Boardwalk Empire Season 5 Thread - Series Finale - Eldorado

first of all it wasnt friction he stepped incorrectly, unfortunately for him, to the wrong man. i would have killed him then.

his next strike was pissing on al capones car, trying to start stuff with the chicago italians.

and finally last night, his stupidity and inability to play his role led to his third and hopefully final mistake.

just admit you got caught talkin slick trying to be funny, ill let it go. purnsley is a **** boy str8 up and it didnt start last night with his ****old lifestyle. and dont throw your insecurities onto me.
Whoa I aint get caught talking anything trying to be anything. With your bull **** reasoning it'd be much better if you were scorned by a ****old wife. Aint no way I or anybody else is suppose to know these ridiculous reasons you have for why Purnsley should be dead.

You obviously don't have the mentality of a boss if you'd kill him due to the conflict in his introduction, you're simplifying of that scene and the two characters in that altercation shows a complete misunderstanding of what was trying to be conveyed about Chalky more than anything and the second thing with Capone is complete bull ****. Disrespect will be met with disrespect. Simple as that. You talking like Chalky aint have a problem with Capone from the jump. I'm not even gonna get in to whatever you think his role is and you thinking he should be playing it when it's more than obvious he's made his way to being Chalky's right hand man.

So now that you've made it clear I'll just chalk this up to you having a clear bias against Purnsley.

As for insecurities, I don't know what the **** you're talking about but I'm sure you got some weak *** reasoning for that too.

first of yall, you came incorrectly. you had absolutely no reason to assume anything based off what i said, much less anything to do with ****olding unless you just wanted to. you thought you were being funny, its ok just admit it. i plainly said since purnsley was introduced i didnt like him, so why would you think there was any other reason or association? maybe youre so focused on the ****old issue because it is personal to you.

as far as boss mentalities and purnsley's introduction, i was fine with the way chalky handled everything. I didnt say anything about that, i said purnsley was wrong in the way he came at chalky and he paid for it. obviously they werent going to kill him in the jail cell, but if that had been the last we'd seen of purnsley i would have been ok with that.

as far as capone, obviously chalky and capone had issues, but the point i was making there is that purnsley was not chalky, wasnt the boss, and shouldnt have been trying to rock the boat. chalky obviously did what a boss was supposed to and stepped to capone, once again no issue.

and when i said purnsley should play his role, what i meant was he should be challkys right hand man and not be mixing business and pleasure with new clientele.

and my point about insecurities was that you are displaying your own insecurities by trying to associate them with me and anything i said.
If you don't like it that's fine but I'm not buying your bs reasoning.

None of that extra explaining means anything. You just seem to have a bias.

You just said you'd kill Purnsley for what he did in his intro and then reply now saying you you don't got problems with how Chalky handled it and all it was was Purnsley being wrong.

Also, only you know what alleged insecurities I have that I'm trying to put on to you :lol: It's not a point your making, you're just saying things to say them. Like I said " As for insecurities, I don't know what the **** you're talking about but I'm sure you got some weak *** reasoning for that too." i.e. what insecurities? Seems you're just trying to slip in slights and insults based off of some piss poor psychoanalyzing.
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If you don't like it that's fine but I'm not buying your bs reasoning.

None of that extra explaining means anything. You just seem to have a bias.

Also, only you know what alleged insecurities I have that I'm trying to put on to you :lol: It's not a point your making, you're just saying things to say them. Like I said " As for insecurities, I don't know what the **** you're talking about but I'm sure you got some weak *** reasoning for that too." i.e. what insecurities? Seems you're just trying to slip in slights and insults based off of some piss poor psychoanalyzing.

youre trying way too hard. i didnt say anything about you personally, you did. im not trying to psychoanalyze anything, you came out of the side of ur neck at me bruh.

this aint a discussion if youre just going to write off what i say. i paid you the courtesy of reading and trying to see where youre coming from and responding.

all you had to say was you think i have a personal bias and leave it at that. as i said, i havent liked purnsley from jump.

next time, just stick to making general comments, dont get personal with the attacks.
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There's nothing hard to try at though.

It's not my fault you're so sensitive.
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:lol: just admit you were wrong. callin me sensitive now :lol:

i already told you stop pushing your insecurities onto me. if youre not going to discuss thats fine but dont try to make fun of ppl and then get mad when you get called out on it.
Wrong about what though? There's nothing here that you can prove you're right about. All you got are some assumptions you may have about me. I mean really tell me about these insecurities :lol:

A question was raised and you got aggy quick. Super salty at this point that you feel some way about it to try and rationalize your bias with bull ****.

Like I said that aint my fault.
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are you completely missing the point? you tried to say i had ****old issues, which is blatantly wrong, presumptious and rude on your part. thats what you are wrong about.

your opinion on the show is your opinion, im not going to get mad because we disagree. i also will not resort to calling you names. if you took issue with anything i said, i said its a personal problem.

nobody raised any question, i stated that i thought purnsley was wrong and you jumped out the side of your neck.

just admit you were wrong and we can move on.
Damn man did a ****old wife scorn you?

That is what made you so agitated. Why? I don't know. Well if you're actually as sensitive as you come off right now then yeah I do know.
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yes you are right a ****olds wife scorned me and i am so distraught about it that i take it personally when someone i dont know calls it out on NT :rolleyes

like youre still going on instead of just admitting you were wrong.

what exactly are you trying to be some internet tough guy? we're discussing a show so why do you feel the need to make personal attacks?
:lol: @ internet tough guy when you're the one taking this so seriously. You're the one that spent the last couple posts trying to tell me I'm wrong about something I never stated or said I was right about. There's nothing for me to admit because you feel some sort of way about a previous post of mine.

It's perplexing at this point that you took my question so personally and/or emotionally.
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so its perplexing to you how someone reacts to having their manhood questioned?

once again, nothing i said would draw you to make that association.

just admit you were wrong like a man and dont question me like that again, and ill do the same.
i mean we can talk about ****olding as a topic of the episode but you talkin out the side of your neck for no reason tryna "question" me brah. talkin bout my "bs" rationale lol like we havin a discussion right? damn dog like why are you at my neck? calling me sensitive and talkin about how i feel etc but i need to chill?

all im telling you do to is not talk to people me sideways.
There was a reason Harrow killed those guys. They were in something for sure. Remember when the duo left the diner in the beginning the fat guy had a gun and left a big tip. The other guy complained when they got outside that they were supposed to be laying low and hes flashing big tips. What they did is another question though. And also remember when harrow killed the guy in the office....he didnt take the 5k in the safe he just left.
very very solid premiere..........will be an interesting season...........

I got a question about the two younger dudes that worked for that one boss.......I noticed one is now working for another....i'm terrible w/ names w/ this series so forgive me

it was when all the different bosses met w/ nucky.......that scene...
There was a reason Harrow killed those guys. They were in something for sure. Remember when the duo left the diner in the beginning the fat guy had a gun and left a big tip. The other guy complained when they got outside that they were supposed to be laying low and hes flashing big tips. What they did is another question though. And also remember when harrow killed the guy in the office....he didnt take the 5k in the safe he just left.

I like how you brought all of those details up, but you didn't mention the biggest thing :lol:

Harrow picked up a letter from the two dead dudes. If memory serves me correct, I believe it had to do with insurance payouts or something along those lines.
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