I want to do this to my shoes. Just not sure what materials to use.
Use bleach sea glow and dye?
Any information and direction is greatly appreciated.

I wanna do this to my space jams, my dmp 11's and my anni...
glad you guys are enjoying my method. I just added a blue tint to my Midnight VIs. will post pics tomorrow.
Thinking about dyeing some eggplant foams & I want to know how to do it. Sea glow & dye or water & dye? I want to do the bottom orange to make it look lime the phoenix sun colors...I also want it not to light...enough to notice they are orange...thanks in advance
Did a pair of SJ's the other day.  Any SJ or Concord owner knows that state where they aren't necessarily yellow per se, but not straight iced up any more.  I had only worn them once and they were to that point so I figured why the hell not.  I didn't want a deep blue like featured on the first page, but rather a more discreet "cool" hue to it so I used the shade called "Evening Blue (27)" as opposed to the Royal Blue (29) that was recommended.  All the dye was 50% off so I just said what the hell and bought both colors.  Towards the end of the second shoe, I mixed a little Royal with the Evening Blue but I'm not sure how much an effect it had since I had already coated it once.





Excuse the cell phone pics; I may go back with a digital later if I can remind myself to.  In person, if you're right up on em, you can probably tell they were dyed, but on feet just looks like a icy bluish sole.  Couple of notes from when I did it.

- I didn't feel like waiting on Sea Glow to arrive so I just did water + dye mixture.  Used a cheap little paintbrush from arts&crafts section and just painted the soles with the dyed water.  When I first started I was nervous that it wasn't working but after a few mins I could see the color change.  I just coated it really wet and let it sit, then pat dried with a paper towel to remove excess water/dye.

- Got some of it on the midsoles a few times but it came right off with no residue since I had diluted it pretty well.  Just wipe it as soon as you notice though and use a fine tip brush for more control.

- Honestly, I don't think this will change anything regarding will the shoes yellow if done with water like I did.  I wasn't worried because I don't wear them but every blue moon and I have another DS to fall back on.  If you are worried about them turning green on you, then I probably wouldn't recommend it unless it's not a big deal to you.  If it is, I would do the sea glow + dye method for sure.  It's hard to describe it, but the water method seems to be just a "topical" route since it's not going to penetrate like Sea Glow would.  Eventually, I plan on going back and doing it that way in the future.  It doesn't look bad with water, but I'd prefer it to get "deeper" in there, I suppose.

- Part of it is absorbtion by the sole.  I did it on my DMP 5s and it worked but it didn't seem to take as easy as the XIs.  I'm guessing it's because the 5s have the smooth translucent rubber whereas the XIs is more gritty.  Also did some clear sole AF1s and those took it easily as well.

- The guy who was inquiring about doing orange soles, I saw plenty of other colors like red, orange, black, etc.  Just all depends on how comfortable you are taking the risk, but I would assume it turns out exactly the way you would anticipate, just the hue probably dependent on how concentrated you do your mixture.

- Regular price on the dye was like $2.50 and I got both packs and brushes for like $3 so not pricey by any means.  Think Sea Glow from Island Girl prolly will go about $15 or you could try hunting for a 1oz bottle as well if you like.
I tried this back at the end of May. It was almost a disaster. I had the shoe upside down and the dye ran on to the white of the left shoe. I caught it and immediately wiped it off, but made the fatal mistake of using a little bleach on the streak. Not a big deal, but I noticed it. I'm still kinda scared to try again. I do not have anniversary XI's, I have retro colombias. The left she came out ok, but I only did it in the middle of the sole so not too much is seen on the rest of the outsole. I see the potential though. I might try it again. Any suggestions on not having the dye so watery that it runs all over the shoe?
Wow!......Long time since Ive been here in this forum...........I cant believe after almost 10years somebody figured out my trick lol!
This brings tears to my eyes. I usually don't like icey soles but may pull the trigger on some Space Jams and Cool Greys. Maybe even some foams.
Originally Posted by LightskinFlYbOy 718

maybe wrong place to ask but how to get mines to yellow? its too plain looking regular it need some character 
*Looks at NT name and
Start wearing them and it will yellow. 
Originally Posted by prymone

would this work on my 5's?

It will work on any clear outsole.  It's just harder to get a crisp job done on the V because of the traction pattern used.  Basically you would have to be very patient and detailed to get it even across the whole shoe without it being spotty.  I was lazy; no one looks at the bottom of the shoe; just the sides; so that's what I settled for.

I must be the only one who thinks the Space Jams look horrible with that blue tint. Annys? sure, they look fine, CGs? yes, but SJs? NO!
That's what's up. I'll get some seaglow and rit dye this spring, so I can actually take the time to do this to my concords and my '01 CG 11. Can't wait to have them looking icey.
dont waste your money on sea glow unless your shoes are yellow already, water and RIT works perfect
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