Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Bro, you've gotten responses from a few dudes who know what they're talking about. They're 100% fake. 
3 responses: 2 said fake, 1 said not.. I got these from a reputable seller from the Sneaker freaker community, which is why i'm trying to be diligent. 



Oreo Pack
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not saying these are real or fake but non matching toe boxes aren't an indicator. 8 out of 10 gl3 u buy today will have different toe shapes which annoys the crap out of me.
true but if you seen the fake pair i got one shoe was bent way out of shape and that toe box way off. not even somewhat close. that and the split tongue was not correct at all. it over lapped badly and was not right. you have to take all issue and add it all up to make a conclusion and most of the time in hand is much easier than with pics over the net. either way its hard to say but from pics he posted they look similar to mine from the 2014 reissue.
Yea they increased shipping and packer already expensive with shipping as is. Still good deals to be had. Snatched one of the Rihanna and a batting practice jersey for $130 total
Yeah copped the Gel Sight Whispers too. I thought $85 was still a good deal on those. Their shipping is outrageous and takes forever though.
Snapped a couple of Alvin pics, hope this helps. Let me know if you need any specific shots

Thanks for the pics i appreciate it.

The colors on your pair according to the pics are different to what I have here. The grey "suede" on mine is lighter and my stripes are more purple..
Are cockatoo's womens sizes? On Save Our Sole it says 44,5 EU is 12US but 12US is usually 45,5 EU so I don't know what's up
Asics changed the sizings a few weeks ago, but i dont know if this was already the case when the cockatoos were released.
Kinda hard without a universal sizing. Different brand with same US sizing gives somewhat different EUR and CM
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