*DEAD* Vol. Agent Zero

Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas is charged with felony gun possession

Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas was charged Thursday with felony gun possession, a crime that carries a maximum five years in jail and a fine, authorities said.
The charge was announced Thursday afternoon by the U.S. Attorney's office for the District.

Arenas's attorney and prosecutors had been negotiating a plea deal during the day and it was not immediately clear whether the filing of charges was a part of the deal. Court officials said they had been told to prepare to have Arenas in Superior Court on Friday.

The U.S. Attorney's office alleged that on Dec. 21, Arenas "did carry, openly and concealed on or about his person, in a place other than his dwelling place, place of business or on other land possessed by him, a pistol, without license issued pursuant to law."

The guns became an issue after Arenas and Wizards teammate Javaris Crittenton got into an argument after a card game and Crittenton allegedly said he should shoot Arenas in his surgically repaired left knee, sources have said. Days later on Dec. 21, after a practice at Verizon Center, Arenas placed the guns on a chair next to Crittenton's locker with a note that said "pick one."

A grand jury began hearing testimony in the case on Jan. 5. But it was not immediately clear whether Thursday's charges came from the grand jury or directly from prosecutors.

Arenas's attorney, Kenneth L. Wainstein, could not immediately be located and prosecutors so far have not commented.

Also Thursday, D.C. and Arlington police searched Crittenton's home looking for the gun he reportedly used in the locker room confrontation with Arenas, according to sources familiar with the investigation and court papers.

Police did not find the gun at his Arlington home in the 7:15 a.m. search, Crittenton's lawyer and the court papers said.

Reached through e-mail, Crittenton's lawyer, Peter White, said he was not available to talk, but offered this statement:

"I can confirm that a search warrant was executed on Mr. Crittenton's apartment today, that Mr. Crittenton cooperated with the officers conducting the search, and that no evidence was found or seized by police."

The police affidavit in support of the warrant was sealed Wednesday by an Arlington judge at the request of investigators, said Theophani Stamos, Arlington's Chief Deputy Commonwealth's Attorney.

According to the court papers, police were looking for a "silver/chrome-colored semiautomatic handgun with a black handle or similar/like artifact."

They also were looking for ammunition, holsters, and "any photographs, video footage, or other media depicting the subject posing with a firearm."

Since Arenas met with law enforcement , Wizards Coach Flip Saunders, team President Ernie Grunfeld and players Fabricio Oberto, Randy Foye, Caron Butler, Brendan Haywood, DeShawn Stevenson, JaVale McGee, Mike Miller and Andray Blatche have also spoken to authorities or the grand jury. Players Antawn Jamison, Mike James, Dominic McGuire, Earl Boykins and Nick Young say they have not been asked to be interviewed.

NBA Commissioner David Stern suspended Arenas indefinitely without pay Jan. 6. Stern said the gun incident, coupled with Arenas making light of the issue on his Twitter account and when he pretended he was shooting teammates in a pregame huddle, had led him to conclude "that he is not currently fit to take the court in an NBA game."

The incident, which is also being investigated by the NBA, has cast doubt on the future of Arenas's career at a time when the 28-year-old guard was trying to regain his all-star form after missing the last two seasons following knee surgery.

The Wizards, who endorsed the suspension, have in the past week removed a banner with Arenas's image on it that covered part of the Sixth Street facade of Verizon Center, stopped displaying Arenas's No. 0 jersey and removed all references to him in the introductory video played before home games.

Arenas met Wednesday with Billy Hunter, the head of the NBA players union, to discuss his situation. Hunter said Tuesday he wanted to ensure that Arenas receives due process and doesn't want the punishment to exceed the transgression.

"You don't use a sledgehammer to drive a tack," Hunter said. "Right now, we're just waiting for the investigation to conclude and then we'll see what level or degree of discipline the commissioner is talking about imposing. And once the commissioner makes his decision, that will determine what extent we get involved and don't get involved."
Damn Gillie...
Originally Posted by IKnowRap

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

BreakingNews Washington Wizards' Gilbert Arenas charged with felony weapons count - Washington Post

wow....what does this mean for him....what the hell happen to the plea

He just got a charge.. tomorrow he goes to court and they will have a plea set up for him.. Dude is not going to jail.He's will get a fine,probation,andmaybe community service... His lawyers must be
because he just got aslap on the wrist.

It's funny that the NBA will come down harder on him than the USA Legal system

You know what my be he will get like a week in jail.. after the season is over.. but i'm sure his lawyers will just take more hours community service.. andhe will chalk them hours up to NBA Cares
I laugh but i'm notjoking
dude will cop to a papaer felony, lose all his guns, do no jail time and then have to do some community service. Stern is gonna hit him woith 30+ games though.
funny that this situation got so much hype and critt is prob gonna get off and gil is gonna cop to a plea

only way critt goes in is if someone snitches and that's HIGHLY doubtful

i kinda expect the deal to get voided..
Arenas is the high profile player (and the one most likely to be made an example out of...just like Vick)

I'm not so sure that Critt is going to get it the worst
Now I'm not trying to defend Arenas in any way, but what happened to the days of what happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room unless it'scomments. What also happened to the days of having to get caught by the police committing a crime in order to be charged. It's waaaaaay to easy for lawenforcement these days, way to easy, us citizens don't stand a chance
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Now I'm not trying to defend Arenas in any way, but what happened to the days of what happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room unless it's comments. What also happened to the days of having to get caught by the police committing a crime in order to be charged. It's waaaaaay to easy for law enforcement these days, way to easy, us citizens don't stand a chance
you sound dumb as hell
How I sound dumb. Did the police catch him with the guns? No. Did his teammate that he pulled the gun on tell the police? No. Did he get caught by teamofficials and they called the police? No. He's being charged cause the media got ahold of it and leaked it, not cause he was caught. The case fell in theirlap, they didn't investigate. Now he has to carry a felony on his record for something he wasn't caught by law enforcement doing. Just sayin our lawsystem is BS.
Wow, you're actually defending a guy who brought a gun to an arena. Loaded or not, caught by police themselves or not, that is stupid. So you thinkit's ok for any civilian to walk into an arena with a gun (loaded or not) so long as he's not caught by the cops? I'm actually appalled by the factthat any ordinary person would probably get hit with a much harsher punishment. I guess that's what money + good lawyers gets you.
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

How I sound dumb. Did the police catch him with the guns? No. Did his teammate that he pulled the gun on tell the police? No. Did he get caught by team officials and they called the police? No. He's being charged cause the media got ahold of it and leaked it, not cause he was caught. The case fell in their lap, they didn't investigate. Now he has to carry a felony on his record for something he wasn't caught by law enforcement doing. Just sayin our law system is BS.

u can't be serious w. this response....you just can't

even with a plea, he still violated team rules/policy by having firearms in the arena...that's in violation of the CBA, so he will most likely be voided nomatter the outcome of what eventually happens. According to a local sports show here in DC, Gil has stated that he wants out from the Wizards....
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

How I sound dumb. Did the police catch him with the guns? No. Did his teammate that he pulled the gun on tell the police? No. Did he get caught by team officials and they called the police? No. He's being charged cause the media got ahold of it and leaked it, not cause he was caught. The case fell in their lap, they didn't investigate. Now he has to carry a felony on his record for something he wasn't caught by law enforcement doing. Just sayin our law system is BS.
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