Dad unloads a round of hollow tips into daughters laptop

This accomplishes nothing except building more resentment. Family will be on Dr. Drew's show within a month. Book it.
Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

I'm down with chores, been shoveling, raking leaves, since 8, was allowed to mow the lawn at 10, and whatnot, but the one thing parents always forget to say is thank you. Chores are def something kids should be doing to pull their weight in the house. And a simple thank you from time to time would prob have avoided this whole situation.

shut up.

you live there for free and can not provide for yourself. end of discussion.
Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

I'm down with chores, been shoveling, raking leaves, since 8, was allowed to mow the lawn at 10, and whatnot, but the one thing parents always forget to say is thank you. Chores are def something kids should be doing to pull their weight in the house. And a simple thank you from time to time would prob have avoided this whole situation.

shut up.

you live there for free and can not provide for yourself. end of discussion.
nah bruh your giving parents too much credit.

I agree with NJ.  Parents should be able to teach their kids responsibility and hard work but it does not mean to treat them as slaves.  Saying that kids need to do chores JUST because they live in their parents house and get food without getting some kind of recognition for the work that they do is more like having a servant/maid/butler or what have you but they are actually paid to do it.

Some recognition for doing what she was supposed to do probably could have resulted in none of this happening.  People don't want to feel like slaves, even if they're lazy yet still get it done they should atleast get a pat on the back time to time.  Positive reinforcement.  Most likely this girl is #+@# but you can't take the dad's side of the story as absolute truth.  T heir's his side, her side, and the truth.
Originally Posted by Gmills23

How did he go to high school and college at the same time though.

And be a volunteer firefighter with 2 jobs?
Dad is a boss.
Idc if she hates him forever.  When she grows up she will look at this and say....yeah i def shouldn't bad mouth my family on the internet.  Not to mention this will be a great story for her kids

Sidebar: When will kids learn to not put stupid things up on facebook
if he was such a 'boss' he wouldn't go around making a video response to defend himself and his household. No explanation necessary, you wanna embarrass her then just go on her wall and post, My daughter wont be posting anymore, she thought she was smarter than her dad. fail." Then give the computer away or something. Now shes gonna grow up trying to 1-up everyone or overcompensating.
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

if he was such a 'boss' he wouldn't go around making a video response to defend himself and his household. No explanation necessary, you wanna embarrass her then just go on her wall and post, My daughter wont be posting anymore, she thought she was smarter than her dad. fail." Then give the computer away or something. Now shes gonna grow up trying to 1-up everyone or overcompensating.


Imagine going to the next parent-teacher meeting and having all the parents and teachers looking at you in disgust.  The convo goes a little something like this.

Teacher: Did you read what Hanna wrote about her parents of FB?

Parent 1: Yeah, I'm so surprised he didn't do anything about it, he works in IT doesn't he?

Parent 2: Man, what a pushover.

In a little town such as this (by the looks of it) he would have turned into a laughing stock. He did the right thing.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

an IT that spent $130 on software?

that's how they do it in the country?

Thats the only thing that made me believe he was in IT actually.
Those guys pride themselves on not pirating software. 
Originally Posted by cap1229

She is 15 years old and if she doesn't rebel behind this I would think something is wrong with her. It would be only natural.
Good thing we have to Bible to teach us how to punish rebellious wimminz
Originally Posted by 0 Xm 0

if he was such a 'boss' he wouldn't go around making a video response to defend himself and his household. No explanation necessary, you wanna embarrass her then just go on her wall and post, My daughter wont be posting anymore, she thought she was smarter than her dad. fail." Then give the computer away or something. Now shes gonna grow up trying to 1-up everyone or overcompensating.

Shut up
Also, it's pretty easy to go to high school and take college classes at the same time, you can do that at a community college...I know how NT'ers are about college and everything..
Originally Posted by cap1229

Originally Posted by memphisboi55

Originally Posted by cap1229

I just don't think he had to punish her like that. Take the laptop away but don't humiliate her like that. Cut off her phone but this is too much.

Humiliate her?

15 and cussing out her family like that, and this is her being humiliated? I pity the fool.

She had warnings, so I'm guessing this isn't her first time talking reckless.

Then the " we got a cleaning lady for this.. " line..

Props to Dad

But yea, dudes at her school better get at her if they want to smang, she will be getting trains ran a.s.a.p.

Did he give her a way to come back from this? To redeem herself at all? Nah. What she wrote was *#%*@+ up but there are better ways to get your point across and still be the adult. He lost so much footing by posting this on Facebook. I just don't think family should humilate one another. There are things you can't take back when you opt for an audience the way he did. She is 15 years old and if she doesn't rebel behind this I would think something is wrong with her. It would be only natural.

By this whole ordeal.... Seems this relationship was already tarnished and the tracks we're off the railroad.. no matter how he handled it.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by SunDOOBIE

Skip to 7.10 for the shooting. Where does he live where you can just unload a clip in your back yard?

Probably somewhere in Texas. I have family and friends who go out back to shoot all the time.

or PA... i target shoot in the woods behind my house all the time, long as its not at night nobody eem care

Originally Posted by Put em up

Originally Posted by ToLiveandDieinNJ

I'm down with chores, been shoveling, raking leaves, since 8, was allowed to mow the lawn at 10, and whatnot, but the one thing parents always forget to say is thank you. Chores are def something kids should be doing to pull their weight in the house. And a simple thank you from time to time would prob have avoided this whole situation.

shut up.

you live there for free and can not provide for yourself. end of discussion.
Kids don't chose to be born. You are obligated to take care of your offspring until they are a legal adult. If you don't Child Protective Services, removes the children from the house. The parents obviously failed somewhere between her being born and now, for that to be her reaction to chores. My parents throughout my life have treated, taught and loved me, in return, I've respected their wishes, and done the things they ask of me, most of the time. If the way her pops solves insubordination is via a pistol and a video camera, it tells you all you need to know. If he was really trying to show her something, he should've donated the laptop to one of those Military/USO things. He missed a valuable opportunity to teach her, the right way to do things. However for all we know this is all fake. Dude just read some random non-sense off a piece of paper.
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