Destiny Thread (Bungie) - 9/9/14

@Ace93 I did not know that. I'm been lax on this game since I hit 20. I'm like at 23 right now but haven't played in like a week and a half
Vex Mythoclast 
Hey Xboners, add me: joespookz (lvl26)

I'm down to do strikes but i'm mainly looking to squad up with a bunch of peeps to run the raid!

Lets link up.
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PSN: JulzRulz145

Level 14 Warlock. I am down for whatever. Would also appreciate the NT fam helping me out with story missions, as well.
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I haven't been leveling up my sub class

Should I?

I just joined the NT clan over the weekend
Damn my bad yall, I didn't play at all this past weekend, im so sure im far behind .....looks like the squad beat the raid, im so fking pissed I missed that, need raid gear asap.
Yeah i finally hop on the raid last night, my weapon is too ******* weak.  I'm not doing that **** again until i finish this exotic bounty
Man in lacking on the gear smh

I'm outfitted with rare gear everywhere except having a legendary helmet and primary. Any tips?
Man in lacking on the gear smh

I'm outfitted with rare gear everywhere except having a legendary helmet and primary. Any tips?
Queens mission for legendary body. (today is last day)
Vanguard/Crucible or Faction level 2, buy legendary hands/feet for marks(65 each). Xur on weekend buy something exotic.

Ranking up to lvl 3 in whatever faction/vanguard/crucible and every level after gives you a free legendary item to your delivery box.

Once your 27ish hit up that raid.
Queens mission for legendary body. (today is last day)
Vanguard/Crucible or Faction level 2, buy legendary hands/feet for marks(65 each). Xur on weekend buy something exotic.

Ranking up to lvl 3 in whatever faction/vanguard/crucible and every level after gives you a free legendary item to your delivery box.

Once your 27ish hit up that raid.

Queens mission? Is that what the queen's orders are for?
Queens mission? Is that what the queen's orders are for?
After you do a queens bounty, you get the kill orders, then when you are selecting a destination from orbit, its the option on the left above the dailys/weeklys and stuff. Its lvl 24 repeat of a mission with extra modifiers on.
I think Im gonna trade it in this week. Only played a little bit but nothing really wows me about it. Plus I dont have the time to really play 2-3hrs a day and level up and all that. Story, gameplay etc is just not grabbing my attention. Fallout 3 is one of my most favorite games every and had no problem searching everywhere leveling up etc. But Desitny doesnt do it for me. I got the game for free as part of that promotion from last month, and Bestbuy is giving $40 credit for it plus 10% ($44) extra for the gamers club. New games i get for 20% off ($48) so it will almost be like a trade for a new game for me.
I did like 4 queen's missions and got the chest piece each ******* time. I said screw it moving from them
It's was worth it before the patch. When you broke then down they'd give you shards. Now they're worthless
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Damn you guys really making me feel lucky with that luck. I ran 2 Queen's missions, and got the helm and chest piece and was done with them. I only do them now if someone wants to go and try and get a piece for themselves there

I got my Bad Juju....the gun isn't terrible, but I def can't wait until they buff it. Hopefully just a larger clip and a little more impact and I will be fine with it.

Got my Crucible faction up to level 3 as well, and grabbed that Zombie Apocalypse machine gun. I got the Lord High Fixer hand cannon for hitting level 3 Crucible faction as well in the mail. That hand cannon is really nice. It having an 11 bullet clip is really good a hand cannon as well.

If anyone wants to run anything tonight before the reset feel free to hit me up.
Finally hit level 27 last night. I just need some legendary and/or exotic weapons. I don't see myself completing this raid with nothing but rare weapons :lol:
I'm down for a raid run anytime today I need a legendary or exotic weapon. I'm lvl 27 warlock
I acctualy got a leg sniper from a blue engram yesterday tho. The epitaph. First leg weapon.
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