Dharun Ravi Found Guilty in Rutgers Trial

Guess I am the only one who would have a problem with someone setting up a webcam and spying on me then broadcasting it (and
at his I was just watching my things so he wouldn't steal them defense he tried to use), irregardless of what I was doing.
Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Guess I am the only one who would have a problem with someone setting up a webcam and spying on me then broadcasting it (and
at his I was just watching my things so he wouldn't steal them defense he tried to use), irregardless of what I was doing.
I don't think the point is whether or not this is wrong; it's whether or not this is something that deserves 10 years in prison.
In my mind the jury should have looked the situation from the defendant's position at the time of his actions. How bad/wrong/dangerous is snooping on your roommate, who you know is gay, and inviting others to join you? 

I don't think the fact that this particular victim tragically jumped to his death as a result should play into the decision making, unless for some reason the defendant should have known that suicide was a likely result.
Did he broadcast it? I know he posted on twitter, come watch this, as a joke? But it wasn't broadcasted right?

I feel like it was a simple joke that went wrong. He should've not posted it on twitter, and just told his buddies about it in person if he couldn't conceal it (which is probably what most of us would do), but it's just sad that such a small immature thing can turn into something this large.
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

Did he broadcast it? I know he posted on twitter, come watch this, as a joke? But it wasn't broadcasted right?

I feel like it was a simple joke that went wrong. He should've not posted it on twitter, and just told his buddies about it in person if he couldn't conceal it (which is probably what most of us would do), but it's just sad that such a small immature thing can turn into something this large.

I was thinking the same thing this guy had his whole life ahead of him going to college, getting a career now he has to deal with knowing he caused a death and  he is going to jail and getting deported.

I remember when I joined here someone made a thread where they said they were messing with a girl with herpes and posted her pic, and Im like "dang what if she got a cousin on NT

this could ruin her life". We do dumb things especially when we are young.

I dont think he meant to  hurt him it was a joke gone bad, this goes back to the bullying thing.
^Wait he streamed it live? I thought the first encounter he saw it supposedly for 2 seconds and shut it off because he was so shocked. And the second time nothing occurred?

I still think in my opinion all of this is overboard. Maybe it's just me. What's even weirder is, supposedly the kid wasn't too bothered by the cam thing, until the second encounter. It's weird that he killed himself, even though he was getting the room change. What's even worse is the fact that the roommate sent out an apology text as he was going to New York or whatever.
Too much time for nothing

charged with everything possible to get those years on him
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Scientific Method

Guess I am the only one who would have a problem with someone setting up a webcam and spying on me then broadcasting it (and
at his I was just watching my things so he wouldn't steal them defense he tried to use), irregardless of what I was doing.
I don't think the point is whether or not this is wrong; it's whether or not this is something that deserves 10 years in prison.
In my mind the jury should have looked the situation from the defendant's position at the time of his actions. How bad/wrong/dangerous is snooping on your roommate, who you know is gay, and inviting others to join you? 

I don't think the fact that this particular victim tragically jumped to his death as a result should play into the decision making, unless for some reason the defendant should have known that suicide was a likely result.
Unfortunately, that's not exactly how the law works.  What he did, because of the fact that it was pretty clear his actions were motivated by his roommate's sexuality, were essentially looked at as a hate crime.  It doesn't help that he was involved in witness tampering (texting his friend Molly Wei to get her to tell the cops a different story...even though he didn't know he'd already told them the truth), he finally realized what he'd done was wrong when it was too late.  
Yes, the victim's death is not a part of the decision making and to those who didn't even read the full story, he wasn't convicted or charged with murder/manslaughter/anything to do with Clementi's death.  The case can pretty easily be made that these charges only really came about and were so widely publicized because of the suicide but it's not the reason he was guilty of crimes, that was due to his actions.

Do you actually think a jury's responsibility is to look at whether the defendant was just having fun and doing a little snooping?  Plus, it's not just that.  Tweeting about it, texting, telling friends, inviting them to have a viewing party...all at the victim's expense?  Lying about the circumstances and his actions, trying to cover it up.  10 years is a little severe when you look at the crimes people get away with but this kid screwed himself by not only what he did but then not taking the second plea deal which was REALLY light in comparison.
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

^Wait he streamed it live? I thought the first encounter he saw it supposedly for 2 seconds and shut it off because he was so shocked. And the second time nothing occurred?

I still think in my opinion all of this is overboard. Maybe it's just me. What's even weirder is, supposedly the kid wasn't too bothered by the cam thing, until the second encounter. It's weird that he killed himself, even though he was getting the room change. What's even worse is the fact that the roommate sent out an apology text as he was going to New York or whatever.

I believe he streamed the second or third ecounter when they were kissing, Tyler didnt know about the camera. He did know about the camera 

This was way deeper than ravi but he hit the nail on the coffin, tyler was already out to his family and his brother is gay,apparently his mom wasnt supportive.
Scarsorscabs are we sure it's motivated by his sexuality or are we just assuming cause the guy was gay? Im seriously asking cause I don't know and do you think it would have been different if he was heterosexual?
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Scarsorscabs are we sure it's motivated by his sexuality or are we just assuming cause the guy was gay? Im seriously asking cause I don't know and do you think it would have been different if he was heterosexual?

I think he tweeted based off him being gay he still would have probably taped and looked if it was a girl cause dude seems pervy.

If I was him I would appeal, they charged him with the max. Dude was 18 when this happen he is young and dumb many of us have done worse.
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Just saw this this morning. He went over and above a prank and he's getting his just deserves. Totally exploited his roommate in the worst way and now he gets jail and deportation.


What are you the spell nazi
Originally Posted by Peteweezy

Scarsorscabs are we sure it's motivated by his sexuality or are we just assuming cause the guy was gay? Im seriously asking cause I don't know and do you think it would have been different if he was heterosexual?
This isn't supposed to sound condescending but have you read up on the case?  Ravi's tweets and texts specifically refer to Clementi being gay and making out with a dude.  I know it's long but the New Yorker article provides a lot of info as well.  I can't tell what Ravi was thinking but I actually don't think he hates gays or possibly even that his intentions were just to look cool in front of a bunch of people by basically putting someone else down (the article states that at least a couple kids who knew him well from high school, including Molly Wei, thought he was a "****" and would often degrade others).  It's possible that the first webcam viewing had as much to do with Clementi's partner being shady but the second viewing is where the problem really lies after making it clear that his roommate was gay and tweeting about it, texting friends and encouraging them to watch and setting up a chat, etc.

If Clementi was heterosexual, it would have still been invasion of privacy at the least.  I know people hate the comparison of bias treatment against homosexuals to that of any other minority group but if this were a situation that took place in a sheltered, all white town and the person had little to no exposure to someone of a certain race and had an issue with it, if he were to broadcast it saying, "OMG, two *insert minority here* people making out in my room, everyone check this out" while it's been mentioned in here that if it were white on black crime the punishment would be different, his actions would still indicate that it was motivated by the people being filmed belonging to that minority group.  
^ Obviously I didnt know the full extent if I'm asking you for a answer but thanks for the answer after getting your little shot in.
Regis wrote:

He may not be getting charged for murder but the ONLY reason why he is even in court is because dude killed himself.
Im a little undecided on this.

Honestly it just seems like an immature joke that went too far. Nobody wouldve ever thought dude wouldve killed himself from the shame...when you think about it, its not so hard to end up in that situation.

Just to relate this to NTers...late80s had her naked pics make her way through many NTers, many people which she knew personally. Im sure there was a point where she felt very ashamed of this situation...not too different from the shame that this young man felt. One situation blew up cause it resulted in someones death, but honestly very similar scenarios.

Everybody wants to act holier than thou but the way we joke about @%%+ on the internet there is very little room for many of us to judge.

 I just "nt searched" this wow.

What if she offed her self, I wonder would the same thing happen to the person who sent it
pretty sure I wouldn't have jumped off a bridge if my college buddies webcamed me smashing an unsavory chick
They sentenced him 30 days and 3 years probation I think it's enough, the 10 years was OD. I don't think he did it cause he was gay they just didn't like each other.
I can't believe his mom was at the trial all disappointed for the verdict after looking at all the info, her rejection of both of her gay sons is the reason why he took his life. Drunk drivers who kill get less than 10 years
Originally Posted by Solerunner

They sentenced him 30 days and 3 years probation I think it's enough, the 10 years was OD. I don't think he did it cause he was gay they just didn't like each other.
I can't believe his mom was at the trial all disappointed for the verdict after looking at all the info, her rejection of both of her gay sons is the reason why he took his life. Drunk drivers who kill get less than 10 years
Agreed. The media ran with the "gay kid commits suicide after being outed and humiliated by roommate." That's not even what happened. The kid was out to everyone. The media made it sound like the roommate "discovered" he was gay, and then wanted to broadcast it to the world. Nobody kills themselves because they are gay, they kill themselves because they are depressed. He was bound to harm himself in some way eventually. If you're upset your kid killed himself, then you should have been a better parent. I'm glad the judge saw right past the slander in the media. Even so, the guy is ruined for life. his name will always be associated with that incident, whether rightfully so or not.
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