Did you go through any phases growing up?

Sep 1, 2011
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I was at work the other day and a customer came in with his little son and he recognized someone he knew.

They got to talking about random bull and I heard the lady tell this guy" Oh, Matthew looks so different. He's growing up."

And the guy pointed out that he was going through a phase where he liked to wear his hat to the side and listen to rap.

Little white kid with his Houston Texans hat cocked to the side and jamming rap was the phase.

And it got me thinking, did I go through any phases?

I went through an artist phase where I drew pics all day long.
A skateboard phase where I wanted to be Tony Hawk.
My "sneakerhead" phase where I ate,slept & breathed shoes (still like that somewhat).
& my WWF phase where I still thought that ###^% was real *cough* 4wrestling *cough*

Now I'm a 17 yr old whose activities include smoking green, school, work, shoes & chilling w/ my homies & some hos.
There was a time where I was "gangsta"

Fun times, but I made a lonof stupid decisions that still affect me today
Well to paraphrase it's like I always been in one phase
So I been a G since birth cuz thats how I was raised

I didn't go through any phases, but my interests/skills shifted as I grew up.

-When I was really young I was a great artist. I drew cars and houses and all kinds of stuff in elementary school, that was what I loved and was great at.
-Through middle school I really liked girls but I was too shy to ever do well with any.
-In high school at first I wanted to make beats, but that ended really quickly.
-Sophomore year of HS I really tried to focus on being good at basketball. I was alright but I loved to play so I forced myself to work on my game and became a pretty decent pickup player.
-End of junior year I decided I wanted to be successful and different in life but it was more like following a path. I really started to focus on schoolwork and getting smarter.

Now I'm 17 also, senior in HS, my activities are working out, research, money making and in my free time I play a little basketball and I drive.

My life story in a nutshell.
dressing like murphy lee back in 03.
marley phase..wearing oversized beanies..tryna grow dreadlocks.
indie/emo phase .... michael cera esque look.
clean cut look/athletic fit shirts..body building. (current)
Originally Posted by MonStar1

Well to paraphrase it's like I always been in one phase
So I been a G since birth cuz thats how I was raised


yo that was kinda dope.
is there a place where i can check out some of your tunes?
i once thought dem franchize boyz and bow wow were the best rappers alive

also thought baggy clothes and jordans with spongebobs on them were the dopest things out

i guess im still in a phase now, because i have alot more tolerance for clothing choices that i used to call "gay" thanks to being a kanye fan. More fitted clothing and brighter colors, and a general nonchalance about what other people think of me, as long as i pull females.
Never really went through any phases either. In HS I started hanging out with some skater kids, and gave it a try. But I was never really that good, so that ended quickly. I was always kind of religious in HS though. Didnt drink or smoke, or party in general really, but thats all changed really. So if that sounds like a phase then I guess I did
All about legos as a kid

All about drawing my own superheros in grade school

High school and early college i was all about free styling and battle rapping.. But comming off the dome is just so much more natural for black people

Sneaker phase in college

I went a good year somewhere after college i only listened to smashing pumkins and nirvana

Right now im all about dry denim and jogging under the influence of hash
We all do. It's human nature. Anyone who says they didn't is a liar or don't know they were in a phase.
Phase to me sounds similar to fad in that something you were really into then you went to something else
Middle school: "Hood dude" who read books. Wore long white tees, mecca jeans, throw back jerseys and jordans, airforce ones and tims. Typical NY street wear back then.

High school: Uber-nerd/varsity athlete. Rocked a lot of sweaters, khakis and polos.
College: Perfect balance of a social life and getting my work done. Best years of my life imo. Oh I also went through a pseudo hipster rapper phase, made terrible music in college.

Post college + Grad school: Same dude I was in college pretty much, started rocking skinny jeans and trenchcoats. Very busy time, got a masters, had a full-time job for a year, and did some research.
Medical school: Overworked, constantly anxious, antisocial gunner. Trying to reinvent my style, thinking fitted suits.

As far as music goes I've always been into everything for as long as I can remember. I was big on Korn in middle school
. As time progressed I listened to less and less rap to make way for more metal/blues/jazz and dubstep. Some artists like Nas have stood the test of time.
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

We all do. It's human nature. Anyone who says they didn't is a liar or don't know they were in a phase.

But I didn't tho.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

High school: Uber-nerd/varsity athlete. Rocked a lot of sweaters, khakis and polos hoodies, basketball shorts and slides

Yeah I'm doing this too.
Sixth grade I listened to Slipknot and Korn, freshman year of high school I got my Ninjahood on chillen with G-Unit spinnas around da neck, and right now I'm currently mad spiritual.
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Sixth grade I listened to Slipknot and Korn, freshman year of high school I got my Ninjahood on chillen with G-Unit spinnas around da neck, and right now I'm currently mad spiritual.

I think everyone listened to slipknot and korn in 6th grade.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by INS

My snow bunny phase.

Why the

That's not a phase for me... that's my life. How I love them...

haha Scshift put me on to some 18 year old snow bunnies. @%%$ im only 21.
I used to sag my pants in junior high.
I wore these a couple times in HS with a matching LRG shirt.

I used to collect sneakers.
I used to browse the Jordan Forum.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Sixth grade I listened to Slipknot and Korn, freshman year of high school I got my Ninjahood on chillen with G-Unit spinnas around da neck, and right now I'm currently mad spiritual.

I think everyone listened to slipknot and korn in 6th grade.

guilty. I used to rock the uber wide jeans with the big $%+ chain hanging. My Metallica shirt collection was on point. Glad I dropped that phase quick in HS. Even when I was in a band as I got older I didn't dress like that
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