Can I move out on my own with 1600-1800 a month income?

 = aint happening fam bam. Bite the bullet; stay at home; stack some chips; and make a move after you start making more dough. Believe me, moving out early aint fun. 

I've been on my own since I was 18. 

Then again, a 1 br apt. in the BX, shoot, an apt. in LES, Alphabet City, etc. was going for about $600 at the time (1996). 
This 100%.
I never had the privacy or respect issues at my parents' house. The good thing was they always respected me as an adult and allowed me to come and go as I pleased...
But man, living in a tiny two bedroom with my mother and father wore on me. On top of that living conditions weren't great. House wasn't dirty, but roaches and mice were always popping up. Neighborhood sucked. Gunshots every night. My bedroom was tiny. I HAD to go. I took time to stack, and moved out about 7 months ago at 26. Held on for as long as I could.
Now, I don't really live check to check. My bills are all always paid on time. I go out and splurge here and there. I can put money away and my fridge is always full.
Main thing is I didn't go until I was absolutely ready and sure that I could survive and wouldn't end up back home. Nothing wrong with staying at home until you're ready at all.
Although being 26 and still at home in a teeny tiny bedroom is not the business.:lol:

I'm in the exact same situation at 26. If you dont mind me asking, how much did you have saved up when you made move? and how much were you making monthly?
Trying to flee this tiny bedroom and move up to a nicer neighborhood.
Wasn't speaking on OP....he's in no position to move out, he will struggle, I was speaking on people making 6k monthly, 100-200k get real....don't feed people this BS of stacking paper for something better, you like the idea of minimal responsabilities and more money, it's a simple idea and what's not to like about it....

I completely understand your point and what you've been saying, I just think everyone's situation is different. There are people who are leaning on their parents, who can definitely be out there on their own..And then there are those who are just saving a little in order to do well when they get out on their own. Basically if the opportunity is there, why not? I just got my job and I plan on saving for about 6 months before I get out.

View media item 128655
I dont understand the logic of staying home to "save" for a house. 

How can you buy a house and manage that when you can't and or won't move out your moms? It's easier to rent and cheaper in the long run than owning. 

It just seems a lot of you 25+ year olds are still boys.

You can stay home with the parents, drive an SS camaro, buy 1k in kicks a month, but god forbid you have your own place.
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I dont understand the logic of staying home to "save" for a house. 

How can you buy a house and manage that when you can't and or won't move out your moms? It's easier to rent and cheaper in the long run than owning. 

It just seems a lot of you 25+ year olds are still boys.

You can stay home with the parents, drive an SS camaro, buy 1k in kicks a month, but god forbid you have your own place.
Not necessarily for a house. but just life in general. Things like an emergency fund, investments, retirement, help family out,  etc. 

How does living on your own show responsibility in and of itself? I could take you through project after project around NYC where people live on their own but many aren't responsible. Or I can show you even more people living on their own but paycheck to paycheck. Are they the definition of responsible? 

What I am going to do with my own place? I'm not home for 14-16 hours for 6 days out out of the week, so what would I really be paying for? When I'm engaged and about to get married, moving on will be at the forefront of the agenda but not now. 

The fact is that for the vast majority of the population, their socio-economic status is set in stone by their early 30's. What's so wrong about trying to give oneself a leg up. We're living into our 70's and 80's now, there's no need to rush things in your 20's when it comes to "independence", 
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soo much learned from all of you.
Graduated a year ago and have yet to look for a job.
I'm working retail like 3 days a week and make jack compared to all of you. I'm working on making a webshow with my friends, but this thread makes me wanna lace up a business suit and go corporate.

If the web show is what you are passionate about, invest yourself in it. :pimp:

Be careful with this advice.
Also, your cultural background plays a huge role as well. For example, Asian families are more likely to let their kids stay with them until they've saved up enough for a home or higher-paying job, and white families are more likely to want their kids to be independent as soon as they hit 18.
Possible? Maybe. But you'll be livin like a broke college student.
I've moved out before and came back.
You'll need enough money saved up to cover bills for at least 90-180 days in advance WHILE you get income.

So cell phone is $100? Have at least $300-$600 put away for that for example.
Car $350? Have at least a 1k-2k put away just for that expense alone as well and so on.
Even for the various expenses like food, clothes etc.

Good luck though OP.
This 100%.
I never had the privacy or respect issues at my parents' house. The good thing was they always respected me as an adult and allowed me to come and go as I pleased...
But man, living in a tiny two bedroom with my mother and father wore on me. On top of that living conditions weren't great. House wasn't dirty, but roaches and mice were always popping up. Neighborhood sucked. Gunshots every night. My bedroom was tiny. I HAD to go. I took time to stack, and moved out about 7 months ago at 26. Held on for as long as I could.
Now, I don't really live check to check. My bills are all always paid on time. I go out and splurge here and there. I can put money away and my fridge is always full.
Main thing is I didn't go until I was absolutely ready and sure that I could survive and wouldn't end up back home. Nothing wrong with staying at home until you're ready at all.
Although being 26 and still at home in a teeny tiny bedroom is not the business.:lol:

I'm in the exact same situation at 26. If you dont mind me asking, how much did you have saved up when you made move? and how much were you making monthly?
Trying to flee this tiny bedroom and move up to a nicer neighborhood.
Don't mind at all. I had about 3,000 total saved and was only taking home maybe $1800/mo after taxes. Having a roommate eased the blow a lot.
Im in a similiar role as of right now. Currently 23 living at home and I am a college grad. I take in about 1900 after taxes and haven't saved up much (christmas time killed me) but plan to save at least 5k before I make the move out. My girlfriend is almost done with school (May) and wherever she gets a job I plan to follow more than likely. Going to be put in a tough situation having to quit my job and find a new one, but at least I will have some money saved up and she will be bringing some in until I find one in the new location. Like everyone says, you may not want to live with someone else, but it definately makes life easier..
Im in a similiar role as of right now. Currently 23 living at home and I am a college grad. I take in about 1900 after taxes and haven't saved up much (christmas time killed me) but plan to save at least 5k before I make the move out. My girlfriend is almost done with school (May) and wherever she gets a job I plan to follow more than likely. Going to be put in a tough situation having to quit my job and find a new one, but at least I will have some money saved up and she will be bringing some in until I find one in the new location. Like everyone says, you may not want to live with someone else, but it definately makes life easier..
View media item 204842
Im in a similiar role as of right now. Currently 23 living at home and I am a college grad. I take in about 1900 after taxes and haven't saved up much (christmas time killed me) but plan to save at least 5k before I make the move out. My girlfriend is almost done with school (May) and wherever she gets a job I plan to follow more than likely. Going to be put in a tough situation having to quit my job and find a new one, but at least I will have some money saved up and she will be bringing some in until I find one in the new location. Like everyone says, you may not want to live with someone else, but it definately makes life easier..


dog what is wrong with the males of our generation?
Not necessarily for a house. but just life in general. Things like an emergency fund, investments, retirement, help family out,  etc. 

How does living on your own show responsibility in and of itself? I could take you through project after project around NYC where people live on their own but many aren't responsible. Or I can show you even more people living on their own but paycheck to paycheck. Are they the definition of responsible? 

What I am going to do with my own place? I'm not home for 14-16 hours for 6 days out out of the week, so what would I really be paying for? When I'm engaged and about to get married, moving on will be at the forefront of the agenda but not now. 

The fact is that for the vast majority of the population, their socio-economic status is set in stone by their early 30's. What's so wrong about trying to give oneself a leg up. We're living into our 70's and 80's now, there's no need to rush things in your 20's when it comes to "independence", 
stop son...

if you're living on your own... maintaining...

then you're somewhat responsible.
it's definitely possible to move out and live, but you wouldn't be living comfortably by any means. I don't think it's smart to move out if you don't have to. Save your money

dog what is wrong with the males of our generation?
lol yall act like im being forced to leave because of her. I actually want to get out of Michigan and I am open to just about anything, so I'm just seeing how things pan out. Shes more than likely going to take a job in Chicago, where I have already received offers and turned them down and have plenty of friends there as is. I like my job, but I know I can find better and with my background it won't be hard to find a new one either. Time will tell..

dog what is wrong with the males of our generation?
lol yall act like im being forced to leave because of her. I actually want to get out of Michigan and I am open to just about anything, so I'm just seeing how things pan out. Shes more than likely going to take a job in Chicago, where I have already received offers and turned them down and have plenty of friends there as is. I like my job, but I know I can find better and with my background it won't be hard to find a new one either. Time will tell..

LOL forreal I didn't think you said anything wrong to be honest. Your original message sounded like your ready for a change of scenary, and with your girl graduating soon it would just speed up the process for you.
LOL forreal I didn't think you said anything wrong to be honest. Your original message sounded like your ready for a change of scenary, and with your girl graduating soon it would just speed up the process for you.
EXACTLY. Been with her for 2 years through thick and thin, if she dips then it gives me the motivation to want to leave here as well, am I wrong for wanting change and happy with the girl I'm with? Don't think so..
More power to you, but just be prepared in case it doesn't work out. Last thing you want is for things to become rocky and you to be relying in her hundreds of miles away from home.

I take it you're still young, so make sure you're ready. Living with a woman is tough, bro.:lol:

Just cover your own ***.
More power to you, but just be prepared in case it doesn't work out. Last thing you want is for things to become rocky and you to be relying in her hundreds of miles away from home.
I take it you're still young, so make sure you're ready. Living with a woman is tough, bro.

Just cover your own ***.
hahaha trust me I am FULLY aware of that bs. Hence why I said "tough situation" originally lmao. Its not a complete win-win situation in any case
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