Azealia Banks Vs. Iggy Azalea tension grows, Iggy Responds to Banks

You just saying whatever the **** now.

J. Cole said some of the same **** I said VERBATIM. He even mentioned the whitewashing of Jazz as an example. **** are you talking about?

what part of the labels not having the leverage to control what people can and can't hear don't u understand fomley? Stop piggy backing off of that logic. If hip hop crumbles as culture it'll be more b/c WE don't let it grow into other cultures, genres, and facets of the world.

But I'm done. This brings me back to why it was disappointing that q tip played the game how he did. Put the battery in cats back to become overly defensive of what is and what isn't hip hop
They're delusional

How you gonna tell the ppl cutting the checks that they need our permission

Prejudice clowns


But my thing is if u want to u can cut your own checks as an artist right now in this era of music. They tracking album streams and spins now dawg. It's crazy. Put your own music out, let Pepsi or American Eagle add a advertisement to your steam and reap the benefits OR u can shuck and jive for that check and blame the hand that fed you.
"Keep caping for these people"- sounds racists to me fomley. Let that racism out. Don't be ashamed.

Umbrella'n a whole group of people as Devils out to steal black culture is racist no matter how u slice it.

But back to the music. Back to Iggy. Iggy is HIP HOP. Donald Glover is nominated for a Grammy I don't see any one labeling him as a industry vulture stealing the culture and transmitting it to surbuban America.
I was just about to say all this balloning dont make sense, dudes saying "we" and "these" like they all fall in one category when there is white ppl posting in this thread.
You just saying whatever the **** now.

J. Cole said some of the same **** I said VERBATIM. He even mentioned the whitewashing of Jazz as an example. **** are you talking about?

:lol: :lol: Cole really did spend a good 35 minutes of that interview saying the same thing but these people think he was only talking about Fire Squad? Lol, NT where amazing happens.
Exactly once again missing the point

Q Tip doesn't give a f if Iggy makes wack music or has a fake ATL accent but it bothers him that what she is making is considered Rap or Hip Hop

It's neither

QTip is a legend and I'm a huge fan of his, but I aint with him on this. Thought is was kinda lame how he gave Iggy his little History of Hip-Hop lecture on twitter. Like, why are you picking on Iggy anyway? Because she's white and from Australia? Tip should know as good as anyone from touring all these years that Hip-Hop isn't just an NYC/American thing anymore. It's global now and touched the lives of young people from different backgrounds all over the world. So if an Australian girl wants to make rap music why can't we just let her rock? Why is Tip picking her to give this lecture to, out of all the phony rappers who've been in the game over the years? I'm not a fan of Iggy's music, but she's rapping over beats. That's hip-hop weather you like it or not. And the Grammys haven't represented Hip-Hop properly since ever. So why do people care so much about who's getting nominated now all of a sudden? Everyone should know by now that the Grammys is just a popularity contest, and Iggy was one of the most popular hip-hop artists this year. So dont act all shocked to see her up in there. Hell, she might even win. So if that's the reason for QTip's frustration (if you wanna call it that), then he shoulda targeted the Grammys in his Hip-Hop 101 lecture instead of singling Iggy out.
You still think this is about Iggy.

It isn't. She's being used as an example of the appropriation taking place.
She's being used as an example of the appropriation taking place.

Hip Hop has been watering itself down and altering its sound, abandoning its values & its intent in a effort to appeal to a wider mass audience for a very long time. That wider audience, naturally, consists of the majority (white people). The gatekeepers of the culture (fans) didn't reject & chastise these rap dudes blatant, overt & unapologetic pursuit of mainstream money & fame. Hip hop didn't protect its values. It's as simple as that. It sold them wholesale for a Ferrari & a nice house. And everyone was cool with that.
What you are really saying is you want white people to be consumers of Hip Hop & not participants. You want their money, but not their influence on the culture. Not only is that childish, unrealistic thinking; It's intellectually dishonest. If you don't want white people anywhere near Hip Hop, just say that. Don't hide behind some fraudulent righteous indignation..
Tupac, as an example, sold millions of records while maintaining his principals. The mass audience accepted his values shifted to him. Tupac didn't alter his sound/values & shift toward them.
You can't be mad when the monster you created turns on you.
Hip Hop has been watering itself down and altering its sound, abandoning its values & its intent in a effort to appeal to a wider mass audience for a very long time. That wider audience, naturally, consists of the majority (white people). The gatekeepers of the culture (fans) didn't reject & chastise these rap dudes blatant, overt & unapologetic pursuit of mainstream money & fame. Hip hop didn't protect its values. It's as simple as that. It sold them wholesale for a Ferrari & a nice house. And everyone was cool with that.
What you are really saying is you want white people to be consumers of Hip Hop & not participants. You want their money, but not their influence on the culture. Not only is that childish, unrealistic thinking; It's intellectually dishonest. If you don't want white people anywhere near Hip Hop, just say that. Don't hide behind some fraudulent righteous indignation..
Tupac, as an example, sold millions of records while maintaining his principals. The mass audience accepted his values shifted to him. Tupac didn't alter his sound/values & shift toward them.
You can't be mad when the monster you created turns on you.
Who is "you"?

Mass audiences consume whatever they're fed. We're in the age of decadence. It's a dumbed down whoever is in control of mass communications is the one that is capable of creating this monster you speak of.

It's dudes on the other side of the coin on this one are the ones reverting back to the "white people in Hip-Hop" card. How many times do we have to keep repeating that it has nothing to do with that? How many white artists have we celebrated since it's inception?

Rick Rubin


3rd Bass 

House of Pain

Beastie Boys

Scott Storch

The Alchemist 

On the underground level


Company Flow


In media/journalism

Tim Westwood


I could go on and on. So please miss me w/ that whole "you don't want whites in hip-hop" ********. They've BEEN in Hip-Hop.

For the 500th time, what we DON'T WANT is the whitewashing of OUR culture that we've shared with the the name of corporate interest. Again...we've seen this happen before in other genres (why haven't one of you addressed that...I'd love to get one of ya'll to give your take on what happened in rock & roll, jazz/blues). 

Iggy Azalea is a byproduct of corporate interest. She has NOTHING in common w/ some of those people that I mentioned up top aside from her skin stop trying to act like everyone's picking on the poor little white girl who's just as much hip-hop as anyone else. The reason why there's so much polarity with her and why she's been the main target of this argument is because her image is an EXTRA slap in the face. She's a caricature of a stereotypical depiction of a southern black female. She is LITERALLY voice acting....lyrics that someone else wrote for her. Now...we've long not given a **** about the Grammy's because they didn't even want to acknowledge hip-hop at all. All of a sudden...Hip-Hop finally gets it's inclusion...and we get Macklemore and this frankenstein chick as the type of artists being recognized as the cream of the crop of a culture we birthed.

There seems to be a common theme in this supremacy based world we live in...some people have this weird little habit and taking **** and saying it belonged to them all along. Through the corporate world (which there isn't a single black man of prominence that answers to someone that looks like him)...these ************* have helped WEAPONIZED hip hop to poison our youth. Now you've just re-incarnated Elvis Presley in an Australian female with a silicone ***...and you're trying to tell me that this is what's hot.

I know a gaffle when I see one.

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That's not Iggy's fault though

Why should she have to carry the weight, when you have nonsense getting played on the radio.

Like I said before...if you have a problem with the system, fine...but dudes need stop taking it out on Iggy, because they know they won't be confronted for their actions. It's easy picking on her. You get points from the people who dislike her, and there's no threat of violence. People are just bullying her at his point, because they can.

Is Young Thug or Ear Drummers any more real hip hop than Iggy? None of them are based on lyrics.

Chubb Rock and Public Enemy complaining about the Grammy's 25 years ago. It didn't matter then, so it should matter even less now.

Rap was never validated what they thought of it, or by award shows.
you summed up everything perfectly.  personally i'm not a fan of her music but people selectively going at her is corny when its a bunch of current rappers putting out trash and with no sense of knowledge towards the culture.

as for azealia banks, she just comes across as a clown which sucks because she puts out decent music. she's wild disrespectful though.  the iggy stuff aside, going at t.i and his wife (moreso his wife who has nothing to with her personal beefs), calling someone elses kids ugly etc, it seems as if she's overly quick to go at someones neck and make it personal but can't handle the negative reprecussions when that comes back to her. 
New Yorkers... The simple minded New Yorkers that look at the culture and its our, our, our. The ones too scared to just let the genre grow. The ones that want to keep it simply subways, graffiti, backpacks and one pants leg rolled up....

“They did not like us and we were not welcome,” recalls Willie on the phone. “And they let us know by giving us a warm round of boos when our name was announced. They booed us so long, they had to boo us in shifts. I’ve never seen a crowd tired from booing — you could see them resting up to start booing again.”- that was in 91'

They booed Kast at the source awards when they won best new rap group at the source awards... Hell KRIT even got booed for recently performing "Country". Cats is just envious man. It's even worse with the Iggy situation cause it's racist, I see it and I'm black.

Fact of the matter Iggy had one of the biggest records of the year. Fancy was a smash, fancy is hip hop. I'd much rather a daughter or a niece to go around singing and rapping I'm So Fancy all day than to have them even listening to that anaconda foolishness but People don't attack Nicki Minaj and all the garbage she's feeding the younger generations within our culture.

Ehh, tough crowd, I wouldn't read much into that. NY'ers will boo a rapper if the thermostat is off by a couple degrees or their drink isn't right, it really don't meen much, mad NY'ers get booed in NYC. Don't let it fool ya.

"My Mind Playing Tricks..." was big in NYC, TGB had a strong following up there especially Face, which helped them get national recognition and Face get that job up at DJ.

Kast just caught some spillage. That was in 95, the year with the whole Bad Boy/Deathrow drama. Cats where on edge. Damn near anyone not from the tri-state who hit the stage got booed that night. Again I wouldn't read much into it.

I've heard a ton of cats, especially southern rappers get labeled "not Hip Hop", By NY'ers, bet never any of the acts you mentioned, never.

And in my opinion if we would've kept a little more "subway, graffiti, and backpacks...." in the mix, this thread might not exist. Maybe NY'ers where right to be so defensive, or is it mere coincidence the entire culture went to **** when NYC fell off?
both of their music sucks...

we all lost for entertaining this
Banks will fry that fat *** Bronson.
Yea hip hop been open

It started out with majority black artists but there were plenty hispanics, jewish etc.. in the mix

The only thing people care about is authenticity and skill level
There are only a small select people who care about authenticity, the masses love the wack and fake ****.
Used to be in hip-hop, that you had to be yourself in order to not only make it but stand out in the genre, and if you didn't you were considered either wack and/or a biter and you were disregarded. Nowadays, hip hop is full of caricatures, people too afraid to be themselves in order to gain popularity and a fast buck...the game has changed a whole lot since at least the 90's..
You can thank the likes of Sean Combs for what this genre of music has become.
I haven't read the thread yet, so this is just a general statement

-First regarding her music: Iggy has ever right to make the music she wants, hip-hop/the rap world has made space for a lot of different artist. I personally feel her music is trash, but I think the same way about other black artist too. Let her cook and make ever music she wants. I mean I'm pretty sure most consumers of rap and hip hop are white, so we can't just block off these artist as not "real hiphop" (whatever the hell that is :lol:) if there is a market for their music

-The problem is that Young Thug, Migos, GBE, and whatever trap rap is not regard has the upper echelon of the hip-hop/rap genre. We reserve that for artist we believe are truly exceptional. Iggy's music don't reach these levels. Yet she gets the same recognition as if she does, even if it is a little, it rubs people the wrong way.

-She is a really easy person to dislike too. I mean Iggy raps in a fake accent, has other people write for her allegedly, and has a large machine behind her, talks slick about black people online constantly. Furthermore Nicki catches show much flack for her lyrics and videos. But Iggy is just has raunchy, plus Nicki has never let fans grabs on her yambs at a show, or joke about tricking men into committing statutory rape.

Iggy's career is dripping with privilege, and maybe Banks is a horrible messenger, but Iggy always gets on some defensive **** talking like is getting discriminated on when people bring it up. :lol:

And T.I does sound like a cornball brother defending her.
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Iggy's career is dripping with privilege, and maybe Banks is a horrible messenger, but Iggy always gets on some defensive **** talking like is getting discriminated on when people bring it up.

I agree on the TI point, she left his label and signed with another and dude still putting all his artists behind her.

I just don't see the privilege part when she has been working alot and her label actually pushed alot of singles, altho I guess having a big machine behind you and having privilege go one in the same.

Never heard bout the rape and fans grabbing on yambs was just a way for radio/website to get more views, and I dont think it gets anymore offensive than on your hit single you're screaming out "**** them skinny *******"
Look at you dismissing Iggy letting people grab her *** as click bait but Nicki saying **** them skinny ******* is the most horrible thing ever

**** outta here
Look at me?

If you look on Youtube to the videos where it says she gets fingered at shows it'll only lead to the interview where she said she doesn't crowdsurf anymore becuz ppl try to finger her and plot on fingering her, so the fact that hot 97 titled it like that meant ppl would either automatically click on the link to talk about it or just agree with her being ok with that. Main reason this thread damn near useless dudes aint even getting the facts and just makin statements.

I didnt say that Nicki saying that was the most horrible thing ever but that Nicki is more offensive than Iggy. I mean she clearly said "If you're skinny **** u" and Ive never heard Iggy say anything as offensive as that.

And even if she did let ppl grab on her butt, so what Nicki gives lap dances, Keri Hilson let almost every rapper that did a song with her slap her butt, Miley suck off blow up dolls, Teyana Taylor twerked and humped the floor (awhile still claiming to be a virgin) all on stage. It's all apart of a show so I wouldn't rly care to be honest.
Look at me?

If you look on Youtube to the videos where it says she gets fingered at shows it'll only lead to the interview where she said she doesn't crowdsurf anymore becuz ppl try to finger her and plot on fingering her, so the fact that hot 97 titled it like that meant ppl would either automatically click on the link to talk about it or just agree with her being ok with that. Main reason this thread damn near useless dudes aint even getting the facts and just makin statements.

I didnt say that Nicki saying that was the most horrible thing ever but that Nicki is more offensive than Iggy. I mean she clearly said "If you're skinny **** u" and Ive never heard Iggy say anything as offensive as that.

And even if she did let ppl grab on her butt, so what Nicki gives lap dances, Keri Hilson let almost every rapper that did a song with her slap her butt, Miley suck off blow up dolls, Teyana Taylor twerked and humped the floor (awhile still claiming to be a virgin) all on stage. It's all apart of a show so I wouldn't rly care to be honest.

My ex has been to a couple Iggy shows and one of my homeboy's seen her perform too. It is well known she allows fans to grab her *** during shows. Go on search on Worldstar there is video of one of her performances. And when she used to perform her yambs song she would bend over in front of the crowd and let them feel her up, it was part of her show. Both my homeboy and girl said that Iggy joked about people getting frisky and grabbing a hand full of yambs between songs from her doing that and her crowd surfing.

And what is even more disgusting Iggy made it sound like only after see got fingered a good number of times that she took steps to prevent it from happening :x :smh:

The rape thing is from a Complex article last year. She got a fake ID at 13 and at 14 found get into clubs, find older dudes and smash them. And she made it sound like it was her damb hobby. Direct quote "I’d go out, get hammered off my face in nightclubs because I thought that made me an adult, meet older guys who thought I was older, and go **** them. I’d do that all the time".....

But you put Nicki's stupid pandering to big girls on one song to the same level as Iggy's trivializing of sexual assault.

Brah you're so off base it is not even funny. None of the basic raunch these R&B chicks come close to this disgusting ****. Yet Iggy gets a full past, while Nicki would be publicly crucified if she did or said such acts

Nicki is my no means a role model for young women but Iggy is in my opinion worst yet she catches no flack for her words or actions

That's privilege brah.
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How am I off base? I just gave you examples how they one in the same, when females performing decide to be sexy or to try something sexy it's putting on a show. How is a Nicki Minaj lapdance and Iggy Azalea goin to the crowd and getting felt up any different except that it's interactive. The only video I seen on WSHH she exited with quickness the first time they did it so I'm not surprised that she feels that way about fans touching her.

The fake ID thing is something I forgot about man so yeah that is bad and wrong and I definitely lost respect for her for that and I can see how that can really make you think the worst of her. I'm pretty sure the label made sure to steer clear of that subject.

Once again I didn't say that Nicki's line was as offensive as Iggy having underage consensual sex, I said that Nicki is more offensive. She didn't catch flack for the Instagram photos, the Anaconda video and she didn't catch flack for doing the calendar, she got praised the broad was an American Idol judge and can hardly sing, so I still don't see the privilege you tryna show. 
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