College Necessities/Advice.

Congratulations young blood, your on the right track to the biggest (and possibly the most uncomfortable) experience of your life: Living on campus.

I'm going into my senior year, so believe me when I say I remember being in your shoes, coming on NT looking for advice for a really big uncertainty. The people on this forum (when they can) provide some really genuine advice. 

First and foremost: - The biggest mental note you have to make is that for better or worst; your not going to graduate the same person. Your going to be overexposed to many things on campus including friendship, sexuality, morality, religion (more or less), responsibility, managing obligations, weight control, the list goes on and on. Essentially you must remember that you are the person going to steer your own ship. Stay on track with your company, staying healthy, and staying focused on your work.

- Don't be afraid to make contact, socialize, (flirt), and laugh with people on campus. You won't be "friends" with everyone, but so long as your respectful and affable, you'll maintain a positive image, with a few friends that stick with you for your years.

- On the topic of relationships, just make sure you do what's best for you, and keep the business to yourself. You never really know who your messing with, and who they've messed with.

- Another thing too; when I first started, I remember chillin with people that had a good thing going on with someone who they were really compatible with, then told themselves "but this is college, I have to keep my options open". To note, most people I know like that have been off that mentality after losing a few ones. The moral? Take every person you encounter step by step. Your feeling somebody? You want to just smash? let it be know and follow suit. Make sure YOUR the one who is assertive in what you want, if the other person doesn't want the same, on to the next.

- Class is real simple. Start the work THE DAY you get it. you don't even need to finish it, just start it, and work with it daily. They say every little bit counts, which is why I say that. When that day before it's due arrives, your in your room just chillin.

Show no fear with your roommate. There's no need to be hostile towards them, but remember; assertiveness. You don't like the fact that they're using your stuff? Bring it up to them with respect. Rell826 said it right; I work as a resident assistant; res life won't step in the situation unless it's an immediate danger to you and your roommate's health. So be in control.

Hope that helps. Oh! and have fun, these past 3 years have felt like a blur, so just remember to take the bad in stride, enjoy the timeless moments, work hard, and you have yourself a great 4 years. I'll try and add more in the thread as I remember. I wish we had a sticky for this (or at the very least, a College thread in general). If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me, best of luck to you 
You should have everything on point in the classroom, that's automatic.

Surprise yourself. Dating wise. And stay strapped.
I'm giving college a third chance this fall. :smh:

Have fun op! The only thing I have learned is to pay attention and do your work. There's no one there to cheat off of like there was in high school.
A lot of good posts on page 1...enjoy yourself OP...if there comes a time and you feel like your major isn't for you then don't be afraid to change...biggest regret from my college experience :smh:
Do your work EARLY

Buy some thin condoms (I suggest crown) because don't go raw in all these broads (or any of them)

Make eye contact, and just small talk with everyone.  You don't have to be the most popular but you'll never know what connections can be made

a lot depends on how your dorm is set up, roommate etc.  I have a suite now with my own bedroom, bathroom and kitchenette but as a freshman you'll probably have to share stuff.  Just be clean and be mindful of your possessions at all times
Make friends with the foreigners. They're usually the most help with notes and preparing for tests, in my opinion. This is just what I've realized from experience.

Join at least one club/organization. It's a great tool to make friends or other random connections.

Start studying the material for your tests a few days in advance, if it's a harder class then adjust accordingly. It'll be hard trying to cram.

Take showers before class, or parties. Don't be that guy. :lol:

Treat all girls equally. Fat or skinny. Trust me.
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Foreigners are the most help in what? Classwork?

There were a few exchange students in my circle of friends. Cool peoples. Japanese are good drinking buddies.
Keep your dorm clean, stay organized, and do hw in advance

Get in the habit of doing things in advance
Listen man, stay focused on what you are doing..Yea the parties and girls are cool, but don't let that consume you. You are in college for a purpose, and that is to build your career for your future. Just stay on top of your school work and studying for tests..It's all about TIME MANAGEMENT; that is key to success in college, make time for school work, like REAL studying and REALLY doing your homework; but also make time to have fun and relax. Good luck
I agree for the most part with staying focused on class/work Freshman year, but if there's any time to let loose it's the first semester in college.....once you get to your 2nd or 3rd year, s*** starts to get real.....FAST.

Feel free to enjoy yourself to begin with OP:

-try some bud

-find a diverse group of friends (partying with the same people every weekend get's really old)

-stay strapped of course

-dress well (begin to build your professional wardrobe)

-work out, regularly

-don't be the guy that stays in his dorm friday nights to play freakin xbox

Bring easy MAC and cup noodles

Don't bring everything from home. I brought like 5 pairs of kicks 10 shirts

Stay focused man! Freshmen year is very important. It'll set the tone. Some you are forming you wont have as many distractions vs if you stayed home

Good luck!
Study more than you sleep, sleep more than you party, and party as much as you can.
Also biggest advice for a first year would be to do what you have to do.
It's not that hard to go to class for about 3 hours of your day. Do what you have to do.
In the end, you're paying 10k+ to get a piece of paper.
I actually started already with the summer institute already so I'm getting a taste of the life around here its kinda wack because of the 10:30 curfew for the summer
A lot of people won't agree with me when I say this but..

Dress decently to class. No shorts and slides. Jeans and a t-shirt at least. Be presentable

Girls are always watching whether you believe it or not. If you're trying to join a club or fraternity, they'll be looking as well.

Just don't look like you just woke up. (Even though you did.)
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I agree. I only went to class in shorts and slides if I had a 1 or 2 class day. On my longer days, I threw on a clean pair of jeans, shirt and kicks/boots. People in here downplay it because it's college, but your appearance does matter. No one is saying to look like the Dressing Better thread, but don't slack on your appearance.
If you're playing sports don't get caught doin weed. 

Just had 2 teammates kicked off the team. They would've been seniors this year too. 

Now they won't graduate because they can't afford college without a scholarship.

No matter how cool you may think it is, It's not worth it. 
I'm going to college this fall (Rutgers c/o 17 :pimp:) and I wanted to know what are some Niketalker necessities/advice for first year students?
There's a ton of generic lists out there, but I'm sure you all can provide some unorthodox essentials/advice that wouldn't be put on those lists.

1) Brain
2) Work ethic

I have no idea about this NT'er necessities you speak of. Get that outta here b
-Review your notes everyday so that you won't have to cram come midterms. Try your hardest to maintain a high GPA. This comes FIRST before anything.

-if you know what you want to do, join clubs/organizations that will allow you to network with professionals and companies. Get an internship.

-Get out of your comfort zone and try to meet new people. Don't stick with the same clique ALL the time.

-Rutgers is crazy, so try to hit up the parties. Just not everyday.

-Stay fly, meet women, and be that dude.

My boy Aaron Hefner is out in Rutgers '16. One of my disciples out there.
Real talk alert lol naw but you honestly don't' even have to get fresh like that in college...but that depends on where your at...Rutgers probably lol but its all about you carry roomate last fall was a cool white dude he wore beat up Brons, vans, fubu, & akademiks daily but he had plenty of yambs bad ones at that...
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Curious as to why treating all girls equally is of the utmost importance? Not that I wasn't going to, but y'all make it sound like it's life/death. :lol:

1) Brain
2) Work ethic

I have no idea about this NT'er necessities you speak of. Get that outta here b

I didn't mean like "Oh, you need 10 pairs of kicks for every occasion," type deal; I made the assumption that, since we're all on NT, we share similar interests/qualities and therefore might be placed in similar situations, hence my asking for advice in those situations. No need to be condescending, player.
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