Could you survive here alone?

That's the same picture you just flipped it upside down.
That's the same picture you just flipped it upside down.
Over both it went.
Man I would flourish like a wild flower on the first day of spring
All them Becky's running around
I would be the only black dude
That's like a fat kid getting the keys to willy wonka's factory
I'm talking yambs on yambs on yambs
I would be so deep in guts being there mm mmm mmmm
Damn I wish I was still single
There's not just white people at these functions :lol: First day in at I think Encore I was talking to these two Brasilians with some serious mass. Mass was everywhere man. White mass, Latina mass, Black mass, mass on mass on mass b.
Depends on what "me" shows up. To be completely honest.

Would it be the "I'm too old for this ish" me that feels as if I would rather be somewhere a bit more culturally/ educationally enlightening? If so, then I would be socially reclusive and aggreivated.

Would it be the me that is open and extremely excited to be there, yet shot down on my first attempt. Which would cause me to drink to excess to recover from my initial fail. Only to overshoot my target level of inebriation?


The charasmatic young fella who's self awareness left the second the sexy hostess applied the wrist band too tightly around my wrist. This guy doesn't even try, the energy between him and the women present is damn near magneted. Hell, women notice other women noticing and they'll all start choosing up.

I've been all of these guys. I wish I could identify the trigger.

Lmao, sounds similar. I have no idea when I'm gonna be Yeezus I am a God or the clock watcher "man this **** wack". That middle guy too.
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I'll be honest public pools, esp ones that packed like that one, skeeve me out

And look at that girl in the blue one-piece. Would NOT be comfortable with that floating nearby

A better example would be just a picture of a crowded bar, less factors to consider
Way too many dudebros/douche types around there for me to enjoy myself...i'm a kid from queens it's different out here 
If you were thrust into this situation all by your lonesome, would you adapt/survive/flourish?

Whenever I see pics like this I think these people must be the bravest on the planet. I would need a bottle of Xanax just to get to the entrance.

Most of those people in that pic aren't that much 'braver' than you or I, most likely they came with a group + they're hammered so they feel comfortable. The majority of people would feel awkward if they were in that type of function solo.

Think bars for instance.. how often do you ever see a girl at a bar solo? It never happens, they need their social group around them to feel comfortable.

I've been trying to go out by myself more, it's definitely challenging but you learn a lot about yourself. The first few times you may not have much fun at all, if you are like me you'll be hyper-aware of everything and overly self-conscious. But eventually you figure out how to have fun and talk to people, even if you don't come across as 100% 'smooth'
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I think OP may have posted the wrong pic.

I think it was supposed to be a pic of a rainforest or something...
I've witnessed some real freaky deeky **** go down on the stage where the chick in the blue one piece is standing :lol:
Been chillin solo a lot this year, feels good to do as you please. Starting school tomorrow, excited for the yams. :smokin
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