Call of Duty: MW3 -Official Xbox360 Thread-Out Now!- Got 99 Problems but Sales Ain't One..

I am just hoping the K-Mart by my house or the one by my work has this on Friday so I can get it and Skyrim and get the $50 gift card, need that to renew my xbox live
At some of the places people are camping.
Yo, I'll be on in about 30-45 min too.

Get at me. I play mostly Dom.

Gt: ItsLindsayYaHoe

and December, get yo @+% off of campaign and join my party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Scar L w/ Kick proficiency and Suppressor is SUPA HOAWT BOI! It's pretty weak that Elite is still not up and running, though.


I feel like such a ****head for feeling swagged up that im top 300 in the world

If you've been inviting me and I haven't accepted, I'm not ignoring you I've just been running with all of my boys. 

My favorite guns so far:

ACR + Focus + Extended Mag

G36C + Focus + Silencer

MSR + Anything
If any of ya that needs a no-so bad support killstreak player holla @ me GT: Diplomatic Man
Originally Posted by Hoy Its Lindsay

^ What does focus do again?

You must be cray at this game
Reduces flinching when aiming down your sights while getting shot. It wins me way more gunfights than Kick does, and if you tap your trigger rather than hold it in there's really no need for Kick anyway.
Add me: Crispy SOB
I plan on beginning multiplayer after tomorrow so I'll need some assistance with map navigation
Originally Posted by Twig1026

Add me: Crispy SOB
I plan on beginning multiplayer after tomorrow so I'll need some assistance with map navigation

If you want to learn the maps I'd suggest messing around in Spec Ops Survival a little.
I suck on this, barely go positive; hopefully that changes after I learn the maps. Only problem I see with this game is dying since the game wants to spawn people right behind you.
Never been so heated winning every single match I played today....I had ZERO breaks today, only a few crazy good games, rest were like 10-9, 12-10, 14-16.....meh
Anyone having trouble accepting invites? I can't join my friends games or party chat and yes my nat is open
Only had one good game with some random NT members on domination

What game mode does everybody be on.
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