Buttoning up Polos to the top...

homie said with a tie


Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by sn00pee


I'd only button up a polo if I wore a tie with it though
but who wears a tie with a polo?
japanese tourists. they've also been known to wear ties with tucked-in barongs.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by sn00pee


I'd only button up a polo if I wore a tie with it though
but who wears a tie with a polo?
many people. I'm of course not refering to regular neckties though...
I button mine all the way to the top, I used to leave the top button undone but after a while I started buttoning it all the way up
I do it sometimes, it depends what polo im wearing . . . i think it looks more symmetrical
Originally Posted by soltheman

I used to. People called it lame. Now I don't anymore.
So you do what the people want?

I don't even wear much Polo or collared shirts but i wouldn't button to the top..
Got ya polo button'd up to the top like Calvin (Kermit) in paid n full. Glasses w/ no chain and a dookie rope.
Originally Posted by Jumpshot

I do that sometimes and I'm latino though.

I don't do it alot, but my dad says it looks bad with it like that.. something about salvadorians
I never button up shirts to the top...
Not even button ups, unless I'm wearing a tie
It just feels uncomfortable and too restraining, I'm Hispanic though.
- On the RL Polo polos I rock, there are two buttons. Leaving both buttons unfastened would feel too informal/sloppy/goof-ball status. Fastening both buttonsmakes me feels like I'm on my Steve Urkel turd status, Braxton Hartnebrig, ultra wedgie status.....sooo not a good look

- It, also, depends on the fit of the polo, though. Classic-fit versus Custom-fit
. Wit' that custom jawn, one button undone keep your G floatin'

- I see heads with both buttons fastened and LOL on the inside...if they only knew what I was thinkin'
......it almost never looks anywhere CLOSE to proper...

- To each his own, right
. NT theme song

depends how you want your fit to look it could be the 3 top ones unbutton for a laid back look or all the way with a more clean look!
Im wondering if the people that DO button it all the way up, are wearing polos that are actually their, vs a size or two larger than they need.

I imagine that would make a huge difference.
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