Carribean women


Apr 12, 2012
there is nothing more sexy to me than Caribbean women, from the diversity of skin color, to they accents, to the way they carry themselves they are
I used to feel the same way..
Spoiler [+]
..until I dated one.
My grandmother's father is from Barbados, and I'll say that the weaves and hair color are bad for some Carribean chicks. I don't really see Carribean chicks too special, but I like black women in general.
Originally Posted by Tr1ll

I used to feel the same way..
Spoiler [+]
..until I dated one.
yup. the sex by far the best but a relationship is a no go with their crazy $%^@
My wifey is from the Virgin Island and I just love the way she is driven but occasionally that attitude comes out and it can be a problem but I wouldn't trade her for the world.Not to mention the food she be cooking me.
there's one that's super
at my school...

mentally, she was a friggin wreck... just all over the place...

i looked past it cuz she had that phat booty + that accent...

but then i got close by her and she was kinda smelly...

made me look at them all a bit different
Nothing worse than a bad smelling woman

But being Jamaican, they are definitely appreciated. Just wouldn't date any of their crazy behinds as mentioned.
being raised in growing up around these @$#% my whole life, i beg to differ my friend
unappreciated, unless mixed with something exotic like indian or chinese
come at me
Originally Posted by friedchickenpimpin

being raised in growing up around these @$#% my whole life, i beg to differ my friend
unappreciated, unless mixed with something exotic like indian or chinese
come at me

da first part lol
They're insane. Highly sexual but will spazz on you without holding ANYTHING back.

They also seem to enjoy telling dudes who wont tolerate their craziness that they aren't their father
They can be great, but they seriously are the most hot blooded people. Even legit African girls aren't as hot blooded as carribean woman. I'll bust 1, but to date, nah Im good
Originally Posted by Retro23J

They're insane. Highly sexual but will spazz on you without holding ANYTHING back.

They also seem to enjoy telling dudes who wont tolerate their craziness that they aren't their father

all this
All that insane talk pertains to AMERICANIZED Caribbean Women and "Soca Rats"/ "Dance Hall Queens".

They spaz because they know they can and its accepted behavior for females in the States.

Get your self a real "West Indian" woman and your are GOOD MONEY.

Calm, feminine, intelligent, beautiful, loyal and "traditional".

Of course you can find that in any nationality but the percentage is substantial on the Islands.. It like having a whole nation of "exotic" sheltered American Southern Belles.
African x Indian x Venezuelan/"Spanish" Trini and Jamaican gawd!
Caribbean women have some of the hottest tempers i've ever seen. When they catch a passion it's
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

The ones who never stepped in the US

I've yet to meat a female from the Caribbeans 

there was this girl on the chans who was from barbados and that bod was 

my thirst mode turned on quick man.

it was crazy... to bad you don't know their names. eh...
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