Did she really just threw that?


upon further review, i've determined that it really was an accident.  shorty was heated. and meant to throw the..whatever it was, but didnt know ol girl was standing there.  casualty of war. bullets aint got no names.  %%%% was hilarious tho. she had that paranormal activity possessed strength in the game


Maryknoll is a private school in hawaii.  u can hear their accent too.  damn private school kids and their STD rumors.
When keepin it real goes wrong, ole girl was outnumbered bout to get her #+@ whooped for talking reckless so she figured she might as well try to act crazy and show em she ain't playing. Unfortunately she just added one more person to the line of folks gonna beat her #+@.
1) old boy in the middle just bored out of his mind!
2) ol asian girl in the back just eating her home-made packed lunch
3) nonchalant/angry-at-life white teen chick with the "sorry"
5) "what the hell. did she really just threw that? what the hell "

straight lulz!
up just in case something thinks that it's like being in the wrong place at the wrong time
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