*......Canada prepares to cull 275,000 baby seals.....* (good read)

Originally Posted by TrueshotAura

Originally Posted by Cz7

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by DwyaneWadeOG

eh. i dont really care. as long as they dont go extinct. animals dont have feelings.
you're an idiot.
Originally Posted by pacmagic2002

People are always saying something about some animals.............Soo what if its for fur, we kill millions of cows, and BILLIONS of chickens per year, i dont see anyone trying to save them either.

I dont see what the big deal is, as long as they arent an endangered species, its fine.

If some arent killed every year, there would probably be too many of them anyway. Its what makes the world go round.
and so are you

Wow, how do you get off saying people are idiots without even substantiating your claim. I kinda agree with the second dude tho, we kill tons of chickens, cows, and pigs and EAT them. How are these seals any different? why is there existence so much more important that people are protesting and stuff??
Because these seals are living in the normal habitats and we are going out to kill them. It's different when a farmer breeds his own chickens (not sure if breed is the right word) but it's another thing to kill an animal living in it's natural habitat. And whoever said that the beating to death of seals for fashion is "what makes the world goes around," is ignorant at best.
CWrite78 tell em. I think most people are ok with a culling of a over populated species, this howether aint the case. inhumanely killingseal pups just for there pelts is unacceptable in my books.
being from scotland i know a thing or two about culling, and as far as im aware that didnt involve the young i.e deer cullings in the highlands they take outthe old bucks, leaving the females and young to repopulate.

"I've stood on the ice and witnessed for myself the suffering as thousands of seals, mostly pups underthree months of age, are clubbed or shot and skinned, often while still alive, so their fur can be used to make luxury fashion items that nobody reallyneeds. " this aint cool
you do know the pigs are one of the smartest animals? And feel pain and all that. The seal hunt is sick but there is reasoning behind it. Many people will losethere jobs and what not. Its just because they are cute that it upsets people. If your not a vegetarian you have no biz trying to say this is wrong.
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