Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Anna Gunn (actress who plays Skylar) likes to dress sexy in public appearances it seems. Is it me or does she look like a man, like a drag queen? She needs to stick with the middle aged mom look. 
She has very manly features. My cousin and I always makes jokes about it
She has very manly features.
Thats what I love most about her.  

 Not SRS
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The Walking Dead is possibly one of the worst "big name" shows on TV right now along with Dexter

Anyway, can't wait for the finale! Never been this hyped up for a season finale for a TV show. Walt was melting with rage after he saw that Grey Matter interview :lol:

Todd is ruthless and a gentleman at the same time :lol:

I don't watch Dexter but I understand about Walking Dead. Its a good show but not even close to the level of Breaking Bad. Breaking Bad to me has become sacred and to me is the best show ever period. For people who actually enjoy Walking Dead and actually think its a top tv yourself.
Also cosign on the dude about the obsession with Breaking Bad. I literally won't stop mentioning it to my friends about how awesome the show is. I also practice my Jessie impression. I ask about everyone I meet if they watch Breaking Bad. This obsession is not unhealthy.
Anna Gunn (actress who plays Skylar) likes to dress sexy in public appearances it seems. Is it me or does she look like a man, like a drag queen? She needs to stick with the middle aged mom look. 

She looks much better in Deadwood..Less mannish
when walt and the old man was playing cards, old man said a king, hey 2 kings. is that a reference to walt and todd (or jessie)?
Walt vs Todd in the end = 2 kings

he's even dressed like Heisenberg in the scene with Lydia

Todd gets picked on by his crew in a way...could tell he didn't like that talk bout Lydia making his lil' Todd disappear
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I bet them Nazi dudes get fed up with Lydia's finnicky, weird ***** *** and rape her which Todd walks in goes berserk. They probably gonna leave Jesse. When Walt rolls up to try and kill them nah they already dead. Todd is weird tho dude. He's as interesting as Gus I think. It sucks he only gets like half a season in the show.
A couple of episodes ago i still had The Wire slated as the G.O.A.T

Now that we're nearing the finale The WIres lead is marginally slim

This finale will be the determining factor for my decision.

If it is more explosive then the last couple of episodes which seems hard to beat

It will be the G.O.A.T tv show 
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I bet them Nazi dudes get fed up with Lydia's finnicky, weird ***** *** and rape her which Todd walks in goes berserk. They probably gonna leave Jesse. When Walt rolls up to try and kill them nah they already dead. Todd is weird tho dude. He's as interesting as Gus I think. It sucks he only gets like half a season in the show.

Yeah that won't happen. Rape the women who's bringing you millions. Makes sense.
Saying that TWD is better than low winter sun is just pure nonsense. TWD may have a better premise, but even with season 2 and (how season 3 disappointed me, LWS is still better.

Lennie James episode in TWD will be better than anything he's given for that entire show.
one of the main problems with jr is that the actor is 20 years old in season 5, if he looked like the 16/17 year old that jr is meant to be then we would be more forgiving with how dumb he acts

this. all dude does is eat breakfast innocently & gets a bomb dropped on him this season.
his real life age has nothing to do with him being flynnie p...would have been a more developed character if he had gotten ahold of the blue

give the kid a break, probably gonna be the only thing he's known for & as he's said himself he already gets free breakfast when he goes out...not going hungry any time soon

have an A-1 DAY!!
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I wouldn't lose a minute of sleep if Walt Jr. got snuffed.

They should have made him stick with the PT Cruiser, punk *****.
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I said it before I'll say it again.
Walt Jr needs to go to Belize off principle.
Not givin his own father the benefit of the doubt. Naw. I dont play that.

"W-w-whhy d-d-dooont yoouuuu j-j-juust dieee aaalready!! CLICK" lol

Those words and seeing Walts heartbreak and then him callin himself in is what sealed the deal for me. Good thing those Grey Matter fools were on tv. Heisenberg returned.
I said it before I'll say it again.
Walt Jr needs to go to Belize off principle.
Not givin his own father the benefit of the doubt. Naw. I dont play that.

"W-w-whhy d-d-dooont yoouuuu j-j-juust dieee aaalready!! CLICK" lol

Those words and seeing Walts heartbreak and then him callin himself in is what sealed the deal for me. Good thing those Grey Matter fools were on tv. Heisenberg returned.
Anna Gunn (actress who plays Skylar) likes to dress sexy in public appearances it seems. Is it me or does she look like a man, like a drag queen? She needs to stick with the middle aged mom look. 

I said it some time ago, but she looks like she could be the Swede's (from hell on wheels) twin sister.

Riceboy must be on a dry spell or something.
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