Did your father teach you to be a womanizer or a monogamist?

Which one are you?

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Aug 14, 2012
Sooo the old saying that "the apple doesn't fall from the tree" is what I'm implying here.
Growing up and seeing your dad, whether he was single, divorced, or married.
Did you pick up on his ways?
What were his ways?
Yep. Taught me to never rely on a woman to be happy, if I cant do it myself she can't do it for me.

Never settle until you've truly found the one and when you think you've found the one watch how she treats people to understand if she'll do that 180 flip in personality when you decide to commit.

The signs are always there, don't let infatuation blind you to them. Crazy is never worth it.

Never trust a women claiming to be on BC. Wrap up ya willy and dispose of the jimmy yourself.

Marry a women financially independent, you don't want to have to carry your partner financially in today's world.

Don't let bad relationships beat you down, treat them as a lesson and keep moving forward.

Pretty much it. Grew up without my mom so these lessons are easy, a lil too easy tbh. Very easy for me to say FDB and completely ghost women.

#MakeGeneralGreatAgain, this topic is going for at least 5 GJ OP.
My parents are divorced now (his fault entirely) and it's his abusive, lying, cheating ways that caused it. Plus, he hardly worked. No surprise.

He's still out there playing woman and doing the same except the abusive part. It's funny to see him operate and yet the older ladies STILL fall for the same tricks/bs that they did as teens. One piece of advice I do follow is "always have the 2nd candle lit before the first one blows out". I didn't follow his lead as a womanizer, I just make sure to stay in control.
I'm fortunate. Mt parents have been married for over 40 years. All I've seen is a stable, loving home. They've had their issues but they work it out. My dad never taught me an misogynistic or womanizing ways. He did tell me he used to get around when he was younger but that's about it. No more detail than that.
My mom was the crazy one, my pops wanted to make sure I never fell for the same mistake.

And enjoy my youth while it lasted. He didn't settle down till he was like 30, definitely a smart move. Too many yambs out here in your 20's to lock yourself down.

Most of my boys having kids... I just turned 23 so that's still wild to me. I got 5-7 years of tomfoolery left in me.
Dad told me to have fun but stay honest. So when I'm single, I tell girls I don't want to be in a relationship and if they're against that, I respectfully honor that and part ways or stay friends. I only pursue women that are cool with fooling around.

Now I'm in a relationship though so I honor it.
My parents have been divorced my entire life. My dad gave me the game and told me I'll know when its time but all my life I have seen him alone and independent. He always kept a girlfriend and was never on no womanizer, liar etc type tip. As much as I want to say I'm not like him but I am. I just got out of relationship on Friday and whenever we would argue I would always tell myself I'm better off alone. At times I feel like I'm cursed because all my boys are in long term relationships about to get married and here I am, content with being alone. I'll get close to a female but never too close. My last relationship was my longest (18months) Usually i try to keep it strictly on a level of fooling around
My parents have been divorced my entire life. My dad gave me the game and told me I'll know when its time but all my life I have seen him alone and independent. He always kept a girlfriend and was never on no womanizer, liar etc type tip. As much as I want to say I'm not like him but I am. I just got out of relationship on Friday and whenever we would argue I would always tell myself I'm better off alone. At times I feel like I'm cursed because all my boys are in long term relationships about to get married and here I am, content with being alone. I'll get close to a female but never too close. My last relationship was my longest (18months) Usually i try to keep it strictly on a level of fooling around

Relate to this in more ways than you can imagine.

My dad has ALWAYS held us down on his own and never let the women that slipped into his life affect us in any way. Seeing him like that is one of the reasons why I have so much respect for my dad but on the opposite end of that it's kinda killed my ability to tolerate BS in relationships for the exact reason you stated...

I've seen my dad boss up on his own w/o any need of a woman so I don't really feel like I need a woman at my side at all. All but a few of my friends were raised by their moms instead so it's hard to describe the inverse to people.
yuh my pops is a good husband to my mom.
goes out of his way a lot to make my mom happy but isn't ever hesitant to put his foot down and be man
parents still together and happy

now im older i see how this has def shaped me

for the good
I live with my pops in Africa , my parents still married tho.

My old man is 62 but still out gettin his. As a man, I understand and can't blame him. I don't give a damn and I would never bring it up to mom's.

As long as dude ain't tryna marry a 2nd wife, were good. (African and Muslim so it happens a lot)

Only get jelly when he brings a young ting home, that looks better than what I brought in.
Pops taught me to respect women, regardless of what they do or have done to you

He taught me to keep your cool, stay smoove, dont bad mouth/disrespect by any means

Parents divorced for my whole life, never talked bad about moms

Im still learning but i keep what he has taught me in my head, not saying i listen but it helps in certain situations

Biggest thing is enjoy your youth, wrap it up, dont have all your eggs in one basket

I do like that candle lit line posted above..
Saw my pops do dirt many many times and at the time I couldn’t understand why he would hurt my moms like that. But now that I’m a man i understand. Not that it was right bc it def wasn’t. He did what he saw growing up, his pops cheated and left my grandmothers(who had 10 kids by this man) to start a family literally down the street. My dad was sloppy but I wont judge him bc that man did everything else right. Proud to call him my pops. Moms knew of these acts too but she stay. Hell she stayed during his 8 year stretch. Marriage is a complex thing man. People truely think it’s easy. Every marriage has had major trails.
My Pops has two divorces and a long relationship failure after those under his belt. He gave me some good game, but looking back, I don’t know if it’s healthy to think the way I did growing up.

I specifically remember a waitress sliding me her number while out at lunch once and I told her I had a gf. He looked disappointed and said don’t ever turn down a number. I was 19 at the time. He would clown me if I showed feelings for a woman when I was younger.

Not sure what he thought he was doing. Did he want me to be a player? If so, why? My uncles (his brothers) were the same. So were my uncles on my mom’s side. I never saw a healthy relationship growing up.
He taught me the only behavior I should have of his is his work ethic. Everybody thought I'd be like him but that's the only way I'm similar. Bruh got like 8 other kids smh
My Pops has two divorces and a long relationship failure after those under his belt. He gave me some good game, but looking back, I don’t know if it’s healthy to think the way I did growing up.

I specifically remember a waitress sliding me her number while out at lunch once and I told her I had a gf. He looked disappointed and said don’t ever turn down a number. I was 19 at the time. He would clown me if I showed feelings for a woman when I was younger.

Not sure what he thought he was doing. Did he want me to be a player? If so, why? My uncles (his brothers) were the same. So were my uncles on my mom’s side. I never saw a healthy relationship growing up.
It’s cold man...our parents were hit hard by that 70 and 80’s era. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one either. My lady thinks her parents have one. But I watch how her pops moves. My lady so naive.

On another note...I know you got daughters, so do I. What game are you gonna pass? Or what image do you want them to see?
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