Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Overall it was a good finale. Although Saul could've Sauled and done those 7 years, his redemption story was the better way to go. At the end of it all it looks like he's getting what he really wants and needs. The praise, admiration, and love for being him. The worst thing for a guy like Saul is living a life as Gene. Having to hide who you are, spending your nights watching videos of yourself. At least in prison he can regale his fellow inmates with stories of slipping Jimmy and Saul. At the same time give them tips on how to beat their cases, or get time taken off their sentence :lol: Even doing a 86yr sentence, he'll have the love and respect of the inmates so he's going to be fine. Seeing Kim with him, you can tell that she still loves him and misses the excitement she got being with him. In one scene she showed more emotion, happiness, and life than every scene she had in Florida. She was punishing herself living that mundane life. Hopefully now that she unburdened herself, maybe she can allow herself to be happy and do something meaningful with her life.

The only issue I had with the finale was the presence of Marie. I don't understand what she was doing there and how Saul's case had anything to do with Hank and Gomez' s murder. Did Saul even know what happened to them and why? Didn't Walt give Skylar the coordinates of the location of their bodies?
Guilty by association. Since the Feds didn’t know enough about the organization, they were going to try him as an accessory to the most egregious, as well as the money laundering, Rico, etc.
The only issue I had with the finale was the presence of Marie. I don't understand what she was doing there and how Saul's case had anything to do with Hank and Gomez' s murder. Did Saul even know what happened to them and why? Didn't Walt give Skylar the coordinates of the location of their bodies?

He's the only living person (that they have found) that can ID what did take place. If they had caught Jesse, she woulda been at that meeting as well. And as Saul told her, he knew Hank, and he was a straight shooter with him. It was more closure.

I was moreso wondering why Skylar wouldn't be there with her sister. Unless Marie wanted nothing to do with her anymore (or Anna Gunn wanted no parts of a cameo as Skylar ever again :lol: )
There's no reason for Skyler to be there. Her story was already told.

So was Chuck's, so was Mike's, so was everybody's. Her sister was in court over the death of her husband, your sister wouldn't go to somethin like that?

That would be an easy add. Hell, we never even met Gomey's wife, did we? And she was there. :lol:
How can anybody watch that confession in the courtroom scene and think Jimmy didn't do it for Kim?

Especially given every scene after he learned she confessed everything about Howard's death?
the confession is 100% for kim, who said it wasnt?
He changed his mind about taking plea for her, to do as she would want him to do. gain her respect back....,thats one is auguring that...........

from what i understanding the plea deal for 7 years was set, it wasnt pending oh give us something you have on kim and then he backs out and tells the truth to set her free....nope.....

but explain how did his confession save her? from what? the only reason they called her in was because he told them that he has something more on hamlin thing...I think people are really thinking he was going to give them something to nail kim on for ice cream???lol and by changing his mind he saved her??? yea I dont consider that a save, nor a real chance he was going to burry kim.......he wasnt really going to find something juicy for them on kim for ice cream guys come on

I could understand if the DA told jimmy hey yea you're getting 7 years but now we want to go after kim....that scene does not exist.....

his lawyer did say the widow was lawyer shopping......all the reasons the widow could sue before the confession, remain...if anything the widows case might be stronger that she can tie kim to a guy who confessed to many horrible crimes and is in jail for 86 years......before he was a guy on the run or killed from the mess.....

also what more was the hamlin thing that might burry kim? didnt she confess EVERYthing even the grift?? there could be something that kim left out and she thought he would jam her up with it.....for ice cream? nah.....maybe?? but its clear its not for the 7 year plea that was set
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the interesting thing about it seems at the end kim was happy he went this way and who knows maybe even stay in touch while he is in jail but why not if he takes the 7 year deal? doesnt the plea mean accepting guilt? does she think less of him using the law to get the best deal for himself?
I like Marie there. It was just adding a human elements and a reminder of the terrible thing Saul was involved with. Obviously we had Howard and that was a big part, but it was just one more element that made the show more rewarding than a lot of other ones is because you had six seasons worth of feelings built up about Hank and Marie and then they got to bring them back and you instantly felt all of the weight and impact of her character and performance. I think it had more impact than the Jesse and Walt cameo that we got which was more fan service in my opinion. Although I absolutely loved the conversation about regret and time machine that we got with Walt, that was brilliance and a great way to give us something more about that show, but also better call Saul
the finale was perfect. I can't say anything that hasn't been said already. I hope they plan to do a movie of when Saul is out of jail after 7 years
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