Azealia Banks Vs. Iggy Azalea tension grows, Iggy Responds to Banks

hip hop is all about respect, you have to earn it, and if you dont respect others in the genre you technically have to back it up with your rhymes.

Fam where did this rule come from, I aint never heard that.

Idk where you guys been but since ringtone rap that kinda mindset been thrown out the window. If you sell records or ppl **** with your music you gon last in the game.
It is b/c had she not been white nothing would be said. No one says a word when black artist exploit the culture. When we do it we hustling. When they do it its exploitation

Had dude thought Iggy was hip hop he wouldn't have wasted 40 tweets curving the history of hip hop

Do you understand historical context?

Maybe this will make sense to some of you people when in 15 years...the next generation won't even know that hip-hop was birthed by black people. Those kids will be born into a world where white people will be the face of hip hop.

This has happened before with every other genre of music we've created.

Its easy for people to minimalise this topic into Iggy vs Banks...or claim that Banks is jealous. Meanwhile, J.Cole said the exact same thing and articulated it WAY better...and that didn't draw nearly as much discussion.

Can't say he's salty or jealous or that he isn't successful... So why is he saying what he's saying.

Nobody gives a **** about white people rapping. Stop breaking everything down to that. People care when the powers that be are making it painfully obvious that they want to push white rappers to the forefront and become the faces of the culture.

Its almost a script now for white teen pop artists to change their look up...make edgier music...and fully transition over to making R&B and Hip Hop. There's a fine line between cultural exchange and cultural appropriation.

These corporate devils ruined and poisoned our culture and brainwashed the hell out of our kids. That was the first blow. Now the final blow is to completely remove us from the front lines. Our work is no longer needed...they can sell records and move product without us because the masses are too stupid to see it happening.
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These corporate devils ruined and poisoned our culture and brainwashed the hell out of our kids. That was the first blow. Now the final blow is to completely remove us from the front lines. Our work is no longer needed...they can sell records and move product without us because the masses are too stupid to see it happening.

I loved this statement right here.. as much as I don't care about Iggy or other white artists making predominately black music. The record companies that help put out music in mass have always let terrible artists in black music succeed. That's why Hot ni&%## blew up so quickly if they can keep us shucking and jiving to terrible music like that then it makes it easier for that white artist to prevail. Once in a while we get a Frank Ocean out there who can show that not all black artists in the mainstream are **** but that's rare. That's why I'm mad at someone like Banks cause she's super talented and dropped an amazing album but she's out here crying on radio and not even getting attention for her music. Her album is incredible but instead of being everywhere promoting it getting it to sell she's out here causing controversy that she's been doing for YEARS now. Some of these labels understand this concept to keep black artists mostly in mediocrity while pushing white artists who make black music as a savior. Same thing with Macklemore who I actually like and talks about social issues etc. When was the last time a black rapper has been able to do that? If Same Love was made by a black rapper would hip hop stations have played it like they did Macklemore? No because that doesn't fit our image. Black mainstream music has been trash for decades and that's exactly what a lot of people want.

Been happening since the birth of Gangsta Rap which not only hurt our image but made it easier for ppl to hate on black artists/culture as a whole. It's been like that for over 25 years.
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Man who are these chicks? All i've heard is that Fancy song. Don't feel like reading the thread to see what's the beef here.
Nobody gives a **** about white people rapping. Stop breaking everything down to that. People care when the powers that be are making it painfully obvious that they want to push white rappers to the forefront and become the faces of the culture.

Don't understand why people can't comprehend this. It's not just about a white girl.
So did you dudes consider Eminem's "My Name Is" hip hop? Because that is probably the corniest poppest rap song and video of all time. Does he get a pass, because he could actually rap?
White American's don't have the mind capacity to create their own culture. It's not humanely possible, on their behalf. Look at the exploitation of graffiti. Keith Haring is a prime example. Moved to New York to study art, started mingling and socializing with the street kids, "draws influence" from their works of art, goes against the standard principals taught by university professors because of their callous treatment, copies graffiti artist. White American's hate everything other ethnicities stand for, until they realize they need new means of making a buck.

Graffiti was shunned upon from the late 1970s - early 2000s, but, when those designers in Beaverton, Oregon started "collaborating" with graffiti artist to sell sneakers, the stigma gradually subsided. I've never wanted to be accepted by White America. I have no admiration to aspire to be anything like them because White Men are jealous of Black men anyway so, I've won by default. But, a lot of Black males/females don't realize how jealous of us white Americans are. It's like their completely oblivious. A White man could never make me feel inferior. Azealia Banks told it, as it always has been. And for "White America" here's an experiment, market a signature shoe for a White Athlete and see how many kicks get sold. Roger Federer is Swiss, I guess Chad Muska Supras or Agassi's techs could be examples?

Why shouldn't we have been allowed to do "Gangster Rap" when Hollywood makes movies like the Godfather and all other types of Mafia films? We learned it from them anyway, I guess we can't wear their shoes, but, they're allowed to wear ours?
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Besides iggy what white rappers since em are winning in hip hop forced by the machine?

Last time i checked Mac miller & macklemore did it independently, & beibers transformation has more to do with his surroundings more than the machine, idk how winning meaningless awards means trying to make these white rappers faces of the culture, if fans would stop putting these bs accomplishments on a pedestal just to determine how "great" a rapper is none of this would be a problem

The bigger problem is these same ppl that sign our young black men just for a quick dollar brainwashing them with a huge advance, got these rappers thinking thats all there money, letting them spend money on bs jewelry & clothes etc. but wont teach them the business side of the game

Telling these rappers "go make a hit & we will take care of the rest" :smh:
Do you understand historical context?

Maybe this will make sense to some of you people when in 15 years...the next generation won't even know that hip-hop was birthed by black people. Those kids will be born into a world where white people will be the face of hip hop.

This has happened before with every other genre of music we've created.

Can't say he's salty or jealous or that he isn't successful... So why is he saying what he's saying.

Nobody gives a **** about white people rapping. Stop breaking everything down to that. People care when the powers that be are making it painfully obvious that they want to push white rappers to the forefront and become the faces of the culture.
Did you feel the same way when Eminem stepped on the scene?

He is the only white rapper to make an actual impact on the game period and years down the line when they look back on dude Dr. Dre gon be right by his side. This thing is 40-something years old bruh so to make it seem like black origin can be wiped away from hip-hop is hilarious.

"Nobody gives a **** about white people rapping" ...well it sounds like you do since they're the reason "we" are being cleared from the front lines and our work not being needed.

These corporate devils you speak of are people trying to make money, they're gonna make the most of possible opportunities and niches. I'm not looking to them to help my culture I just want them to help my favorite artists. Let's not act like corporates didn't push Jay-Z to the forefront when buddy wanted to start wearing suits, and then white ppl loved him.  
White American's don't have the mind capacity to create their own culture. It's not humanely possible, on their behalf.
Come on that's offensive man
White American's don't have the mind capacity to create their own culture. It's not humanely possible, on their behalf. Look at the exploitation of graffiti. Keith Haring is a prime example. Moved to New York to study art, started mingling and socializing with the street kids, "draws influence" from their works of art, goes against the standard principals taught by university professors because of their callous treatment, copies graffiti artist. White American's hate everything other ethnicities stand for, until they realize they need new means of making a buck.

Graffiti was shunned upon from the late 1970s - early 2000s, but, when those designers in Beaverton, Oregon started "collaborating" with graffiti artist to sell sneakers, the stigma gradually subsided. I've never wanted to be accepted by White America. I have no admiration to aspire to be anything like them because White Men are jealous of Black men anyway so, I've won by default. But, a lot of Black males/females don't realize how jealous of us white Americans are. It's like their completely oblivious. A White man could never make me feel inferior. Azealia Banks told it, as it always has been. And for "White America" here's an experiment, market a signature shoe for a White Athlete and see how many kicks get sold. Roger Federer is Swiss, I guess Chad Muska Supras or Agassi's techs could be examples?

Why shouldn't we have been allowed to do "Gangster Rap" when Hollywood makes movies like the Godfather and all other types of Mafia films? We learned it from them anyway, I guess we can't wear their shoes, but, they're allowed to wear ours?
 You're really feeling yourself on this Christmas Eve. Someone actually repped this ****? 
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"Come on that's offensive man"

Truth hurts. I get tired of "people" calling us black people lazy and welfare leeches. When, we physically built this country. Economically and structurally. Then, we go to food drives, Turkey handouts for Thanksgiving, etc. and we're seen as charity cases. Some don't even realize that they could be in positions to better themselves or their family, but, they will always be on the bottom of the hierarchy because they don't have pride in themselves. They've been stripped of their soul, for entire generations.
Did you feel the same way when Eminem stepped on the scene?
He is the only white rapper to make an actual impact on the game period and years down the line when they look back on dude Dr. Dre gon be right by his side. This thing is 40-something years old bruh so to make it seem like black origin can be wiped away from hip-hop is hilarious.
"Nobody gives a **** about white people rapping" ...well it sounds like you do since they're the reason "we" are being cleared from the front lines and our work not being needed.

These corporate devils you speak of are people trying to make money, they're gonna make the most of possible opportunities and niches. I'm not looking to them to help my culture I just want them to help my favorite artists. Let's not act like corporates didn't push Jay-Z to the forefront when buddy wanted to start wearing suits, and then white ppl loved him.  

Come on that's offensive man

I was in the seventh grade when Eminem came out. I'm almost 30 now. Why would I have felt the same way?

The rest of that **** you uttered was a whole bunch of nothing.

And ain't **** honorable about caring about nothing but monetary gain. You say corporations don't care about anything money as if that's OK or should justify their actions.

That's devil ****. But I'd expect nothing less from a devil.
Fam where did this rule come from, I aint never heard that.
Idk where you guys been but since ringtone rap that kinda mindset been thrown out the window. If you sell records or ppl **** with your music you gon last in the game.

yeah unfortunately the game has changed has become a popularity contest. but just for the sake of entertainment and Banks is argument, she should just out rap her one time. It would do more for her stance then just calling her out on twitter
So did you dudes consider Eminem's "My Name Is" hip hop? Because that is probably the corniest poppest rap song and video of all time. Does he get a pass, because he could actually rap?
I don't think he that great of a rapper n the first place
I can't even stand listening to sslp and mmlp and the eminem show now
I tried and it was horrible
He murdered jay on renegade though
Em is as Hip Hop as it gets. Dude came up through battle rapping, paid his dues then got hooked up with Dre. Yeah his single are corny, damn near every rapper has corny radio singles especially back then. Of course him being white has helped him sell ridiculous albums but he's always been a beast lyrically. Back in the era when dudes wouldn't hesitate to call somebody out nobody wanted to test this dude. His music is bad right now but he would probably still eat your favorite alive. His name shouldn't even come up in these Iggy or Macklamore topics.
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Do you understand historical context?

Maybe this will make sense to some of you people when in 15 years...the next generation won't even know that hip-hop was birthed by black people. Those kids will be born into a world where white people will be the face of hip hop.

This has happened before with every other genre of music we've created.

Its easy for people to minimalise this topic into Iggy vs Banks...or claim that Banks is jealous. Meanwhile, J.Cole said the exact same thing and articulated it WAY better...and that didn't draw nearly as much discussion.

Can't say he's salty or jealous or that he isn't successful... So why is he saying what he's saying.

Nobody gives a **** about white people rapping. Stop breaking everything down to that. People care when the powers that be are making it painfully obvious that they want to push white rappers to the forefront and become the faces of the culture.

Its almost a script now for white teen pop artists to change their look up...make edgier music...and fully transition over to making R&B and Hip Hop. There's a fine line between cultural exchange and cultural appropriation.

These corporate devils ruined and poisoned our culture and brainwashed the hell out of our kids. That was the first blow. Now the final blow is to completely remove us from the front lines. Our work is no longer needed...they can sell records and move product without us because the masses are too stupid to see it happening.

U misinterpreted that entire J Cole song b/c he mentioned white artist. Simple minded. The basis of Fire Squad is hip hop fighting over what is and what isn't hip hop. All that corporate devil stuff u talking is foolishness as well. The business model of the music industry is no where near what it was even 5 yrs ago. The artist now virtually has the power to control their creativity AND their profits through the Internet. The Internet, mobile applications brings music and artist directly to the finger tips of the consumer. So all that ol "White folk stole rock n roll they gonna steal hip too" crap cut it out. It's 2015, labels don't have the leverage to control what people hear any more. The same J Cole album U referenced is one of the best selling this yr with no single.

As i stated on Twitter my biggest problem with Q Tip's approach is the fact he gave people that no nothing about hip hop blindly take a racist stance on Iggy and her impact on hip hop today. As I stated in here earlier, Q Tip didn't mention RICK RUBIN! RICK FREAKIN RUBIN. Disgusting for someone trying to give a hip hop history lesson to someone and Rick not the only white person to help the culture. Tons of WHITE engineers, producers, song writers, a&rs, ect have pushed the culture forward with many of the artist Yall crown as "hip hop". But it's hard to see that when u yelling that racist crap from the bleachers

Take Fancy lyrics and compare them to Anaconda's lyrics and tell me who's brainwashing our culture. I'll wait.
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U misinterpreted that entire J Cole song b/c he mentioned white artist. Simple minded. The basis of Fire Squad is hip hop fighting over what is and what isn't hip hop. All that corporate devil stuff u talking is foolishness as well. The business model of the music industry is no where near what it was even 5 yrs ago. The artist now virtually has the power to control their creativity AND their profits through the Internet. The Internet, mobile applications brings music and artist directly to the finger tips of the consumer. So all that ol "White folk stole rock n roll they gonna steal hip too" crap cut it out. It's 2015, labels don't have the leverage to control what people hear any more. The same J Cole album U referenced is one of the best selling this yr with no single.

As i stated on Twitter my biggest problem with Q Tip's approach is the fact he gave people that no nothing about hip hop blindly take a racist stance on Iggy and her impact on hip hop today. As I stated in here earlier, Q Tip didn't mention RICK RUBIN! RICK FREAKIN RUBIN. Disgusting for someone trying to give a hip hop history lesson to someone and Rick not the only white person to help the culture. Tons of WHITE engineers, producers, song writers, a&rs, ect have pushed the culture forward with many of the artist Yall crown as "hip hop". But it's hard to see that when u yelling that racist crap from the bleachers
I'm not even talking about the song.

He gave a 45 minute interview to Angie Martinez where he spoke on EVERYTHING i just mentioned.

Simple minded huh?


Keep caping for these people. It's funny....cause it's always other black folks that go the HARDEST for someone else outside of their own.
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Some don't even realize that they could be in positions to better themselves or their family, but, they will always be on the bottom of the hierarchy because they don't have pride in themselves. They've been stripped of their soul, for entire generations.
You know this applies to many cultures other than ours, and to say "we" physically built this country is just wrong on all levels considering there's areas in America where black people are few and far in between.  But at the end of the day your view is disrespectful and racist so you can keep thinking that White America is stripping ppl of the soul.
I was in the seventh grade when Eminem came out. I'm almost 30 now. Why would I have felt the same way?

And ain't **** honorable about caring about nothing but monetary gain. You say corporations don't care about anything money as if that's OK or should justify their actions.
You would feel the same way becuz Eminem is white and made pop singles, dude was doing songs with Elton John

So saying that in the span of 40 years of hip hop where only one white artist is successful, wiping black origin away from hiphop is impossible is saying nothing

but the fact that you think two trendy white artists gainin some success is the start of a white revolution in hiphop

I said that these corporate devils are trying to make money and make the most of opportunities, why are you mad that they don't put the culture first?
I'm not even talking about the song.

He gave a 45 minute interview to Angie Martinez where he spoke on EVERYTHING i just mentioned.

Simple minded huh?

Racist? :lol:  OK.

Keep caping for these people. It's funny....cause it's always other black folks that go the HARDEST for someone else outside of their own.

The interview is based off the responses from HIS record and verse.

"Keep caping for these people"- sounds racists to me fomley. Let that racism out. Don't be ashamed.

Umbrella'n a whole group of people as Devils out to steal black culture is racist no matter how u slice it.

But back to the music. Back to Iggy. Iggy is HIP HOP. Donald Glover is nominated for a Grammy I don't see any one labeling him as a industry vulture stealing the culture and transmitting it to surbuban America.
You just saying whatever the **** now.

J. Cole said some of the same **** I said VERBATIM. He even mentioned the whitewashing of Jazz as an example. **** are you talking about?
But back to the music. Back to Iggy. Iggy is HIP HOP. Donald Glover is nominated for a Grammy I don't see any one labeling him as a industry vulture stealing the culture and transmitting it to surbuban America.

I don't think you understand the concept of appropriation.
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