April is now your "Whiteness History Month" smh

White males are the "dominant society" they don't need anything else


I have no problem whatsoever with white folks embracing their respective heritages. People should be proud of their roots, no doubt.

But this "white history month" nonsense? Miss me all the way with that. White folks weren't forced to come here, they weren't robbed of their histories. Black people can't really know for certain what nations within Africa their ancestors are from.

So it's important that black people have a month set-aside for their history here in America.

We already celebrate St. Patricks Day, Columbus Day, Thanksgiving, which are all essentially white holidays. Not to mention Americans who celebrate Oktoberfest and other holidays commemorating European ancestry.

No need for a white history month. Our schools already teach a white-washed version of our nation's history. That's more than enough.
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