Asics Love?!? Where is it?

Hi can anyone recommend me a softer brush for brushing suede? 

I sprayed liquiproof on my Tiffany GLVs and I think my brush damaged the suede in some parts, if not all... I used an old toothbrush after seeing that the "premium brush" I have from that Crep cleaning kit was doing a lot of damage to some other pair I sprayed and was trying to brush the liquiproof into the suede...
Hi can anyone recommend me a softer brush for brushing suede? 

I sprayed liquiproof on my Tiffany GLVs and I think my brush damaged the suede in some parts, if not all... I used an old toothbrush after seeing that the "premium brush" I have from that Crep cleaning kit was doing a lot of damage to some other pair I sprayed and was trying to brush the liquiproof into the suede...
you need something with really soft bristles, like hair, not nylon..
Mail day. Solebox carpenter bee





Can never get down with the white laces in squads

Either of the olive flats are 
@bbkangg  dude you're bank accuont must hate you lol

Mints are my all time favorite GLV. Never grabbed coves but they've always tempted me.
Price check on 6THPRLLL GL3's by Slam Jam? Been hunting for these, and there's a couple listed at around $200 for my size
$200 is pretty solid. im size 10 and cheapest i have seen floating around was $230-250
Aw man I don't even collect ASICs like that but being filipino, I just might have to get these  
dont sleep, i grabbed the kicks and Tshirt, dont think the hat was ever available. not from over there but have love for the world. plus that tattoo adornment is ill af 
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