Boys, how do we feel about abstinence ? (SRS)

Whats so fake about a white male being murdered or committing suicide in the middle of Jerusalem or nowadays what most would consider the middle of nowhere. He's a hero to some because nowadays ., idk Jesus' sexual preference but he's just another MLK and his story works for me. It actually seems real.

While it may seem real, MLK WAS real.

There is facts and evidence to support that MLK did in fact exist. However, there is no proof that Jesus Christ existed. Not only that, but Mary wasn't a virgin. She was an OG jumpoff. Shorty was getting her back blown out by Tyrone on Thursday nights.
All praises due to The Creator of The Universe. We were all made in the image of The Most High, not apes.
God isn't real and we didn't come from apes...get your facts straight.
We are apes and we evolved from other apes. 
Jesus existed that might be the belief system right there.. no one knows what he clearly looked like but his girlfriend could have surely been a ***** and his life may have really been problem after problem. I mean he was just a MAN. A perfect man.
Whats so fake about a white male being murdered or committing suicide in the middle of Jerusalem or nowadays what most would consider the middle of nowhere. He's a hero to some because nowadays ., idk Jesus' sexual preference but he's just another MLK and his story works for me. It actually seems real.


Don't get Cesare Borgia and the Messiah confused
Whats so fake about a white male being murdered or committing suicide in the middle of Jerusalem or nowadays what most would consider the middle of nowhere. He's a hero to some because nowadays ., idk Jesus' sexual preference but he's just another MLK and his story works for me. It actually seems real.


Don't get Cesare Borgia and the Messiah confused


What they don't realize is Cesare Borgia actually existed...
God isn't a black man. I refuse to believe that.. I believe a black woman over anything. How does god die at the most important time when we need that aura around.
God isn't a black man. I refuse to believe that.. I believe a black woman over anything. How does god die at the most important time when we need that aura around.

If you believe in the Bible then I can work with you...

1) The most high in physical form is a black man (according to the precepts)
2) The Messiah NEVER said he was "God" nor did he say to worship him
3) Christians fail to realize he was sent to be a sacrifice for the Nation of Israel. The Israelites had the law of sacrifice and the Messiah was their sacrifice (their passover) so they can be redeemed back to the father. This sacrifice was to show just how much the most High cared for his chosen people.
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