Call of Duty: Ghost | OT | Xmas Gun Camo LIVE for X360, ONE and PC, PS4/3 on 12/18

its mainly due to the high detail and good *** outfits the caracters be wearing. some people just play with holographic sight just because of this problem (epecially on whiteout and octane). turn up your brightness levels. i play on the highest brightness + color blind correction.
I just use the scanner sight on everything. Thanks for the brightness tip though I hadn't thought of that, will try tomorrow.
I mean...dudes are camo'd down. They should be hard to see :lol:
Yes but not to this degree. It's not just from afar, often they'll be right infront of me and I just don't notice them. I'm certainly not the only one experiencing this either.
I was just been bs'ing :lol:

I know what you mean tho. I've been withholding judgement on the game visually cuz I'm still the 360.

The problem I think most ppl are getting is that the maps are too detailed. That combined with highly detailed character models means everything ends up blending together on the graphically underpowered prev gen systems.
Yeah I've been hearing the PS4 and Xbox One don't really have this problem.
You're not the only one. I can't see enemies either.

I go back to black ops 2 at times just to make sure my eyes aren't failing me and its a lot easier there.
Yeah I've been hearing the PS4 and Xbox One don't really have this problem.

It's a lot more difficult to pick people out in current gen, the next gen version of the game is very bright but there are still limitations like the guy that's prone in the grass or crouched in the corner, your still not going to be able to see him well if your on the move.
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On the One and I can't see ****. Respawn system needs work,been getting respawned in the line of enemy fire & too close to someone that I killed (vice versa)
What a waste of 40 bucks
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On the One and I can't see ****. Respawn system needs work,been getting respawned in the line of enemy fire & too close to someone that I killed (vice versa)
What a waste of 40 bucks
Respawns seem to have to gotten worse to me since their latest update.
Did they swap the aim and shoot buttons for this game? I swear it was always L 2 aim and R 2 for shoot but he has me thinking twice and said it was vice versa
This COD pisses me off more than any other COD has.. I am CONSTANTLY spawning a wall away from a sprinting enemy. Once I sprint to leave spawn, enemy runs the corner and flanks- I don't stand a chance.

People blend in extremely well, and I'm playing on the One. Didn't have it for 360 so don't care if it's worse on that. All you have to do is sit still in a textured corner and you're invisible to anyone running by taking quick glances around their corners.

The Core game itself is good, there's some things they just screwed up on.
Yeah I sold mine on eBay for $50 and haven't looked back since.

Finally realized that fun moments were dwarfed by the pissed off moments. Games are supposed to be fun--Ghosts is just too frustrating too much of the time.
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you guys should try and take your time to get off spawn. dont run like crazy trying to get the revenge kill. just clear the area and start from there. Ive slowed down my off spawn movement and die less. :smh: yes i get the occational spawn into 2 crosshairs :lol: its just a game
^^^^probably the best advice hands down. My friend and I were notorious for raging and seeking out that last dude that killed us ending up blindly rushing into more deaths. No lie some spawns are jacked but overall if you play smart you can avoid getting that insta death. I'm having fu with Clan Wars and getting those XP boosts. Almost ready for new maps but eagerly anticipating those Christmas noobs. Speaking of new maps the 4 DLC pack names have been confirmed:

View media item 686849
Also IW giving out a free personalization pack, "Ugly Christmas Sweater"

View media item 686846
if your garbage like me and want to avoid deaths just camp it out in domination after getting 1 or 2 kills :pimp:
Any body that wants this for the one and has BF4... Let's trade

I may never play this game again. After hundreds of hours I'm jus burnt out on COD and my eyes arnt good enough to stay above a one k/d anymore which is jus pathetic. My sensitivity is on 16 yet I miss melees and get knifed by dudes playin on like 4. The character movement speeds are so inconsistent. I'm done with the game. Been playin dead rising and madden. And bf 4 on the ps4 is incredible so ill jus roll with that. Bf3 on ps3 was dope
:lol: at ceejay trowing in the towel after getting knifed by a kid with low sensitivity. i admit this cod isnt for everyone but it is solid.

if your garbage like me and want to avoid deaths just camp it out in domination after getting 1 or 2 kills :pimp:
You'll never get better that way.
agreed. unless its his first cod. id suggest you play bots to understand spawns and flow of the map. cant imagine being forced to camp by the fear of dying a lot.
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Any body that wants this for the one and has BF4... Let's trade

I may never play this game again. After hundreds of hours I'm jus burnt out on COD and my eyes arnt good enough to stay above a one k/d anymore which is jus pathetic. My sensitivity is on 16 yet I miss melees and get knifed by dudes playin on like 4. The character movement speeds are so inconsistent. I'm done with the game. Been playin dead rising and madden. And bf 4 on the ps4 is incredible so ill jus roll with that. Bf3 on ps3 was dope
That sensitivity might be part of the problem :lol:. I play on 12 myself, but 16? That's wild. Tone it down a bit and see if your aim/skill improves.
Any body that wants this for the one and has BF4... Let's trade

I may never play this game again. After hundreds of hours I'm jus burnt out on COD and my eyes arnt good enough to stay above a one k/d anymore which is jus pathetic. My sensitivity is on 16 yet I miss melees and get knifed by dudes playin on like 4. The character movement speeds are so inconsistent. I'm done with the game. Been playin dead rising and madden. And bf 4 on the ps4 is incredible so ill jus roll with that. Bf3 on ps3 was dope
That sensitivity might be part of the problem
. I play on 12 myself, but 16? That's wild. Tone it down a bit and see if your aim/skill improves.
I play on 5, got a 2.0 K/D and used to play on 7 on the 360 but 16 is insane.
^ Yeah one of my boys plays on 3 :wow:. We always bash him for it but he plays just fine. Last week we were playing S&D and he was the last one left so we were all spectating him. He actually turned on someone, we were going nuts :lol: :lol:.
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