocking in from everywhere, one in particular that I got caught up with. I've been happier without her than I was with her. There was always tension; between her parents especially. I swear though, I thought she was the one for me at one point. Don't get me wrong, there is times where she crosses my mind, but in the end, I end up reminding myself why she is an ex.

I do love her, not in the intimate way-but as an overall friend. She was, and I'm sure she still is a wonderful, caring, goal oriented, and aspiring individual but she didn't deserve me; she deserved better. Also, I did feel like i loved her (WHEN I WAS WITH HER), I just never said it to her because I was afraid of the response (talked about it once, and ended getting into an argument because she didn't feel the same way).

Moral of the story is, If you you're not happy... there's no point in being in the forsaken relationship. Been doing my own thing for 7 months now and couldn't be happier


PS: The single game is waaay too easy
cuz every time u come around u be hollerin dat whoopty whoop, blazey blah, he say she say .. OMG @%$!
Originally Posted by superflyinchopstickninja

Edit- I just noticed my story is way too long
.  Pm me if you want it 

Asked her if she cheated

She swore on both of our lives and said no

I found out she did by reading her journal

I hate life

Why would she write that in her journal know u could find it.

Thank lawd, that girl is out your life, she swore and lied on your life, she evil.
OP i hate you!! 
im kiddin' i love you bro... and i miss and STILL in love my last girl 

*Drake*But the good ones Go!!!!*Drake*
I'm been single since 2006 and loving it. freedom to do what i feel like. Girls all around me, too much choices to pick from.
Been 8 months for me and I think about her every single day!! I want us back more than anything. Big mistake Im making is we stayed friends, now she sees me as a friend and I'm still in love with her. Can't bring myself to end all contact even though I know I should! :/
man i dont even know what to do.

1 broke up with my ex of a year and 5 months back in early september. too many fights, she says i do stuff that i dont even do, etc. i was cool tho. i did feel bad cause her grandma was in the hospital around the time we broke up. i wanted to be friends with her but she wasnt with that. her grandma ended up passing away in mid october

2 i went to the wake with her. and i hugged her (im a lot taller then her and whenever we hug my chin rests on top of her head. i missed that) we flirted a bit, got some food, she even fed me. a few days later she ends up saying she doesnt wanna be friends anymore, then a week later she says she wants to be friends. i swear this happened like 4 times!

3 other girls! some girl came to my house on friday morning and i smashed that. i have 2 other girls i want to smash next. but the thing is i do want my ex back, but i want to smash the other 2 girls before doing so.

last monday my ex came to my house so i could make her some ringtones. then on wednesday we were both going to the mall to get stuff so we went together. it felt good being with her again hanging out having fun. she even kissed me on the neck

idk how this is possible but she looks better then ever now. its like once you break up with someone they look 10x better all of a sudden. the pics she puts up on facebook have me like wow shes so freaking cute now. but at the end of the day i dont know what to do
Originally Posted by TroyD

man i dont even know what to do.

1 broke up with my ex of a year and 5 months back in early september. too many fights, she says i do stuff that i dont even do, etc. i was cool tho. i did feel bad cause her grandma was in the hospital around the time we broke up. i wanted to be friends with her but she wasnt with that. her grandma ended up passing away in mid october

2 i went to the wake with her. and i hugged her (im a lot taller then her and whenever we hug my chin rests on top of her head. i missed that) we flirted a bit, got some food, she even fed me. a few days later she ends up saying she doesnt wanna be friends anymore, then a week later she says she wants to be friends. i swear this happened like 4 times!

3 other girls! some girl came to my house on friday morning and i smashed that. i have 2 other girls i want to smash next. but the thing is i do want my ex back, but i want to smash the other 2 girls before doing so.

last monday my ex came to my house so i could make her some ringtones. then on wednesday we were both going to the mall to get stuff so we went together. it felt good being with her again hanging out having fun. she even kissed me on the neck

idk how this is possible but she looks better then ever now. its like once you break up with someone they look 10x better all of a sudden. the pics she puts up on facebook have me like wow shes so freaking cute now. but at the end of the day i dont know what to do
So true. Me and my chick of 9yrs broke things off with me a year ago exactly. 2011 was the worst year of my life because of it. I moved back from Nashville, TN to Kalamazoo, MI for her, shortly afterwards she broke it off with me and got pregnant by another guy. It messed my confidence up so much that it affected my job performance resulting in me being terminated. I stopped working out and gained mad weight plus I was drinking like everyday. I made a post about on here and alot of ppl told me time and distance were the best solution for my situation. Things are looking better for me now and even though I miss and think about her everyday, I know I gotta just keep my head up and move on with my life
It hasnt been long at all, i cant sleep and if i do I wake up a few hours after feeling all depressed

I try but cant find the meaning to life....7 years its not easy to let go and im still in denial
I spent 3 years wrapped up in one girl but just 2 months ago I let go of that and have been the happiest ive been in as long as i can remember
4 months later and i feel like Eminem, if i see her with someone else i would probably lose it.
Me and my girl broke up a few months ago, and here what I did after, I continued to do what I was doing, hitting the gym, hanging with my boys, and finding ways to get ahead at my work. People must realize that relationships should not be about spending all your time with your significant other, and that they should always keep themselves up and not loose track with their friends. So when things don't work out they do not find themselves in a rut because they neglected to take care of themselves. 

Remember the best partner complements who you are, and adds to your happiness.   
Me and my ex broke up last year in April after three years and a son. I found out her ex hit her up I thought nothing off it took our break as some well needed time apart to find ourselves. I came around after finding myself and decided to propose she said to me ."yes, but not right now" I was not sure what to think. I find out in June that she slept with her ex a one time thing and since then has regretted it and wanted me back. We have a kid and all I love her to death but I do not know what to do. She swears everyday it was a mistake and wishes she could go back and change it. But can you ever trust someone or let alone be with someone after that. I mean I really would appreciate some advice guys. Also would what she did be considered cheating., seeing as how we went out on dates and I bought her stuff yet she still dd that. I mean till this day we speak and she is constantly trying to apologize and shows remorse but I don't know what to do part of me wants to forgive and be with her the other part of me is just hurt she did that.
ended up 2.5 yrs ago, messed around a couple months after that but that was it.

still think about her randomly til this day... SMH
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by WhatsLosinLike

Originally Posted by INS

I will take the simp card of the year. *2011*

My girl broke up with me in sept, said she wasn't feeling it and she saw me as a best friend not a boyfriend

So moving to the month of November i have this cute pyt hitting me up and i said @%%% it, im gonna do me.
Chick came over and laid down in my bed and we talking and i know she is DTF, so we start kissing and all i could think about
was my ex. @+#@ had me paralyzed in bed with a girl who was fully DTF. Ended up laying there waiting for her to leave.


Originally Posted by AquaGrape2345

Me and my ex broke up last year in April after three years and a son. I found out her ex hit her up I thought nothing off it took our break as some well needed time apart to find ourselves. I came around after finding myself and decided to propose she said to me ."yes, but not right now" I was not sure what to think. I find out in June that she slept with her ex a one time thing and since then has regretted it and wanted me back. We have a kid and all I love her to death but I do not know what to do. She swears everyday it was a mistake and wishes she could go back and change it. But can you ever trust someone or let alone be with someone after that. I mean I really would appreciate some advice guys. Also would what she did be considered cheating., seeing as how we went out on dates and I bought her stuff yet she still dd that. I mean till this day we speak and she is constantly trying to apologize and shows remorse but I don't know what to do part of me wants to forgive and be with her the other part of me is just hurt she did that.
That's a tough one there. She sounds like she is regretful. You have to forgive her if you want it to work. Holding a grudge in a relationship will make things worse, especially for the child. The Cycle: We often hurt the people who truly love us, and love the people that don't love us. You're in tough situation man..keep your head up.
It hoenstly is tough becaus eI do lover her and want things to work but the situaiton is consuming me. I do want my family back. Friends and fmaily tell me not to do it, but I want to jus tnot sure if its the right thing to do.
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