California voters will decide whether to legalize marijuana

my friend bought medical marijuana at this store around my house he payed some serious cash for a good amount..
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

I love my state

its almost legal anyway....... lets make it legit legit

basically, i dont feel like its going to change anything for me except not worrying about getting a ticket
Originally Posted by bluedeniro

i just wanna know who tryna move to cali when it passes and become a king pin for their hometown cities
i would flood chicago with that good cause lord knows we got some of the worst weed ever
people be losing weight like they smoking crack out here with strong weed habits

U got ya head on ya shoulders boy
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

simply put, there is not enough support to legalize marijuana anytime soon. you think that because you and your buddies like to get high every other day that this is gonna be a simple pass? for every smoker, there's 5 who don't smoke because they have real responsibilities, like going to a real job and supporting their family.

the system we have now is fine the way it is. keep marijuana for the sick and away from the kids (at least more "away" than making it legal would).kids these days need motivation and reasons to work hard, not legalizing a plant that promotes laziness.

way biased responses

cali got TONS of support of this did you think it got THIS FAR?
Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by bluedeniro

i just wanna know who tryna move to cali when it passes and become a king pin for their hometown cities
i would flood chicago with that good cause lord knows we got some of the worst weed ever
people be losing weight like they smoking crack out here with strong weed habits

U got ya head on ya shoulders boy
straight up dudes dont even know how many millionaires this little bill is gonna make
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Its about damn time.

I haven't smoked in a very long time and I don't plan to start doing again....except on rare occasions.

Anyway, they will be able to tax the hell out of it like Tobacco.

All my friends who smoke think this is the best thing ever, however, they don't grasp the consequences. Weed will get more expensive, easier to get, so sucks for all the dudes that slang weed
Paying an extra $5-10 a gram>>> dealing with cops, drug dealers, harder to get as a youth

Originally Posted by bluedeniro

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

Originally Posted by bluedeniro

i just wanna know who tryna move to cali when it passes and become a king pin for their hometown cities
i would flood chicago with that good cause lord knows we got some of the worst weed ever
people be losing weight like they smoking crack out here with strong weed habits

U got ya head on ya shoulders boy
straight up dudes dont even know how many millionaires this little bill is gonna make

I already know theres gonna be a increase in new residents if this goes threw
might as well move out here now
it's gonna cost more to get it legally
you can get that good good now cheaper out here than anywhere in quantities you ain't seeing elsewere
I hope that California voters accept a more advanced approach to drug policy. I hope that the turnout will be bigger in the cities and on the coasts so thatthe result will be an affirmative decision for this putative law whose passage will show that California is leading the nation into the 21st Century on thisissue.
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