Cleveland Cavs Season Thread- No Market Incentives in new LBJ/Nike

Originally Posted by toine2983

Good deal for the Cavs on paper if it goes through.

Are the Suns going to wave Big Z  or are they gonna keep him? Otherwise it would be Amar'e for Hickson straight up.

cavs wont make anytrade if z isnt bought out....z will be back if he is traded no matter what
If I were to guess what our approach was going to be this off season, I would think that we would be looking to try and pull off some sort of blockbuster trade that might land us a very valuable piece via trade.

Some are looking at the MLE as a vehicle, and sure ..that will be one we look into.

But, with the number of contracts we have available, and players ..I think if a highly valued piece might be available to be obtained via trade, we may really work hard to try and pull one off this off season.

In speculating what players around the league we might try and check into to see of their availability in trade, I think the first name on the list would have to be Chris Paul.

I know ...doesn't seem likely that it could be possible. And probably isn't, quite frankly. But ..that team is having some pretty bad economic issues, and we might be able to use that as leverage toward possibly getting them to listen.

We'd likely have to incorporate adding a bad contract or contracts to help them consider anything.. but, I could see them listening if we were to maybe throw some quality assets, with prospects, money and also pick off some bad contracts on their team.

Obviously for someone of value like Paul you'd have to give them lots. Talking talent, money, prospects, and taking on bad contract or contracts.

But, if we toss in a Mo Williams, a JJ Hickson, Danny Gibson, one of our large expirings, and take on maybe someone like Sojakovic's contract... it might get their interest.

It may not work, but this "Trade Rumors & Ideas" subject line will be the most active area of this site come summer. I would suspect that trying to pull off a major trade is going to be on Danny Ferry's wish list in trying to find a great young "Pippen" to put alongside Lebron.

Nobody in the league would make him happier than Chris Paul. He is closest to him, than anyone else in the league not playing for the Cavs. He is really like family within the James inner circle.

If a way exists to get New Orleans to listen and contemplate trading a guy like Paul ...we might just have the will, desire, and ability to put together a great package that would pique their interest.

Other players around the league might also interest us if Paul isn't feasible. But, in speculating things that might happen with us come summertime. Look especially at the possible trade options we may look to, to try and bring that key high valued piece to our team via trade, since we won't be able to just straight out get in on the buying spree of potential high end free agents.

While all these teams line up and take their swings at these free agents that are highly publicized. Be aware that Danny Ferry and Dan Gilbert are sitting back and have been strategizing of ways our team can participate this summer, in possibly landing a marquee player to our team as well ...even though it may not be the free agent route.

Should be a fun summer with lots of activity present throughout the league. I have a feeling that Danny Ferry and Dan Gilbert will find a way to make some big headlines themselves, this coming summer.

Just have this feeling, the way Dan Gilbert has been talking about this coming summer. He gives you that look, and that feel that when he talks about how the media talks up how everyone is stepping up and stealing Lebron from us ... he says, these people that have been saying all these things should realize that we might just be the one team that is set better than anyone to not only have Lebron at the end of the day ...we might be the one team, more than all others, that can put the second big piece alongside him, and have the ability to do it...

Dan Gilbert just gives me this feel that he's not gonna sit by and be an innocent bystander this summer.

Watch and see ..should be interesting this summer.
If the Cavs can somehow trade for Chris Paul, I'd buy a Varejao jersey and wear it every day for rest of my life.
couldn't get him a pippen for 7 years and now all of a sudden with their weak assets they are gonna grab CP?
Originally Posted by DubA169

couldn't get him a pippen for 7 years and now all of a sudden with their weak assets they are gonna grab CP?

I'm sayin. as nice as this would be it seems a lil far fetched. but intriguing non the less. I'm looking forward to the playoffs. the competition this year should be no joke. Bobcats, haws...

Next year's uniforms to unveil a revised color scheme: Cavaliers Insider
By Brian Windhorst, The Plain Dealer
March 28, 2010, 8:14PM

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- It may seem like no team in the NBA wears as many different uniforms as the Cavaliers. Well, there's more -- with completely different styles -- on the way.
The Cavs are planning on slightly changing their team colors and also revamping their standard home and road uniforms for next season. The idea has been in the works for about two years, the amount of time the team must give the league before making a uniform adjustment, but the designs are not finalized.
It will not be a major change, team sources said, like seven years ago when the team brought back its current "new expression of wine and gold" and a new logo featuring crossing swords. The team's logos will stay basically the same, but there's going to be a brighter yellow featured.
Also, the front of the uniforms are expected to undergo a design change with a different presentation of the word "Cavaliers" on the home white and alternate blue uniforms and a different style of "Cleveland" on the wine road jerseys.
Currently, the Cavs use a pale shade of gold. That is one of the reasons why the gold has been less emphasized in recent years. There is virtually no gold used on the current floor design and very little on the standard uniforms. Blue has emerged as the team's secondary color by default. The new gold color will be more vibrant, closer to the original gold the team used in the 1970s and early 1980s.
The team hopes to finalize and unveil its new uniforms by the end of the season.
Sources say LeBron James' new deal with Nike does not have location bonuses
By Brian Windhorst, The Plain Dealer
March 31, 2010, 4:49PM
UPDATED: 5:19 p.m.

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- On Monday, LeBron James filmed a Nike commercial ticketed for NBA playoff telecasts at St. Vincent-St. Mary High School in Akron. It was just the latest in a series of spots dating back seven years, reflecting James' now long-standing relationship with the shoe giant. There will be many, many more.

James' seven-year contract with Nike was set to expire in a couple of months, but a new long-term deal has been reached that will keep Nike and James together for at least the next seven years. That means tens of millions for James -- but it also may mean some peace of mind for concerned Cavaliers fans about Nike's role in James' upcoming free agency decision.

According to multiple sources, James' new Nike deal does not have any bonuses for playing in a larger market such as New York, Chicago or Los Angeles. There has been some speculation that such clauses would be something for James to consider when he becomes a free agent in July.

Instead, James will continue to focus on winning, which is helping shoe sales. The current version of James' signature shoe, the Zoom LeBron VI, has been the best-selling version of the shoe. Two Final Four teams, Butler and Michigan State, will be wearing LeBron styles at the Final Four.

The increase in popularity can be attributed to James winning the Most Valuable Player Award and the Cavs' success over the last two seasons. It is giving momentum for Nike to roll out more James products and likely with a new logo after he completes his number change next season.

"We have a great relationship with Nike and LeBron's relationship with (Nike Senior Director of Basketball) Lynn Merritt is irreplaceable," said Maverick Carter, the CEO of James' Cleveland-based LRMR Marketing and Branding, which put the Nike deal together.

In the last year, Carter has also extended James' relationship with Coca-Cola and signed James to an endorsement deal with McDonald's.

"The way the deal works is a testament to how much work has gone into LeBron's brand," said Carter, who had talks with Nike over 18 months about the new contract. "The team LeBron has there means the world to us."
OC i was just changing my avy to the brother goosie
im gonna pick another one i really want to cop one of those +!$$$ but dont no hwo they fit
LeBron is pissed at MB for screwing up on a play earlier...since then every time he's tried to talk LeBron has blown him off and given the team his own orders
Originally Posted by JPZx

DubA in 3...2...1....
you're on my sack way to much for someone who isn't a cavs fan

have fun watching joe mauer never win a ring.
Mike said LeBron drew up the last play to unite the game

Coach Brown doing what's best for the franchise

Gutty win tho with horrid FT shooting. Andy and Shaq can't get back quick enough.
Seriously though, you can definitely see a differences with Varejao and Shaq out. Not enough down low presence, less offensive rebounds and we tend to get on more fast breaks when those guys play. Mike Brown knows how to play his role. He knows that when Lebron takes that drawing board, all he can do is fall back....cause Gilbert is always

Bron was upset about something after that very last play...what was that really about?

[h2] [/h2][h2]
[/h2][h2]Will 'New York LeBron' win out?[/h2][h3][/h3]
[h3]He's an Ohio player and a big-city businessman. So which side of LBJ matters most?[/h3]

By Brian Windhorst
Special to


Icon SMI/Getty ImagesLeBron James' roots are in Cleveland … But New York may be calling his "business" side.

When trying to understand the psychology of the huge decision LeBron James must make this summer, first you have to meet and understand Cleveland LeBron.

This is perfectly illustrated at just about every Cavaliers home game, where James immerses himself in a level of comfort he's spent seven years developing.

When he gets introduced, his first handshake routine is with Randy Mims, a close friend and business associate who has been with James for every home and road game during his NBA career. Mims, who is employed by the Cavs as a player liaison, sits behind the bench during games as well.

Also there every day is Mike Mancias, the team's assistant athletic trainer who also serves as James' personal workout coach. They do yoga together in hotel rooms, Mancias puts him through a 20-minute stretching routine after practices and before games, and he's on James' private jet as he crosses the globe in the offseason for various commitments.

So too is Chris Jent, the Cavs assistant coach who also qualifies as James' personal shooting coach. It is under Jent's guidance that James has become a stronger shooter and more efficient scorer. Before every game, Jent puts James through a shooting routine. He does the same in the summer, whether James is in Los Angeles shooting a commercial or on vacation in Europe.

Next to the Cavs bench in the front row is usually Maverick Carter, the CEO of James' LRMR Marketing company, a lifelong friend and former high school teammate. Also seated there is Rich Paul, another of James' friends and business associates. Carter shares the four seats with NBA behind-the-scenes operator Wes Wesley, who also sits courtside for numerous James games, both home and road.

James' mother, Gloria, sits in floor seats close by every night. Sometimes James' oldest son, LeBron Jr., 5, sits with her. The cheerleaders always make sure LeBron Jr. gets a mini basketball, which he will dribble through the hallways after the game, mimicking his dad. Behind them, often in a floor box, is where James' long-term girlfriend, Savannah Brinson, usually sits.

David Liam Kyle/NBAE/Getty ImagesLeBron's family and friends are always right with him in Cleveland.

Back in the family room, next to the posh locker room where James gets two lockers, there are toys that his children like in a playroom and a fridge stocked with drinks and little snacks they enjoy. That's also where more of James' family, friends and employees -- like his personal bodyguard -- relax and enjoy pre- and postgame meals from a personal chef.

A 40-minute drive away is James' dream home, which took him nearly three years to build, on the outskirts of his hometown of Akron, Ohio. It is not in a gated community, and he generally is left alone by neighbors. Nearby are several of his favorite restaurants, at which he's never bothered, and a mall where he routinely shops with minimal interruption.

When he was still talking about free agency, James said he wanted to compete for championships and be somewhere where he was most comfortable. Right now, that place seems like Cleveland.

"I've been a Cav for seven years now," James said. "And I've never given any indication I was leaving."

That envelope of comfort and protection he enjoys in Northeast Ohio is a big part of the James story, a part that many might not understand when they project what James is going to do this offseason, when he can opt out of his contract and hit the free-agent market.

But it isn't the whole story. There's another side to James, and this is the fraction of his personality that still unnerves the Cavs organization that has done all it can to bring James coziness and surround him with high-priced talent. And it is what scares so many Cavs fans to their very core.

It is another personality, even if it doesn't come out as often as his Akron-rooted sensibilities.

It is New York LeBron.

That's the James who gets in his jet to fly to New York to attend parties, restaurant openings or concerts on off nights during the season. It is the James who loves fashion, being on magazine covers and hanging out with Jay-Z, his mentor, who made a name for himself by conquering the New York music scene. It is the James who once said he wanted to earn a billion dollars and who has devoted his off-court time to developing business interests.

It is the James who took no shame in wearing a Yankees hat to an Indians playoff game three years ago, a move many Clevelanders took as a direct insult. It is also the James who, despite his statements about being happy at home, has also been sure to leave his options open in every statement about his future.

It is the James who keeps invoking the term "business" when discussing his future -- not the emotion Cavs fans want to hear, especially when the business capital of the country is in play as his other option. And especially when he talks in a removed, third-person manner.

"When July 1 gets here, I'm going to approach it like a businessman," James said in November before issuing a moratorium on all free-agent talk. "And I'm going to approach it for the best fit for LeBron and his family."

There will be other opportunities, of course. There are the Miami Heat, who offer wonderful weather and the chance to play with Dwyane Wade. There are the Chicago Bulls, a team James grew up rooting for, and one that features a good young core led by Derrick Rose. There are even the Los Angeles Clippers, another team with a young core in the most glamorous of towns, even if the thought of James pairing with owner Donald Sterling seems ridiculous.

But while James might not be able to pass up at least having a meeting to listen to what owner-to-be Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov has to say, those who know James firmly believe it is a two-horse race. Cleveland and New York. Or is it -- just maybe -- New York and Cleveland?

For James to leave and carve a scar in his hometown as deep as when the Cleveland Browns left in 1995 -- an ordeal James lived through and remembers well -- the only possible justification could be for the brightest lights.

A student of the game who is keenly aware of the present, James fully understands all facets of the decision. And the impact on fans in Cleveland, as well as on those in New York.

Johnny Nunez/WireImageLeBron enjoys hitting the New York night life with good friend Jay-Z.

"You look at history. It is like the Yankees. The big-time franchises that have a lot of history, it is hard for the fans to look at what they've been looking at the last few years," James said earlier this season.

"Because they know the history of what has gone into the Garden. So I can understand that as a fan, and I know, because I know the history of the game. I think the league is doing just fine, but with the Knicks being good, the Celtics being good, the Lakers being good, it makes the league that much better. I'm talking as a fan now, please understand that."

Another little trait of New York LeBron: the teaser.

In 2008, in the moments after the Cavs lost a brutal Game 7 battle to the freshly reloaded and soon-to-be champion Celtics, James was crushed and emotional. After shedding the hint of a tear in the locker room, he dressed and walked into the press conference and demanded roster upgrades, or else. Afraid of the "or else," the Cavs made three huge trades over the next two seasons and committed themselves to an additional $150 million to bring in players Shaquille O'Neal, Mo Williams and Antawn Jamison, not to mention re-signing Delonte West and Anderson Varejao to long-term contracts.

In the meantime, the Knicks have undertaken a painful two-year project of ripping their team to shreds in the hope they could sign James. General manager Donnie Walsh has had to make a series of bad trades with the plan of saving money, even as the team has spiraled into its ninth straight losing season -- all without being sure it will even work.

"I understand why people haven't done this before, because it's a very tough decision to make in an area like New York," Walsh told ESPN. "But there's no understanding, or 'I know what I'm doing' as far as specifics. No. We're like the rest of the world. We have to go in there and try to get the best players we can."

For James, maybe neither team's moves will mean anything. He hasn't had to worry about his future; he knows the options will be there. As he's about to wrap up his second Most Valuable Player award, he hasn't lost any sleep. He thinks about it, but he doesn't obsess like the teams trying to sign him.

That's why, sources close to him say, nobody really knows what James is going to do. Not even his closest friends and family. Maybe James doesn't either. He has the luxury of not concerning himself with it until July and still having plenty of desirable choices.

That's why the Cavs, despite their cautious optimism that he'll re-sign for at least three more years, still lose sleep. And the Knicks, despite their empty cupboard and miserable recent history, still get goosebumps.

"I don't tease; I've never teased New York," James said. " For me to say, 'I'm not going to be a Knick, I'm going to be a Cav' or 'I'm going to be a Knick, I'm not going to be a Cav,' I'm not going to do that. I did the three-year contract for a reason. I'm going to leave my options open."

Brian Windhorst covers the Cavaliers for the Cleveland Plain Dealer. You can read more of his coverage at

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