
Apr 17, 2008

edit : when I opened this thread all it said was "What". I was confused

I think cheating is reserved for committed relationships. If two people are dating around and also sleeping around, that's their prerogative, they should just be honest with each other.
What do you guys consider cheating? If he or she smashes a girl or guy while dating someone else, is that cheating? Or does it have to be an official relationship to be considered cheating? What do you guys think?
anything involvin the opposite sex that he or she wouldnt tell their significant other is cheatin
Got to be in a relationship. Dating you're just feelin each other out and seeing if you want to be exclusive or not
Yeah i know it's cheating if it's sex kissing etc etc. BUT is it cheating if you guys are just dating? Or do the terms have to be set for it to be exclusive?
Originally Posted by kilojules64


edit : when I opened this thread all it said was "What". I was confused

I think cheating is reserved for committed relationships. If two people are dating around and also sleeping around, that's their prerogative, they should just be honest with each other.
Well said.
Originally Posted by Humble Pedant

Yeah i know it's cheating if it's sex kissing etc etc. BUT is it cheating if you guys are just dating? Or do the terms have to be set for it to be exclusive?

I say only if it's exclusive. 
IF she wanted to be with me that bad she would have made a move, as men we just go with the flow unless shawty's bad.

Other then that, once a girl let's me know she's feeling me I say "Ohhhh yeah, me too!" Blah, blah, blah.

Most of us just want to smash or whatever anywas! 
Originally Posted by eashawty

anything involvin the opposite sex that he or she wouldnt tell their significant other is cheatin

these days thats called being close-minded.... all the gay and bi-ness going on out there
Originally Posted by eashawty

anything involvin the opposite sex that he or she wouldnt tell their significant other is cheatin

damn many ppl are screwed
I used to text mad females just cause they were hilarious to me and provided entertainment during class and would never tell my ex cause she would be heated

Guess I "cheated"
Monogamy does not have any room for polygamy

If you are in a defined relationship with one person...then that is pretty much self explanatory.  Dating is simply the field. 
^ it is if you ask yourself?
So what if you think someone else cheated when they did something. Would that mean that they cheated because you believe that what they did was in fact cheating.
If you're in a committed relationship with someone, and you ever sext with someone that is cheating. If you even get someones number that is cheating, because you've committed yourself to someone.
Originally Posted by lebrons n jays23

Originally Posted by eashawty

anything involvin the opposite sex that he or she wouldnt tell their significant other is cheatin

these days thats called being close-minded.... all the gay and bi-ness going on out there
man u know wat i mean...& that applies for committed relationships, u cant cheat on sumbody if yall aint even together in the 1st place
if you're not in a committed relationship, it's not cheating, but don't expect to get with the girl if she finds out.
Its only cheating if my lady cums first and the guy is wearing protection. If she has the audacity to orgasm before the guy pillaging her essence and she doesn't allow him to penetrate in his natural state then I'm angered by it. Nothing grinds my gears more than knowing a guy went up in my lady with a rubber on. It leaves us with nothing to talk about considering he didn't get to really "feel"her. Everything else is fair game, god didn't make vagina as magnificent as it is to only be for one guy. We share vagina around my way. Its like discussing cars or the latest c.d. I always let me cousins or closest friends run up in my lady if I think its getting serious. That way we can discuss the fine little details of what makes her stuff good. Condoms are "cheating" because you aren't fully appreciating the box.
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