BOOKS to read BEFORE watching the movie thread - need suggestions

Black Hawk Down

The Finish & No Easy Day - Zero Dark Thirty

Where the Red Fern Grows

Generation Kill (Even though its a miniseries)
I always felt A Clockwork Orange was that rare case where the movie was better than the book. Loved it.

It also might be where when I first read the book, I had a vision of the setting being in 60's, 70's Russia when it was at it's poorest and things were truly ****** up and wild things must've been going on like the book said. Don't take me wrong, I thought Kubrick did a great job of interpreting the book and putting it in a futuristic environment. Definitely interesting stuff in the movie, I just wasn't expecting it. I certainly liked both and would put Clockwork as one of the reads that never get old.
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