Originally Posted by 10 Piece Nuggets

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by Dwadefan

Originally Posted by AirUpHere23

Originally Posted by manilaboyxix

so much hate on wale

dude's a celebrity, it's his job to get noticed

Its always the extra sensitive cats saying someone else is "hating". Honestly, I think that word gets thrown around too often. If somebody doesn't like dude's fit and speaks their opinion...they're "hating"..?

..and Wale's only a celebrity to the folks that care about him. Dude's got some nice kicks, and is deep in the shoe game but if he wants to dress like a clown...

Example A)


...then dude should get used to the criticism...
To you for thinking he actually went out like that. Accusing the dude of dressing wacky by posting a picture of him goofing around?

yourself homie. You tell me where I suggested he went out like that...? I personally don't care if he went out like that or not..dude looks like a clown in that pic..and that's just my opinion. But again, if you're one them cats thinking Wale is doin it then good for you. I'm not a "hater" of Wale..some of his music is cool. But I'm not gonna put this guy on a pedestal like some of ya'll like to do because he's one of your favorite celebs.

He looks likes a clown cause hes clowning around, as one can obviously see.

If you wanna call him out for dressing like a clown, call so on a fit of him actually goign out and not pulling up his jeans up to take a goofy pic.

Wale wears some pretty decent fits and like I said I don't have any hate for dude but so what if it's my opinion if I think he looks goofy in onesingle pic. I do think he looks like a clown in that pic, but obviously that was the look he was going after so I guess it's a fair assessment...

My only purpose for posting the pic is because people around here are quick to get defensive if you have something negative to say about one of theirfavorites.
Dude a few pages back didn't like Wale's fit andmade mention that it was a "horrific outfit". So what...it's his opinion...but as you can see someone got upset with it and had to play the"hate" card...

I'm just saying the word gets thrown around way too much on this board and I'm a guy that hardly ever comments negatively about anyone's fitregardless if they're a celeb or not.
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