BREAKING NEWS: Obama backs gay marriage.

Glad he said that, it I'm Black and I don't care what other people do as long as it doesn't cause harm to others, and last I checked gay-marriage isn't a nuclear missile or bomb strapped to someone's chest or underwear in the name of their beliefs, there are worst things out there folks, for the night is dark and full of terrors:wink: and this ain't one of them, the universe (God) doesn't work the way we seem to mandate according to our thoughts and rules, it's far beyond we comprehend as we'll one day find out, the issues and stuff we worry about and cast judgement on are non-factors compared to what's really out there in the universe. and that one guys post about us as Black people is sort of true unfortunately...It is hypocritical, if it was on some racist *!$ I'd be the first to point it out, but how can we as Blacks judge and mistreat anyone who's different, when we've faced intolerance and injustice for "being or looking different" for the latter part of 500 years?
Originally Posted by SnapNPop

Glad he said that, it I'm Black and I don't care what other people do as long as it doesn't cause harm to others, and last I checked gay-marriage isn't a nuclear missile or bomb strapped to someone's chest or underwear in the name of their beliefs, there are worst things out there folks, for the night is dark and full of terrors:wink: and this ain't one of them, the universe (God) doesn't work the way we seem to mandate according to our thoughts and rules, it's far beyond we comprehend as we'll one day find out, the issues and stuff we worry about and cast judgement on are non-factors compared to what's really out there in the universe. and that one guys post about us as Black people is sort of true unfortunately...It is hypocritical, if it was on some racist *!$ I'd be the first to point it out, but how can we as Blacks judge and mistreat anyone who's different, when we've faced intolerance and injustice for "being or looking different" for the latter part of 500 years?

How did gay marriage turn into a Black issue? lulz. 
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Obama will back anything to definitively sway a group into voting for him. I like Obama and all, but it's nothing more than diplomacy. Obama knows he can stand out and get votes over his opponents with specific demographics, (gays, students, minorities) so he does.
Yeah, because Obama has to pander to these people to get their vote
You don't think Obama already had their votes?  You think there is a chance Romney steals these votes?

Not really that he was losing their vote, he's going to have gay rights supporters back him and that could turn into hell for the GOP. Could you imagine them showing up in droves at his rallies?Mitt's rallies.Obama made a political move here.
Like lobotomy said.... he already had their votes. You think gay rights supporters were gonna republican before this?
160jordansdeep wrote:
but what about another alternative lifestyle

like making pot legal ?

A year or so ago, I floated the notion that marijuana consumption constituted an alternative lifestyle and it was, according to left wing doctrine, something to not only be protected but that must be respected and embraced.

Naturally, many laughed at that notion. It is clear that plowing another man's butt and calling it marriage is a sacred and protected human right but burning a dried herb and inhaling its smoke is obviously a criminal act.

The hypocrisy does not stop there though. Many pot smokers, in desperate attempt to legalize and legitimize their herd of choice, advocate for the burning of and inhaling of the smoke from condensed poppy oil to remain a criminal act and one that warrants years of capture and torture in state sanctioned dungeons.

Of course, the folks who drink the rotten byproducts of grain and grapes want all herb and poppy oil smoke breathers in a dungeon.

We live in world of dumb and greedy and myopic people, who want their pleasures to be exalted and the pleasures of others to be met with confinement and torture.

Can't we all just be libertarian?
Why stop people doing what they want when it doesn't hurt/affect anybody else?
Good on you Mr Obama.
Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Get Obama out of the white house

and put in who? at this point it doesn't even matter. people who really want to make a change will never be able to make it unless they raise enough money

obama will win the election even with out this stunt because he is the incumbent and it's easy as hell for incumbent's to raise money

romney has made it this far because his personal money is dumb long and no one else in the republican pool can compete with his funds. but once he get's the nod for the republican party he wont be able to compete obama
This makes me like Obama even more.

Honestly this will hurt him more then help him.  As stated, he already had the gay vote.  Most if not all gays are liberal (random generalization lol).  This will hurt him in swing states and amongst African Americans.  North Carolina just crushed the bill to allow civil unions and gay marriage and it wasn't even close.  It shows that this could negatively effect Obama in southern states.

But i don't know how people can't look at this and see him as a progressive thinker.  Whether you agree with being gay or not....why can't gays have the same legal rights as a heterosexual couple.  It's not hurting anyone people just get upset because its "not natural" but it doesn't effect you in any way.  At least Obama was man enough to not walk the fence on this issue.  He has my vote

Spoiler [+]
i am watching that GOP backed college debt bill though, obama will veto it which sucks but it is what it is i guess
Originally Posted by CreateDestroy

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Yeah, because Obama has to pander to these people to get their vote
You don't think Obama already had their votes?  You think there is a chance Romney steals these votes?

Not really that he was losing their vote, he's going to have gay rights supporters back him and that could turn into hell for the GOP. Could you imagine them showing up in droves at his rallies?Mitt's rallies.Obama made a political move here.
Like lobotomy said.... he already had their votes. You think gay rights supporters were gonna republican before this?

I know he had their vote but now he has made a big statement showing he has their back. In turn I'm thinking they return the gesture in a big way. At least I would. Besides voting for him.
Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Get Obama out of the white house

If da election is how his administration has dealt with da economyThen he doesnt have a chance...
Originally Posted by ninjahood

Originally Posted by Benny Blanco

Get Obama out of the white house

If da election is how his administration has dealt with da economy Then he doesnt have a chance...

That's why the Obama Team needs all the help you can lend champ.  Make sure you do the right thing and spread the Obama message throughout da Heights to get all the support possible
Just a tactic to take the focus off the important issues like the job market and economy. Its alot easier to say hey I support gay marriage than it is to actually find solutions to the big problems.
Originally Posted by Josednk1068

Look at Obama flip flopping ...
Flip flopping?  REALLY? Is it really flip flopping when you come to a conclusion based on deep internal reflection?  Notice something, Obama wasn't asking for anything.  He was stating his beliefs based introspection.  He wasn't asking for a constitutional amendment ALLOWING same-sex marriage.  He wasn't calling for legislation.  Mitt Romney once said he was going to be more gay-friendly than Ted Kennedy.  Now he is trying to make amendments to the constitution denying not only same-sex marriage but also civil unions.  Do you see a huge difference here?
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Just a tactic to take the focus off the important issues like the job market and economy. Its alot easier to say hey I support gay marriage than it is to actually find solutions to the big problems.
This man speaks the truth
Ron Paul always had been a supporter of Gay marriage or voluntary association...

Flip flopping?  REALLY? Is it really flip flopping when you come to a conclusion based on deep internal reflection?

Not that I care for this false LEFT/RIGHT paradigm, but come on, dude. Coincidentally in an election year?
Originally Posted by rashi

Ron Paul always had been a supporter of Gay marriage or voluntary association...

Ron Paul has ABSOLUTELY no chance of winning the election this year or any other year for that matter.  His presidential campaign once again is or about to come to an end.  Let's talk about people that actually have a chance and are worth mentioning.   
Originally Posted by Rexanglorum

160jordansdeep wrote:
but what about another alternative lifestyle

like making pot legal ?

Naturally, many laughed at that notion. It is clear that plowing another man's butt and calling it marriage is a sacred and protected human right but burning a dried herb and inhaling its smoke is obviously a criminal act.

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by rashi

Ron Paul always had been a supporter of Gay marriage or voluntary association...

Ron Paul has ABSOLUTELY no chance of winning the election this year or any other year for that matter.  His presidential campaign once again is or about to come to an end.  Let's talk about people that actually have a chance and are worth mentioning.   

Why does he not have a chance? He has been winning more delegates than Romney in State conventions.

Mitt Romney:


Ron Paul:



Stop letting the media pick your candidate, its 2012
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by rashi

Ron Paul always had been a supporter of Gay marriage or voluntary association...

Ron Paul has ABSOLUTELY no chance of winning the election this year or any other year for that matter.  His presidential campaign once again is or about to come to an end.  Let's talk about people that actually have a chance and are worth mentioning.   

Why does he not have a chance? He has been winning more delegates than Romney in State conventions.

Stop letting the media pick your candidate, its 2012

Good luck with that revolution...
Originally Posted by fraij da 5 11

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Deuce King

Ron Paul has ABSOLUTELY no chance of winning the election this year or any other year for that matter.  His presidential campaign once again is or about to come to an end.  Let's talk about people that actually have a chance and are worth mentioning.   

Why does he not have a chance? He has been winning more delegates than Romney in State conventions.

Stop letting the media pick your candidate, its 2012

Good luck with that revolution...

What you people fail to see is that regardless if Ron Paul is president or not is practically meaningless. The fact the man can gather so many young people independent of party and install ideas, and have them involved and educated of this process is worth more than any of these puppets can do.

Ron Paul has already won the battle of ideas, something that Barack nor Romney could ever compete with.
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