BROOKLYN NETS Off-Season Thread - Welcome KG P2 and Jet

Another terrible 3rd quarter (& overall 2nd half). :smh:

They were trigger happy from 3 tonight & once they weren't falling they shot themselves right outta the game. The fact that the Knicks (especially Chandler) got to the rim at will didn't help much either.

Thankfully they have a couple days off before their next game to regroup.
I'm not be a sore loser and I've never been a sore winner so I'll give credit when it's due. NYK kicked into another level the Nets didn't have today, which is usually somewhere in the 3rd quarter.

I'm concerned but not worried...yet. If we drop below the 8th seed then I'll be worried.

And someone please Avery off this damn team. Dudes plays are so unimaginative lol
I'm not be a sore loser and I've never been a sore winner so I'll give credit when it's due. NYK kicked into another level the Nets didn't have today, which is usually somewhere in the 3rd quarter.

I'm concerned but not worried...yet. If we drop below the 8th seed then I'll be worried.

And someone please Avery off this damn team. Dudes plays are so unimaginative lol

He's a pretty good decent defensive coach though. And for the most part, he has a winning record with his teams. The issue isn't Avery. The real problem is that Deron isn't what he was when he was in Utah, whether that's because he's injured or not motivated.

Another big problem is Joe Johnson. What's going on with this guy? He's not even the same player as he was when he was in Atlanta. Is Avery using him wrong? Does he need more touches? Should he put in more ISO plays? What ever the issue is, Nets better think of a solution quickly or else they'll get a pretty crappy seed. I doubt they fall off the playoffs. The east is pretty weak again.
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Joe is definitely being used differently than in Atlanta... There's a lot more catch & shoot plays for him rather than iso's. I wouldn't mind seeing him get more iso's & pick & rolls going. The thing about him is he plays in stretches... He'll go off for a qtr or 2 & then you won't hear from him again.

As for DWill... Injuries are definitely taking a toll on him. I think with his Utah comments about liking their offense more since it suited him better, things will get blown up a little more about his offensive struggles here this season, but the fact he's dealing with bone spurs in his ankle, a sprained joint in his right wrist (shooting arm), as well as other minor injuries, all that is gonna have an impact.

Avery is gonna be on the hot seat now though :nerd:
Anyone gonna be at the game on Sunday against Philly?

recommendations on any dope food joints closeby would be appreciated. will rep
^ didn't see your post sorry bruh

Ended a 3 game losing streak today :pimp:

Also Kris is no longer a starter. IMO Reggie took his minutes. He's better defensively
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We got off to a rough start & the end made me a little nervous, but it was nice to see them get a W.

Joe Johnson was going off at the end of the 3rd :x :x :wow: He's been playing well these last couple games. Nice games from Bogans, CJ, & Blatche too.

Humphries with the DNP... I like seeing Evans, Blatche, & Lopez getting good minutes in the rotation though.

Christmas day game tomorrow :pimp:
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Horrible performance. They have played like garbage the last 5 games (even in the win). Team needs to wake up.
Yeah pretty bad today. Avery still has no clue with this team.

Deron taking more 10 shots may help a little. He's still lost as well. He has to be more aggressive.
We got off to a good start (besides the TO's), but once that 2nd qtr hit there was no coming back from that. A little bit of a run in the 3rd, but Boston just did too good of a job closing us out.

Too many TO's all game :x
I'm going to follow up your rant soon VC.

And oh, yeah...


Dude has lost the confidence of the team with his predictable play calling.
Its 3 things IMO. Im not a BK fan per say, but I am a supporter.

1. D. Will's injuries

2. Lopez still playing like a girl

3. People should realize JJ is highly overrated
I still think Avery is a good coach, D Will is injured, B. Lopez is not defensive, Gerald Wallace was injured beginning of this season, Joe Johnson can not carry a team, and Nets have no bench....

Gm just needs to make moves
avery has been fired? That aint right. Brooklyn wants results right now. This isnt fast food people.
Same thing I asked my Laker bretheren last season when they were calling for Mike Brown's head: what alternatives are there?

The Van Gundys and Jerry Sloan are the most reputable of the available NBA coaches at the moment, and Sloan/DWill have negative history, so scratch him.

Jeff is obviously worlds better than Stan, so Jeff it is?

Pjax? :nerd:

So help me... >:
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I still think in my heart D-Will was HINTING last week with the Sloan offense comments.

I think people need to realize, The Big Russian and Deron played a huge roll in this move. Was Avery's offense very well known? absolutely, is he a good defensive coach? Yes. Did he have the defensive players on this team? I say No.

There are many issues with this firing. But I do think you can not scratch out Sloan. Remember, we were spun that Sloan was mad at him. Maybe it was Sloan mad that he made it known that he was not coming back with an extension and Sloan said PEACE. There was a fight, but I think it was a typical player/coach fight. The media is already saying Deron got Avery fired too. So maybe he will spin this and have them bring in Sloan. We all know how Deron was in that system.
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