Asics Love?!? Where is it?

exactly. these companies know they have something people want and could care less about posting a simple tweet to update people. piss poor C.S.
Hahaha ppl sayin they have the same strategy as STA
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**** this, I've been sitting in front of my computer refreshing store pages trying to cop these and the black grapes since 8 AM. I'll take my chances on them tweeting the link and ordering on my phone.
Just tried to call Packer, and an automated voice said all available agents are busy please leave a message... wtf? They didn't leave me on hold or anything. Like they're supposed to call me back or something? Yeah right
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Don't those Dee Brown Pumps get retroed like every year....

...oh yeah, come on already Packer, with the Alfreds
Companies need to realize this @#%#%$^#$%^ isn't cool . take 15 SECONDS and tweet an update. it's not that hard.
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Just tried to call Packer, and an automated voice said all available agents are busy please leave a message... wtf? They didn't leave me on hold or anything. Like they're supposed to call me back or something? Yeah right

Yea I tried this as well but I already knew going in either the line was gona be busy or some bs like that would happen they probably turned the phone off
woo everybody getting salty now lol, dint people said they was gonna pass on em kuz they ugly?
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