Chad Johnson gets 30 days in jail for slapping his lawyers butt

I hate the attitude that you are at the "mercy" of another human being just because they have a robe and gavel​

That to me is more alarming than dudes misbehaving in court​

The slap was probably a joke and inappropriate given the situation, but to take away 30 days of a man's life he'll never get back because your feelings are hurt/you're offended​


So how would you act in front of a cop or judge?

She already was lecturing dude on how he got off from the 30 days, because of his lawyer.
She was lecturing him because of his nonchalant attitude. This isn't twitter. Tweet and crack jokes later. Turn that **** off. Especially when your freedom is on the line. Why didn't he do it? Because he's Chad Johnson. It was cute when he was a pro bowl receiver. This is the real world.

He showed up the judge. If he showed up Bill Belicheck he might get cut. Would you cry about how it was just a joke, and it shouldn't cost him his career. No, because the team would have that power.

He was convicted(not sure if it was no contest or he pled off hand) over a violent crime, and all he got was probation. He violated his parole and got no time.

All you people crying for Chad. If you had a domestic violence incident, and violated your parole, do you think nothing would happen to you? So why would you feel sorry for Chad? He couldn't do something simple like meet with his PO. And you wonder why the judge doesn't think he gets it?

The law is unequal for the rich and poor, so I damn sure not feeling sorry for Chad, when it's cats doing crazy numbers over stuff they didn't do because they had poor lawyers.
I have question, if he does the 30 days does he still get out and have to do all that stuff that extra stuff?
All you people saying, she abused her power.

Exactly how did she do that?

Do any of you know what contempt of court is?

An act of deliberate disobedience or disregard for the laws, regulations, or decorum of a public authority, such as a court or legislative body.

Individuals may be cited for contempt when they disobey an order, fail to comply with a request, tamper with documents, withhold evidence, interrupt proceedings through their actions or words, or otherwise defy a public authority or hold it up to ridicule and disrespect. The laws and rules governing contempt have developed in a piecemeal fashion over time and give wide discretion to judges and legislative leaders in determining both what constitutes contempt and how it is punished.

She didn't abuse her power, she HAS that power.

Some of you have been watching too much Boston Legal and Law & Order.

Yeah... we know she has power, you'd have to have power in the first place to abuse it

but listening to her justify her actions with "everyone in the court room is laughing" :x
Judge overacted but thats what people who give out years for dope cases usually do

You supposed to be on pins and needles in the courtroom my *****...If you not going to wear a suit at least act like you're taking it serious

Its a judge who has the power of your life in her/his hand...act accordingly
Yall defending Chad cause he's a ball player and it's what they do on the field?

So if a crip started crip walking cause his lawyer got him off would it be ok for the court to just allow it?

Ocho shouldn't have done it but the judge needs to get laid to release some of that pent up aggression. 30 days...for a that!!!!!! Seriously! Extend his probation...make him take some more classes but JAIL.

I can almost see it..."what you in for...Blew over the limit on the breathalyzer should go home tomorrow morning after I sober up..why you in here patted my lawyer on the a** so I got 30 days". Get the ____ outta here
He got thirty days as a reality check. He's luck to just be on probation. Thats the problem with celebs and judicial system..they get soo many passes and abuse it.
stopped reading after that

is this dude really comparing a petty butt tap to crip walking though?

the butt tap is basically the same thing as giving props/good job with out saying it

is it that serious 30 days??????

and she tried to justify it cuz people that had NOTHING to do with it were laughing

you dudes man... :smh:

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I hope somebody start "laughing" during Zimmermans trial
I wonder if he would get the same treatment
stopped reading after that

is this dude really comparing a petty butt tap to crip walking though?

the butt tap is basically the same thing as giving props/good job with out saying it

is it that serious 30 days??????

and she tried to justify it cuz people that had NOTHING to do with it were laughing

you dudes man...

It was a reach but people were defending based on prior profession celebrations. Ehh. He's still an idiot.
Don't know if it's been posted but here's the vid

After seeing that, I definitely feel like 30 days is od. After she accepted his plea, he appeared to be relieved and I'm sure he was appreciative and that lifted a load off his shoulders. It was even in the context of the topic, she asked him was he satisfied with his attorneys performance, he confirmed and she goes on to compliment the attorney, Chad just had a ill advised light hearted moment.

It was definitely done in a joking manner and that's what didn't sit right with the judge.

I bet he won't be smacking any butts next time he's in court.

If he did that to a female :smh: dude would've gotten a year and a day.
Yes the judge did go overboard with that sentencing. However, dude couldn't just give him a handshake or a pat on the back? I understand dude is a football player and all but leave that on the field. 

Regardless, all of this would have been avoided if dude just played by the rules and not violate his probation so he put himself in that situation. 
Awwwwwwwwww poor little semi-decent looking judge either got dumped by a black guy or last a boyfriend to a black guy (or she's just plain racist). I hope she loses her job and the ability to work in the judicial system. Maybe she can try catching an attitude when some guy slaps the butt of another guy while in line at McDonalds before she takes their order.
Chad always feels the need to be the center of attention, and feels like he needs to bring humor to a situation.
Stephen A. went off on First Take about Chad.

All Chad had to do was allow the judge to complete the plea terms. His attorney nearly bailed him out.

I see it two ways for the judge. One, she felt mocked that the courtroom was laughing. Two, she wants to be that judge that taught Chad a lesson and set him straight.

I understand the humor and football (good game pat), but don't do it in front of the judge and in open court.
Wow.. I actually thought he deserved it after reading about it but after watching the video, I think she went overboard. I retract my earlier post. The thing is, she asked him if he was satisfied with his attorney. He said, "he is awesome" and then she said he is a good attorney. He then barely tapped his attorney's butt just confirming that he thought his attorney was a good lawyer. I thought he was being rude or something from the article but during the video you can hear him say "yes your honor or ma'am" ...
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Don't know if it's been posted but here's the vid

If he did that to a female :smh: dude would've gotten a year and a day.

I didnt see a smirk on his face, she kept praising the lawyer and he did that because that is what they do in football.

He didnt laugh the viewers did, he had a straight face.

This is ridiculous.

Judges and their power trips.:smh:
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She's uptight as hell.

His downright spiral was really fast. He messed with a bird and consequences followed. Lesson for us all.
She's uptight as hell.

His downright spiral was really fast. He messed with a bird and consequences followed. Lesson for us all.

Forreal Evelyn is queen of the dream killers as nic richie would call them. First cyber toine then ocho. Any dude who wife's her up is a fool. She could have diamonds up in them yambs and I'd still pass
Forreal Evelyn is queen of the dream killers as nic richie would call them. First cyber toine then ocho. Any dude who wife's her up is a fool. She could have diamonds up in them yambs and I'd still pass

Word it's shorty's fault Ocho wanted to wife that and he put his hands on her
Take someones freedom for 30 days if you feel disrespected by them I wonder If we can all do that.
Become a judge and get a person in front of you in a court of law. Any sort of disrespect can be dealt with however you feel. It's the law.
Yep, as a judge you always gotta make sure everyone knows you have the biggest c*ck in the room. Because it's the law...
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