Attention all FINISHLINE niketalk employees! Vol. I need help

How you like the job really depends on your coworkers and management.
Good point, I was stuck in a store where nobody except managemant and I were over the age of 18. So basically I was working with a bunch ofunderage non-respect having kids who thought they knew EVERYTHING. I mean, they would ask for help locating a shoe, I would tell them, and they would have thenerve to tell me I was wrong. Like yo, if you know where it is, the @%$* you asking me for in the first place. No disrespect to the younger crowd on NT, butthe kids I worked with were very immature and trashed my stock room every day. I ended up quiting because It came down to me assaulting a co-worker, orquiting. Rather start fresh somewhere else then be known as the neglected stock man who put a co-worker in a coma.
Selling accessories is easy for me. I've been working at Finishline since August and my numbers are always on point. I already got 1 raise and i'mdue for another in August/Sept.

Cleaners are easy to sell. Those oxy sticks are money. Just buy one yourself(in my store theres only 1 sample that everyone uses) to show to customers andwrite on a white shoe with a red pen and use that to clean it off. I once sold 10 oxy sticks to 1 customer. Suede cleaners and water proofers for suede shoesare an easy sell as well.

Socks are buy one get one free, let them know they have them in black and while, ankle, quarter, crew, etc. Go in detail when you try and push a product. After awhile, this all becomes a routine.

Don't do stock. It sucks. I've helped out a few times since I know how to do it and it's annoying.

My managers are all mad cool, we just chill, bug out and check out +%@+**% all day.
Originally Posted by oO N3FF Oo

What's so bad about stock?
Nothing if you dont mind being completely ignored, being the reciever of sales associate rants due to the fact they cant sell accessories, and shifting 100's of shoe boxes due to sales associate lazyness and utter disrespect towards the stock room.
Dude, you summed it up perfectly. Checking the stock in was no big deal. But putting that +!%$ away was a nightmare. Mainly because you had to shiftHUNDREDS of boxes around to fit in another 12 or 13. And don't get me started on the days when there was no stock, but I had to come in anyways and"tighten up" the stacks. Longest days of my life. And yes, the sales associates are lazy bastards. Like the ladder is 10 feet away from them, yetsomehow they can't take the minute to get it, climb up it and put the shoe back where they found it. Towards the end of my gig there, I just startedputting stuff on the shelf in front of wherever I found it. And to sum up the laziness I witnessed, all I gotta talk about is the trash. As a stock dude,you'd come in 2 or 3 days a week--usually in a row. Tell me why these bastards wouldn't take the trash out the ENTIRE time I wasn't there, soI'd come in and have mounds of boxes and trash bags oozing milkshakes and soda waiting for me to take out. Unbelievable. My time there ended with me notcoming in for a shipment one week because I had to work at my other, higher paying job(which my manager was well aware of). So I called the manager the nextday to see if he wanted me to come in, but he never called me back. So I called him again the next day, and the same thing happened. So I just said "effit" and never went in or called again. I can't say that I was too upset.
my interview is monday at 2:00 get i get some more help
Don't show up.

As a stock dude, you'd come in 2 or 3 days a week--usually in a row. Tell me why these bastards wouldn't take the trash out the ENTIRE time I wasn't there, so I'd come in and have mounds of boxes and trash bags oozing milkshakes and soda waiting for me to take out.
Its like you worked in the same exact store as me...Itgot to the point where I would come in with literally 10 bags of +@+ just waiting for me. After a month I refused to take out the garbage and made the salesassociates do it. If they refused, I refused to offer ANY help. Keep in mind I was in a brand new store so NOBODY knew ANYTHING about where sneakers werelocated in the stock room except for me and management, and management was NEVER in the stock room.
hahaha damn all these responses made me not exited to work there....

Can i get some more responses, maybe some that actually like working there so they can save the sinking ship?
AM? hahaha I wouldn't do it if I were you. Kiss your life goodbye. In the store I worked at the AM was basically the SM without the title. Setting upmeetings and working 10+ hours a day. Then Dude be became a MIT [manager in training] and all hell broke loose.

Yes they are huge on it. I am glad that I don't work there anymore. My manager kept giving me "pep" talks on how to include additional accessories as if I have never worked before. (I used to sell suits.) It was ridiculous. I am one not to force the consumer to buy things they don't need. Thank goodness I got out of that job. It was terrible.

- the suits and he is 100% right. You better get used to getting the

Most customers lie anyway so even if you try to offer ex. Customer just buys some new White AF1's and I offer shoe cleaner because I notice his beat andfilthy previously white AF1's and he says nah I have some.

They had me matching laces with shoes and stuff like some random Nikes with half black and blue laces

After a while its like I don't think this is for me. But go to the interview and see what its about. You might like it.

and if you do go there please don't go to any shakedowns. Don't what they are, just say no.
i still don't understand, how in this day and age, with all the "technological" advancements, that you goons still gotta ask what to say in aninterview? this isn't an important job, its quite easy to be honest, yet still, week in and week out some fool comes on here asking " yo, what does isay in an interview?" this not only offends me, but it sickens me, did you not have parents? where you raised by wolves? you either a. have to be acomplete moron or b. be a complete moron to start a post like this, seriously, i don't understand what you kids are doing with your lives these days.
yea i worked at champs for a lil while quit when the scheduled me for only 9 hours of work for one i was like outro.
but yea they really try and make all sales ppl push the "1-2-3 combination" selling which is shoes insoles and socks. they didnt like
me cause i wasnt a team player. i just went in looked for the most expensive thing and only sold that...which at the time was SPIZ'IKES!
i just went in looked for the most expensive thing and only sold that...which at the time was SPIZ'IKES!
Selling Nike/Jordan doesnt make them any profit, Ibelieve they made $2 for every AF1 sold. Thats why they are up your butt about accessories, thats where all the profit is made.
Originally Posted by KwestMajik

AM? hahaha I wouldn't do it if I were you. Kiss your life goodbye. In the store I worked at the AM was basically the SM without the title. Setting up meetings and working 10+ hours a day. Then Dude be became a MIT [manager in training] and all hell broke loose.

That's how I figure most AM positions to be in general. how was the pay though?

I did stock for finish line back in HS and the stuff I read in this thread by other stock people was exactly how it was in my store

except sometimes the store manager always stayed on the sales floor so me and the other stock dudes would throw footballs or play basketball and just act afool for half of our shift.

but for the interview its just basic stuff like tell me about yourself, why do you want to work here, tell me about one of your accomplishments, etc.

I also did work on the sales floor since it was a small store and selling those insoles for commission was a joke.
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