Dan Gilbert letter to Cavs Fans (This is for real)!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!!

no way the cavs make the playoffs next year. With that roster, 20 games max. Not a single player on their can create their own shot.
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

no way the cavs make the playoffs next year. With that roster, 20 games max. Not a single player on their can create their own shot.
They just got a 16 million dollar trade exception...This isn't what their team's gonna look like in the fall.
Originally Posted by PoeticJays

no way the cavs make the playoffs next year. With that roster, 20 games max. Not a single player on their can create their own shot.
They just got a 16 million dollar trade exception...This isn't what their team's gonna look like in the fall.
Originally Posted by lynchpin33

I have been wanting to comment on this topic all day long.  The letter than Dan Gilbert wrote shows you how society is:  when you can make somebody somebody some money everything is all good.  the so-called quitting in all the games he named never comes up up if he resigns with the cavs.   basically in this letter this was a nice way to call LeBron the n-word and I do not mean narcissistic.   He was talking with his pockets and not with his heart. 

And I do not know what gilbert is talking about saying that they will win a title before james, with who and with what.  They will not even see the playoffs at ALL.   

Originally Posted by lynchpin33

I have been wanting to comment on this topic all day long.  The letter than Dan Gilbert wrote shows you how society is:  when you can make somebody somebody some money everything is all good.  the so-called quitting in all the games he named never comes up up if he resigns with the cavs.   basically in this letter this was a nice way to call LeBron the n-word and I do not mean narcissistic.   He was talking with his pockets and not with his heart. 

And I do not know what gilbert is talking about saying that they will win a title before james, with who and with what.  They will not even see the playoffs at ALL.   

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by bigmoe34

Having worked in Cleveland for the Cavs during the 2008-2009 season, I can tell you that you will not find a more sincere and honest owner in professional sports. Some of you may feel it was unprofessional (which it was in some ways), but he spoke from the heart. I would much rather have him say that my clients rather than some prescribed rhetoric crap that PR put together...

How would you feel if you were promised something that never came and then the person who was supposed deliver tells you that he is leaving (business or personal)?
As a NBA owner he HAS to be above that.  There's no getting around it.  Dude came off looking like a jilted-ex.  No matter what he was feeling, dude should have slept on it and come up with a statement with a "wee" bit more tact.  Nothing good comes from flying off the handle when emotions are running high.  Think of any disagreement you've gotten into in the heat of the moment when in hindsight you wished that you could have handled things differently.  I'll say it again...Dan Gilbert came off looking WORSE than Lebron last night.  Reason being, Lebron doesn't owe him, nor the city of Cleveland anything.  He was well within his RIGHTS as a NBA player to choose where he wanted to play as a free agent.  If you thought Cleveland wasn't a desirable place to play now that Bron is gone, what do you think prospective players are thinking now that Gilbert was spouting off at the mouth?  Lebron isn't the only one who +#$+%$ the city of Cleveland.  Dan Gilbert in his PMS stage did the same.  Players will think twice about playing for him in that city. 

Well said...agree 100%

At least, you could do it still worse

Originally Posted by Uter Zorker

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by bigmoe34

Having worked in Cleveland for the Cavs during the 2008-2009 season, I can tell you that you will not find a more sincere and honest owner in professional sports. Some of you may feel it was unprofessional (which it was in some ways), but he spoke from the heart. I would much rather have him say that my clients rather than some prescribed rhetoric crap that PR put together...

How would you feel if you were promised something that never came and then the person who was supposed deliver tells you that he is leaving (business or personal)?
As a NBA owner he HAS to be above that.  There's no getting around it.  Dude came off looking like a jilted-ex.  No matter what he was feeling, dude should have slept on it and come up with a statement with a "wee" bit more tact.  Nothing good comes from flying off the handle when emotions are running high.  Think of any disagreement you've gotten into in the heat of the moment when in hindsight you wished that you could have handled things differently.  I'll say it again...Dan Gilbert came off looking WORSE than Lebron last night.  Reason being, Lebron doesn't owe him, nor the city of Cleveland anything.  He was well within his RIGHTS as a NBA player to choose where he wanted to play as a free agent.  If you thought Cleveland wasn't a desirable place to play now that Bron is gone, what do you think prospective players are thinking now that Gilbert was spouting off at the mouth?  Lebron isn't the only one who +#$+%$ the city of Cleveland.  Dan Gilbert in his PMS stage did the same.  Players will think twice about playing for him in that city. 

Well said...agree 100%

At least, you could do it still worse

Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Damn, when I saw this on ESPN last night, my reaction was a combination of

It wasn't classy, and it probably shouldn't have done it, but I give Gilbert props for publicly spraying Lebron like that. we live in a society where politically correct cookie cutter public reactions are the norm. It's refreshing to see someone in a high position publicly vent like that. Gilbert kept it 100

I'm not saying that any of the things he said would come into fruition of course, but dude spoke straight from the heart. Respect
yep.  that took cojones

Bet if it was Mark Cuban, Stern would have fined him with the quickness calling it "unacceptable / unbecoming of an owner / setting a bad precedent" or some bs. 
Originally Posted by Nash

Originally Posted by Three6mafia2007

Damn, when I saw this on ESPN last night, my reaction was a combination of

It wasn't classy, and it probably shouldn't have done it, but I give Gilbert props for publicly spraying Lebron like that. we live in a society where politically correct cookie cutter public reactions are the norm. It's refreshing to see someone in a high position publicly vent like that. Gilbert kept it 100

I'm not saying that any of the things he said would come into fruition of course, but dude spoke straight from the heart. Respect
yep.  that took cojones

Bet if it was Mark Cuban, Stern would have fined him with the quickness calling it "unacceptable / unbecoming of an owner / setting a bad precedent" or some bs. 
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